All've probably already memorized: cholesterol is "bad" and "good." But recently the medical world is suddenly talking about a new type of cholesterol - "very bad" cholesterol. Chinese scientists have discovered a new type of highly dangerous cholesterol - oksiholesterin. According to them, it provokes the development of fried foods and processed intermediates. Chinese researchers say that the production oksiholesterina in the body begins at the time of the reaction between oxygen and fats of animal origin and saturated fatty acids. These compounds are obtained in abundance, where people often consume fried fatty meat, smoked meat and foods rich in so-called short carbohydrates (flour). In clinical studies, Chinese experts have determined that the active consumption of "harmful" foods in the body leads to the production of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol, but after reaching a certain point the body begins to produce oksiholesterin (generation of LDL-cholesterol while increasing on average by quarter) . Today it is known that oksiholesterin is extremely dangerous for human body because it most quickly lead to clogging of the arteries and blood clots in blood vessels and heart muscle.
The Knight- Discussion of this topic provoked scholars from Hong Kong, which had a very serious study of Lp (a)-cholesterol (oxidized cholesterol or oksiholesterina) and proved that the plaques in blood vessels arise from it much faster and there are more. The report of this they have done in Washington at the annual congress of the American Chemical Society - Alexander Miller, a dietitian. - Speech on the health topic among chemists hardly accidental, it's kind of entry "side." Physicians for many years focused on the issue of ordinary cholesterol is not actively studying its oxidized form, although the suspicion of its special dangers were "very bad cholesterol" before. It is appropriate to recall the history of trans fats. This specially processed liquid vegetable oils that are solid. Most of them were in margarines and cooking vegetable fats, which food industry added to breads, confectionaries, semi-finished products, ice cream, but almost all products where fats are used - not to apply the same for this precious butter. Learn about their presence in the product can be "password" - "partially hydrogenated oil": they all contain a decent dose of trans fat. For decades, they ignored the injury and the doctors even recommended their rich margarines as useful products. But when, by 1997, to form a "critical mass" of the negative and downplay the problem was simply indecent, all rushed together to criticize the trans fats. Now in the West, they are effectively abandoned. In Russia the situation worse, but the scale of their use still declined slightly. Oksiholesterin like trans fats for another reason: both substances are key components of the food industry. They make a product a nice view and a pleasant texture. Abandon them - it means incurring huge financial losses. The story of the oksiholesterinom reminiscent recent history with the ban be diluted with water, dry milk, and sell under the guise of this. When the milk is dried into a powder, it produces a lot of oksiholesterina. Unfortunately, milk powder pressed only in part - from it you can do all the other dairy products. At the last moment, the amendment still pushed through in the milk regulations. Dried egg powder, in contrast to whole eggs, too, is rich in oxidized cholesterol. And it also adds a lot of products. For example, if you buy a pancake flour, then there will only egg powder. Home kitchen, too, can easily oxidize cholesterol. This happens with meat and poultry, if they cook at high temperatures - fried, baked, grilled or make charcoal. But the same meat and poultry, cooked, stewed, steamed, oksiholesterina hardly contain. By the way, the oxidation process can slow down, if we add during cooking antioxidants - herbs, spices, sauces based on red wine and beer. Richly flavored of meat and poultry, cook for them based marinades.Act itself!- Expulsion oksiholesterina of the food industry will take a long time, - says Alexander Miller. - First, dirt will accumulate in animal studies. Like the one that had scientists from Hong Kong. Then, according to modern canons of evidence-based medicine, we need more extensive monitoring of tens of thousands of people to compare the incidence among consuming oksiholesterin in different quantities. All about everything will take 15-20 years. And then all will be, as with trans fats. But no one is stopping you now drive themselves to the risk of your kitchen. And the sooner the better. There is every reason to believe that this substance has a systemic adverse effect, disrupt the cell membranes, enzymes, genetic apparatus. This means that leads to the mass of different diseases. And another important point. The drugs used to lower cholesterol, most likely, are useless against oksiholesterina. They affect the enzymes in the liver, reducing the synthesis of the ordinary, normal cholesterol and cholesterol that - crazy. Downgrade it helps products, antioxidants - fruits, vegetables, nuts, tea, red wine and foods, prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. The conclusion from all this is simple: now to avoid the accumulation of oksiholesterinza can only be due to regular consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, such as fresh fruit or vegetables and, therefore, meat and poultry is always better to eat with vegetables and salads, for example, than with potatoes or pasta.
The Knight- Discussion of this topic provoked scholars from Hong Kong, which had a very serious study of Lp (a)-cholesterol (oxidized cholesterol or oksiholesterina) and proved that the plaques in blood vessels arise from it much faster and there are more. The report of this they have done in Washington at the annual congress of the American Chemical Society - Alexander Miller, a dietitian. - Speech on the health topic among chemists hardly accidental, it's kind of entry "side." Physicians for many years focused on the issue of ordinary cholesterol is not actively studying its oxidized form, although the suspicion of its special dangers were "very bad cholesterol" before. It is appropriate to recall the history of trans fats. This specially processed liquid vegetable oils that are solid. Most of them were in margarines and cooking vegetable fats, which food industry added to breads, confectionaries, semi-finished products, ice cream, but almost all products where fats are used - not to apply the same for this precious butter. Learn about their presence in the product can be "password" - "partially hydrogenated oil": they all contain a decent dose of trans fat. For decades, they ignored the injury and the doctors even recommended their rich margarines as useful products. But when, by 1997, to form a "critical mass" of the negative and downplay the problem was simply indecent, all rushed together to criticize the trans fats. Now in the West, they are effectively abandoned. In Russia the situation worse, but the scale of their use still declined slightly. Oksiholesterin like trans fats for another reason: both substances are key components of the food industry. They make a product a nice view and a pleasant texture. Abandon them - it means incurring huge financial losses. The story of the oksiholesterinom reminiscent recent history with the ban be diluted with water, dry milk, and sell under the guise of this. When the milk is dried into a powder, it produces a lot of oksiholesterina. Unfortunately, milk powder pressed only in part - from it you can do all the other dairy products. At the last moment, the amendment still pushed through in the milk regulations. Dried egg powder, in contrast to whole eggs, too, is rich in oxidized cholesterol. And it also adds a lot of products. For example, if you buy a pancake flour, then there will only egg powder. Home kitchen, too, can easily oxidize cholesterol. This happens with meat and poultry, if they cook at high temperatures - fried, baked, grilled or make charcoal. But the same meat and poultry, cooked, stewed, steamed, oksiholesterina hardly contain. By the way, the oxidation process can slow down, if we add during cooking antioxidants - herbs, spices, sauces based on red wine and beer. Richly flavored of meat and poultry, cook for them based marinades.Act itself!- Expulsion oksiholesterina of the food industry will take a long time, - says Alexander Miller. - First, dirt will accumulate in animal studies. Like the one that had scientists from Hong Kong. Then, according to modern canons of evidence-based medicine, we need more extensive monitoring of tens of thousands of people to compare the incidence among consuming oksiholesterin in different quantities. All about everything will take 15-20 years. And then all will be, as with trans fats. But no one is stopping you now drive themselves to the risk of your kitchen. And the sooner the better. There is every reason to believe that this substance has a systemic adverse effect, disrupt the cell membranes, enzymes, genetic apparatus. This means that leads to the mass of different diseases. And another important point. The drugs used to lower cholesterol, most likely, are useless against oksiholesterina. They affect the enzymes in the liver, reducing the synthesis of the ordinary, normal cholesterol and cholesterol that - crazy. Downgrade it helps products, antioxidants - fruits, vegetables, nuts, tea, red wine and foods, prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. The conclusion from all this is simple: now to avoid the accumulation of oksiholesterinza can only be due to regular consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, such as fresh fruit or vegetables and, therefore, meat and poultry is always better to eat with vegetables and salads, for example, than with potatoes or pasta.
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