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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Useful Plants

People from ancient times to decorate their home plants. And if the past people just intuitively understood that the proximity to the greens - it's good, but now scientific studies have proven - houseplants really help to improve human life. After all your favorites in pots and tubs not only delight the eye with rich green, but heals the indoor climate.

First, the plants produce oxygen and, hence, absorb carbon dioxide. Just the green room clears the air of germs and dust. In addition, many plants are able to improve the wellbeing of their owners and to stimulate their immune system, due to essential oils that they produce. And plants moisturize excessively dry air, moisture evaporates from their leaves. In general, continuous use with minimal care - watering, rubbing, and in time turn over.
Let's talk about some common houseplants that have extraordinary revitalizing effect.
Normal geranium, it turns out, can be your personal counselor. Its specific aroma helps with diseases of the nervous system. Thanks geraniol - the main active component of geranium, it helps with insomnia and neuroses, as well as combat stress. In addition, the geranium has an antiseptic effect, so that the mashed leaf geraniums, pinned to the nose, works better than garlic during the flu epidemic.
Another all known plant-doctor is aloe, or agave. Aloe heals wounds and burns, as well as help from the inflammation and improves the appetite, increasing the secretion of digestive glands. Typically, before applying the aloe juice inside is mixed with honey in equal proportions and taken third teaspoon of this mixture 3 times a day for half an hour before eating, drinking warm milk. Outside the same injury simply smeared aloe.
Peppermint, grown in a pot - to share with your house smell of his noble, who, incidentally, is also very useful. The smell of mint calms the nervous system, helps relieve irritation and fatigue. In addition, this magical fragrance helps to concentrate, and so those who work a lot on the computer, a pot of mint in the workplace is a must.
Lemon in a pot - is not only a source of acid fruits, but also a wonderful ozdorovitel premises. Lemon leaves emit eighty-five various nutrients. In the room where the lemons, the air is almost sterile, because they are deprived of the ability of bacteria to multiply.
Very useful for improvement of the atmosphere in the premises of Chlorophytum. He is able to clean the air of toxic compounds, nitrogen, sulfur, phenol and formaldehyde, so it is especially useful for Chlorophytum kitchens with gas stoves in the apartments with new furniture.
And this is not an exhaustive list of useful houseplants.

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