So called small, but thickish blintsy of sour dough that are fried in butter. But since this purely outward sign did not say anything about the composition of oladiynogo test nor the salient features of its preparation, nor the consistency, the concept of "cakes" for three centuries invested extremely diverse content. Because of sour dough grilled in butter and pancakes, and pancakes and crumpets, and tuposki (in the North, the Urals and Siberia).
The boundary separating the fritters from the listed products from liquid dough, nothing specific has not been marked. In addition, we baked muffins and from nedrozhzhevyh kinds of dough and the masses - potato pancakes, muffins millet, semolina cakes, so that very often the word pancake is understood only some form of product, not its composition and technology of its preparation.
However, in the XIX century. pancakes are more often refer to such blinopodobnye products, which were thick like a cake, but in the middle had the stuffing (usually a layer of applesauce, jam or marmalade), and who served with hot sweet dish. But this interpretation of the pancakes was not widely used outside the two capitals. Mainly because cakes understood only in St. Petersburg. In Moscow kitchen of the second half of XIX century. a pancake understand small, thick, palm-size blintsy, which could fit a few in a skillet (as opposed to pancakes!) and who had strongly pastry, with plenty of eggs and milk, although cooked pancakes and water.
In general, currently under the pancakes should be understood such products from wheat flour or a combination of flour with oat, pea, buckwheat, potato, which, being involved in water or milk, with lots of yeast, make the batter, the consistency of thick pancake but who undertake easily with a spoon, which give the approach twice, eggs and butter flavoring to enhance its richness. Small portions of the flowing dough fried in a layer of oil. Pancakes thicker pancakes, but thinner than the donuts.
Pancakes - extremely precocious, they are quickly fried, and this is their characteristic feature of their difference from the donuts, requiring much more time on each piece. Because of its richness pancakes are receptive abundant sdabrivanie after its readiness - sour cream, jam, honey, jam, etc.
The thickness of the pancakes ready-made - no more than 5-6 millimeters. Consistency must be gentle, only slightly thicker pancakes.
Pancakes - it's always quick, tasty and very beautiful. This dish helps out at any time - quick kneading the dough can be prepared as an appetizer, for example, if the file fritters with garlic sauce and a main dish, if you bake them later with meat in tomato sauce and, of course, dessert - by filing them with the sour cream, sugar and fresh fruit. After all, pancakes - it is nothing more than a cake, baked in bread, sour, or yeast dough.
In Russian dictionary contains words associated with pancakes.
* Oladyshnik - amateur fritters.
* Oladnitsa - frying pan, Latka, on the way they bake cakes.
* "Little woman in the house - oladyshek in honey."
* "Where is pancakes, here, okay, where pancakes, here we are!"
Of course, who wants to opt out of these rosy with the heat-heat oladushek? The main rule of cooking pancakes - the right recipe for dough, butter and a good frying pan. Frying pan fits cast iron. The oil must be heated very strongly, then quickly fry pancakes will be rosy and delicious. To remove excess fat from the muffin man, before eating place them on a towel and let the fat drain off.
Folk superstition about the dreams of pancakes. Did you know that:
* Cook pancakes in a dream means that you have to be particularly thrift and frugality;
* If the pancakes in a dream you have burnt - is a success and fun;
* Fried fritters with onions means that you specify;
* Is a dream pancakes with butter - the mountain you will pass the party with sour cream - to success in business, with jam - to acquire new friends;
* Dream drink milk fritters - to bowel disorders;
* Treat pancakes that praising and devours with a good appetite - early success in any business, whatever you may have taken;
* If on your pancakes flatly refused, even though they do almost no fuss forced into his mouth - hence, waking well get rid of big trouble;
* Is a pancake with greed, choking, - of being undeserved censure.
But, let's finish to remember dreams, but rather go into the kitchen and prepare our favorite delicious dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
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