Causes of dark circles, bruises under her eyes
* The main reason - violation of the lymphatic and venous outflow.
* Excess pigmentation in diseases of internal organs: liver, heart, kidneys, the presence of worms, etc.
* The anatomical structure of the eye socket - genetically, heredity. Most eye-socket - is an individual anatomical features of the skull. In cosmetologists also have some hollow eyes - effect of sunken eyes.
* Fatigue, sleep deprivation, zaplakannost, stress.
* Chronic poisoning of the body, such as nicotine in smoking, immoderate, because while smoking narrowed blood vessels, and skin poorly enriched with oxygen, in this regard and formed its bluish color.
* Endocrine diseases - lack of thyroid function: hypothyroidism, or myxedema.
* Improper diet, diet, vitamin deficiency: C, K, A.
* Tired eyes on the computer monitor.
* Allergies to certain foods or other substances, such as: pet hair, poplar fluff, dust and pollen. The skin around the eyes may become more pigmented, often when a person rubs and scratches the skin around the eyes.
* Photo-aging - age. The older people, the thinner becomes the fat layer of the eye that leads to the lumen of blood vessels. Eyes sink, and dark circles - it's just a shadow behind the depth of the skin. Dry skin around the eyes makes them tired, swollen.
* Swelling of the century - this is due to expansion and pouring the blood of the blood vessels, due to the infringement of an exchange of fluid in the body.
* The natural shade, with deep-set eyes.
Treatment and removal of a black eye
Modern Beauty can significantly improve the appearance of skin around the eyes.
Some treatments of beauty salons and clinics to treat and eliminate a black eye:
* Radical methods - filling cavities podglaznoy Restylane or own adipose tissue (ie Lipofilling). Fat is taken away from the thighs and injected into the region of dark circles. Lipofilling has the effect of lifting the skin, while at the same time fills the hollows under the eyes. Unfortunately by the time depression appears again, and then the procedure should be repeated.
* "Microcurrent therapy - lymph drainage, venous outflow, reducing hyperpigmentation, etc., that good help from bruises under his eyes. Can be purchased at home using the device Pharma-momentum of the infimum and apparatus «Rugalift Fatrotek».
* Mesotherapy - the procedure is expensive and very painful after the procedure are bruising and sprockets. It happens that after a full course of the effect of the special is not noticeable.
* Electrical stimulation - treatment of lymphatic drainage by special physiotherapy.
* Laser - an effective means of lightening bruises under his eyes, when other methods do not help.
* Massage your face and neck - improves venous and lymph flow, relieves swelling and swelling of the veins, which appear through the eyes.
Treating bruises under his eyes - a difficult task, and even plastic surgery does not always give a good result.
Remove dark circles under the eyes for 1-2 procedures - is unrealistic, you need a full course of treatment. The combination of domestic regulations with a beauty salon give good results.
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