What is important is where and how you will plant, and which at the same time get a harvest. We derive a lot of resistant varieties that can grow in any conditions. Poor soil and garden problems are no longer obstacles to grow into a fine rose garden. But still there are necessary conditions that must be kept to a rose garden was good.
One of the first condition is the correct purchase seedlings. Seedlings should be no more than two years, and they must be grown in field conditions. It should be unblown roses. If seedlings are growing, thick stems should be cut to the top of the plants was 0.6 cm in diameter.
Roses need a free planting in the ground. To begin dig a hole width 25 - 35 cm (if a little bush). The depth should be such that the roots lay down quietly and were not clenched. At the base of pits is necessary to put the stones and pebbles. This will improve the capacity of water to the roots of roses.
Once you have laid the stones, add a tablespoon of fertilizer over the stones. Top of the mound lay fertile ground to the required height. In the mound of soil make a small hole, and healthy seedlings are planted in them. You should make sure that the roots easily accommodate, and then close the roots of the earth, compacted and leveled it.
Rose bushes should be regularly fertilize - this will ensure their healthy growth. For the first time to fertilize roses in early spring, before the roses begin to bloom. A second supply of fertilizers needs to be done after blooming roses. Third time to fertilize shrubs in late summer. If you do everything by the rules, the roses will bloom into November. In November, fertilize shrubs in the fourth.
Autumn roses planted 2-3 weeks before frost. However, planted seedlings need very quickly so the roots have not had time to dry.
When planting roses to dig a hole 40 centimeters in diameter and 50-70 cm depth. Quality Rose plants should have a well-branched roots with many fine roots and at least three strongly developed undamaged shoots. Distance between plants should be from 50 inches, depending on the variety (remontant roses - 40 × 70 cm, hybrid tea - 40 × 60 cm; poliantovye roses and floribunda - 30 × 50 cm, climbing roses 50 × 100 cm).
For a period of sustained cold weather plants rose to close lapnikom and fill with peat, and on top - the snow. You can use a special coating of foam or other material that protects plants from frost.What are the roses?
Remontant roses - a large-roses that are pink or red, rarely white, and especially yellow, large flowers, dressing, with a strong, pleasant aroma. They have up to 10 centimeters in diameter and have 3-5 flowers on strong peduncles. They bloom from late June and again in autumn before frosts.
Hybrid tea rose characterized by rich colors, elegant forms of large flowers, usually double, single or in small inflorescences. Flowers (up to 12 centimeters in diameter) are renowned for the perfection of form. Buds oblong-pointed, with a nice unbent petals. Shrubs direct, sometimes spreading up to 80 inches tall.
Poliantovye roses - low-growing strongly branched plants up to 50 centimeters tall, with a compact upright shrub form. The flowers are small (up to 4 inches in diameter), mostly double, in large paniculate inflorescence. Bloom profusely and continuously. Have unusual resistance of flowers, they have not wilt and retain bright color. Autumn roses planted 2-3 weeks before frost.
Floribunda - these roses have a wide variety of colors and brightness are sometimes superior to hybrid tea. Flowers them are simple, semi-double and double deep. In form - from flat to goblet. Size they are smaller than hybrid tea, and gathered in clusters of various sizes. Bloom profusely and continuously until the autumn frosts. Possess good winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests.
Climbing roses - a rose with long, flexible, creeping or climbing shoots arch. The flowers are small (up to 3 inches in diameter), different double, in the majority of pink, red, white, gathered in large, more or less dense inflorescence. Bloom in June and July, once daily for 30-35 days.
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