Materials and tools
For the manufacture of garden serving table will need the following materials:
wheels for trucks;
fasteners (metal furniture bath, self-tapping screws);
Plywood should be a minimum thickness of 10-15 mm. Depends on its quality appearance and cost of the final product. Choosing the wheel, keep in mind that the serving table on wheels designed for use on the garden paths and grounds without special coatings. Under such conditions, small-diameter wheels will be inconvenient, so stop your choice on the form with a diameter not less than 10 cm
Establishes four swivel wheels optional, garden table can do a pair of conventional front, and a pair of turning back. The use of at least one wheel with brake-stopper will provide table stability.
For cutting plywood and build a garden wagon needs a tool:
electric jigsaw;
The core drill bits;
You can do the usual jigsaw and a simple screwdriver. But to cut a thick plywood manually is difficult, and screws in fine veneers are "reluctant". It is therefore preferable to use an electric jigsaw and cordless drill / driver.Preparation of parts and assembling a garden wagon
To cut the necessary parts for a table, rather than half a sheet of plywood standard size 1525 × 1525 mm. The approximate scheme of sawing and size of each fragment are shown in Fig.
Holes-arm at the top of sidewalls cut through the drill core drill bits, with the final fine-tuning rasp.
Cut blanks if necessary polish with sandpaper, varnish or paint. The use of laminated plywood would eliminate the painting operation.
Mounting details with each other is carried out using metal furniture corner and the self-tapping screws.
Wheels are installed after assembly of all the other parts. Opted for orbital wheels, special attention should be paid to the fact that they were installed strictly in parallel, otherwise the table will slow down when driving or turn off the straight path. Turning wheels set so as to not interfere with hanging sides when turning. Brake-lock should slightly peek out from under the bottom shelf of a garden table, so it was convenient to push with your foot.
Simplified design waggon
If there is not a jigsaw, you can get a straight circular saw. In this case, the appearance of the sides a little bit worse than the expense of functionality.
In order to reduce labor costs by cutting out the holes, their arms can be round, or even instead install a pair of handles.
Good luck!
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