The human environment - the notion of anthropocentric, indicating that we are talking about the human condition or the population, taking into account regional characteristics.
History of nature is inextricably linked with the history of people who have created "second nature" - an artificial environment, which, together with the natural forms an integrated environment. Subject - object relations (the human world - the world of nature) has led to the interaction of man and society with the natural environment, the solution of which depends on the preservation of life on Earth. One decent way to solve this problem, in my opinion, is ecotourism.
Inseparable from ecotourism environmental education. Discovering Nature, tourists imbued with the necessity of careful attitude to it. The contribution of ecotourism in the formation of ecological culture is truly invaluable. In addition, due to a smaller volume of the necessary tourism infrastructure (hotels, restaurants and entertainment facilities) at the rate per person and per dollar of profit, this tourism is characterized by less resource-intensive. Hence, it is not only useful but also profitable.Distribution of ecotourism
The geography of eco-tourism specific. If the main international flows of traditional tourists sent from developed countries to developed countries, and among the leaders of the host countries, France, USA, Spain, Italy, the ecotourists are sent mainly from developed to developing countries. The latter are mostly in the tropics, whose nature is exotic and attractive for the inhabitants of temperate latitudes. Here, among the leaders - Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Nepal, as well as Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
In the developed countries of Europe and America are very often travel ecotourists and their country. Ecotourism overcrowded national parks of the United States, and visiting some parks even have to order in advance. Fragile ecological balance in the "wild" areas can not withstand the increasing loads. There is a need to create new recreational areas.
Ecotourists seek a place with untouched nature, but those on our planet is running out, and many have to settle for kvaziprirodoy (like nature) of the secondary, has already significantly altered by human activity landscapes. Leaving on a picnic in the nearby forest, you will likely find yourself in just such landscapes.That accompanies the display of the alliance - the ecology and tourism?
In the literature there are several terms related to ecotourism.
Target of its own eco-tourism (ecotourism) may be both natural and cultural attractions, natural, natural and man-made landscapes, where traditional culture is one with the environment.
Bioturizm (wildlife tourism) - Tourism, whose objects are all manifestations of nature, whether certain types or biocenoses.
Nature tourism (nature tourism) - tourism, which is the subject of any nature, as the living and nonliving (eg, caves, mountains, ponds, etc.). Nature tourism includes bioturizm as one of the thematic areas.
World Tourism Organization uses the term adventure tourism (adventure tourism) as a broader concept that includes eco-tourism. However, eco-tourism, though, and has an adventure element that does not always mean adventure in its purest form. Therefore, we assume that the concept of "adventure tourism" and "ecotourism" great deal of overlap, but the first does not absorb the second.
There is a growing agri-tourism, or Agroecotourism (agroeco-tourism). This tourism in rural areas, where tourists during their holidays are rural lifestyle on the farms and hamlets. The development of this form of tourism is most urgent for the countries of Western Europe (and to some extent the U.S.) with a small percentage of natural landscapes and a high level of agricultural uses.
Broadly everyday life are also synonymous terms of stability or support, tourism (sustainable tourism), and "green" tourism (green tourism). They involve tourism using technologies that have minimal impact on the environment. But not all sustainable tourism can be regarded as ecological as well as environmentally-friendly technologies can be used in the organization of beach tourism and hospitality business in major cities, and even air travel.A variety of ecotourism in terms of content
The predominance of one or another purpose of the trip (to relax and get a certain amount of knowledge) can provide scientific, educational and recreational forms of ecotourism.
Purely scientific ecotourism occupied a relatively small proportion of tourists. However, this species is a source of information about remote and poorly known areas, necessary for both science and literacy for development planning of the eco-tourism. Recently, scientific field studies, low-skilled, increasingly began to be used help ordinary tourist volunteers. Many of them are happy to combine outdoor recreation with such exotic pursuits as collecting the eggs of rare species of turtles anywhere in Costa Rica or the registration number of ungulates in the reserves of Russia.
Almost every ekoputeshestvie pursuing practical objectives. Cognitive objects, as well as scientific, eco-tourism are some most interesting from the standpoint of observing species, the so-called star species, such as elephants, lions and other large species of predators and their prey in eastern Africa and Asia. Before the war in Rwanda among foreign tourists was very popular specially created a sanctuary for gorillas.
Ecotourists are often attracted by the special attractions of inanimate nature, geomorphological, hydrological and other objects (mountains and canyons, caves, lakes and rivers). Here, in addition to cognitive, implemented a recreational element of ecotourism, which includes sports tourism, mountaineering, skiing, horseback riding, water, hiking and other active and passive recreation.
The objects of ecotourism can be exotic plant communities, or biocenoses, for example, tropical forests, flowering summer tundra and desert spring. But more tourists are attracted by the unique landscapes in general. Finally, the popular types of ecotourists are (in descending order), hiking, birding (birdwatching), film and photography, ekosafari, living in tent camps, visits to mountains and mountaineering, fishing, boating (kayaks, canoes and rafts) , botanical tours, archaeological and paleontological tourism, Caving, observation of exotic butterflies.Ecotourism development in Russia and the Siberian region in particular
Subject to the competent development of ecotourism can play a role in the resolution of contemporary social and ecological crisis. It promotes the protection of nature and traditional cultures. Increasing demand in the sector of tourism leads to the creation of new protected areas, primarily national and natural parks. Eco-tourism brings substantial revenue to the state budget.
This is especially true in developing countries. For a weak economy several billion dollars that brings eco-tourism in the coffers of all developing countries - a lot of money. But does Russia has the right to ignore this source of revenue to the state treasury?
Situation of ecotourism in our country need to step up. But today, travel companies and travel agencies are promoting is not ecotourism. You may object: a Baikal, and Balaam? Rush from one extreme to another - usually without the benefit of all participants in any experiment. One must be cautious. It is necessary to study the principles of the impact of tourism and ecotourism, in particular, on the environment of Russian regions. One such principle, I would have formulated this way: "Rest and protect nature, does not break its laws." In many areas eco-tourism could become the industry specialization, introducing a competitive alternative to the destructive nature of economic activity.
Our country has vast areas of untouched nature. Unfortunately, until recently the development of ecotourism in Russia proceeded mainly on an amateur level. Now we see a trend in the development of this sector of the tourism industry. Ecotourism help preserve the natural beauty of the unique areas of Siberia. And in this case is very important not to miss.
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