It was long thought that periodontal disease, mostly in people, long live the north, due to lack of fresh fruits and vegetables. Recently, however, it became clear that the reason for its occurrence can be not only a lack of vitamins in the body, but also deposits of tartar, and the impact of removing teeth (when you remove decayed teeth remaining teeth are forced to work at chewing with explicit congestion).
Periodontitis - an inflammatory periodontal disease (together the tissues surrounding the tooth root), characterized by its destruction. In contrast to periodontal disease - disease noninflammatory nature and atroficheskoy.Parodontit may be accompanied by inflammation, ulcers and infected gums, periodontal ligaments and bone supporting the teeth. Relaxing these support structures, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss. A number of chronic diseases (diabetes, thyroid disease, etc.), some drugs, and tobacco increases the risk of periodontitis.
Periodontitis can develop either slowly for years without causing pain or other noticeable symptoms, or very quickly. If periodontitis is gradually resorbed bone lunochek, and the teeth become loose. This process can occur in one or more teeth. Onset is usually invisible. Sometimes a person feels a burning, itching, pulsation of the gums. Then begin to crop up necks of the teeth, sometimes slightly swollen gums. In advanced cases of gum disease begins, accompanied by the release of pus from the gingival margin, more exposed gums and loose teeth.Symptoms of periodontitis include:
* Bleeding gums when brushing teeth
* Painful and inflamed gums (red and swollen)
* Behind the gums from the teeth
* Stands out from the gums pus
* Moved or torn material teeth
* Changes in the arrangement of the teeth during chewing, or palpable bite
* A permanent bad taste and bad breath.
In the initial stages of the disease give a good effect of such traditional treatments as conservative therapy and physiotherapy. In acute disease the required dissection of the gums and oral administration of antibacterial drugs.
Along with traditional therapies, as well as to prevent periodontal disease suggest you take advantage of traditional medicine:
* Swab of cotton wool or bandage wet fir oil and applied to the inflamed gum for 10-20 minutes. When periodontitis 15-20 applications require the repetition rate at 6 months. With severe periodontitis, a third of the course is acceptable as 6 months.
* Rinse your mouth with aqueous alcohol (10-15% strength) propolis extract: 20 drops to 1 cup of water.
* Pour 1 teaspoon onion seeds 0.5 liters of hot water, brew, wrapped, overnight, drain. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day.
* To strengthen the teeth to drink fruit juice raw potato. After drinking potato juice always rinse your mouth with water, as a direct hit by potato juice on the tooth enamel breaks down it.
* Take 25 g of propolis, chop it up so that the pieces were no more than 0,4 mm, put in a bottle made of dark glass and pour 100 ml of alcohol and 150 ml of strong vodka and mix well until completely dissolved propolis, add 50 g of dry crushed leaves St. John's wort and push for 15 days, occasionally shaking the bottle. At the end of infusion filtered. To prepare the rinse to dissolve the finished tincture 20-30 drops in 0.5 cups of water. Rinse your mouth 4-5 times a day.
* To strengthen the gums rub them every day with a slice of garlic. Kyrs treatment - 2 weeks. If necessary, after 5 days of treatment can be repeated.
* To get rid of gum disease to rub the gums natural honey, mixed with salt: 20 g of honey to take 5-10 g of salt (better if the salt burning) and stir thoroughly until dissolved. Nubbin of a mixture of salt and honey to put in a cloth and rub their teeth.
* Mix 2 parts of oak bark powder and 1 part lime color, add 1 teaspoon of mixture and 1 cup of boiling water, heat to heat for 3 minutes, filter after cooling. Rinse your mouth with warm broth with bleeding gums.
* Stir in 5 tablespoons. tablespoons finely chopped pine needles (without stalks) 2 tbsp. spoon comminuted hips and 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion peel, pour a mixture of 1.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer 5 minutes ee. It is a daily norm. Decoction drunk in the form of heat, as a tea.
* Pour 1 tbsp. minced leaf nettle 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain. Take as a tincture of 0,5 cup 3 times daily after meals with bleeding gums.
Excellent tool to help prevent or halt the further development of periodontal disease and periodontitis - watercress. The plant is very rich in vitamin C. The recommended daily have young leaves of watercress. Take advantage of this during the upcoming summer season. Cress - one of the fastest-growing vegetable crops.
Seeds germinate at 3-day 5 after planting. And on the 7 th day after emergence it is possible to eat and of re several times. In addition, watercress can be grown without land directly on the sill. To do this, at half-liter glass jar to put on nylon stocking so that the toe of a stocking fell at the bottom of the jar. The free end of a stocking to tie the edge of the banks, the excess crop. On the paper roll in the seeds of cress. Jar to pour water and ride on the seeds. Seeds easily stick to the socks. Then put the jar in a bowl with water. Water, climbing up the stockings, will moisten the seeds. Fresh seeds germinate very quickly, and there can be from the first day, breaking off from the banks.
As one of the reasons for periodontitis and periodontitis - a lack of vitamins, particularly vitamin C is recommended in early spring to do this or chew and swallow the kidney, the young shoots and leaves of birch, pine needle, lime, nettle, goutweed, sorrel, and make salads of leaves dandelion, pre-soak them in salt water.Take also note: finger samomassazh
If bleeding gums and periodontitis useful starting daily during tooth brushing finger to do self-massage gums. Technique to perform simple and accessible to everyone, even children.
A small amount of toothpaste applied on the thumb and index finger. Massage starting from the center of the jaw, gradually moving the fingers in the hand. Their movements on the upper jaw - from the top down (from the gums to the teeth), and at the bottom - the bottom up. Massaging implement a circular motion.
Morning massage make clockwise, in the evening - in the opposite direction. Pressure on the mucosa should be painless, and the morning more profound than the evenings. Duration of self-massage gums for 5-7 minutes. Do it after brushing and mouthwash.Dental gymnastics
In order to strengthen loose teeth and get rid of gum disease, traditional medicine offers a special "tooth" gym, which consists of chewing up kistochkoobraznogo state branches of any tree, or a thin wooden sticks.
Gymnastics includes all three exercises.
* Nibble a twig from the top-down (the first time, very carefully). Perform 2-3 weeks.
* After 2-3 weeks to add this exercise: tightly clutching a sprig of front teeth, jaws move back and forth and side to side. Perform within 1 month.
* A month later, you can proceed to the third exercise: holding tight one end of the stalks by hand and the other - teeth, pulling a twig, trying to tear off a piece of it.
Each exercise must be performed several times a day. In carrying out these exercises, tighten the jaw muscles and create a flow of blood to the gums, teeth, salivary glands.
After the finger self-massage of gums should be within 2-3 minutes, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or the infusion of herbs oregano, thyme, eucalyptus, sage.
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