What should I look for when designing the location of the partitions? In residential areas should be aware of one condition: each room at least one window. On the other hand it should be remembered about one omission is not so long ago that construction, when living rooms were continuous. Therefore, we note many clear requirement: living rooms, especially rooms for sleeping, not to be continuous. But it is necessary to make a reservation, because his home for ourselves, we do not represent some kind of corridor, along which one door. None. This may be a comfortable home with a common living room, which, we believe, a very successful planning. Only here, at the design stage is necessary to consider one question: does life get a comfortable house? If there is an opportunity to build a house with lots of room - it was good. But, according to studies, not everyone is comfortable with, namely, in the sense of "at home", feels a multi-room house. There is a feeling of tightness. This council, therefore the decision to accept you.
Partitions should have the sound insulation qualities that you need. Rooms, rooms are designed for different purposes. Where it would be desirable to have a fully soundproofed and have the opportunity to invest in this facility. And somewhere in these investments is simply not justified. Therefore, we must decide: what is the weakening of the sound to be achieved without detriment to joists, or not to its detriment.
The most important criteria that have plagued throughout the building are: personal individuality, simplicity and ease of construction, low price but with appropriate quality. This does not shy away and erection of partition walls. Of course, they can not be compared with the main walls, but each step is inherent in its technology. Proceeding from the above, we choose the type that suits us:
* Gypsum;
* Plank;
* Monolithic solid;
* Brick;
* Sliding.
Each type is also divided into different designs. In each case, it is worth remembering about the basis, method of attachment, stiffness of the bulkhead.
An important condition dictates the fire safety for buildings with stove, panel heating. If the septum is made up of combustible materials, the distance from the chimney, heating stoves should be at least 40cm. Avoid unnecessary transmission is possible, making the barrier of noncombustible materials or publish these 40cm of brick.
Do not forget about the effect of moisture on the qualitative characteristics of the material. So, before you determine the type and materials of walls, it is necessary to answer the question: what kind of humidity will be in this room?
When construction is already thinking about the future. As far as easy, if necessary, repair, access to communications at home - electrical, plumbing, etc.? But if this wall will need to hang lights, painting, cabinet? Brick, of course, endure, and plasterboard? As a precaution, before anything can be taken into account.
There is another point that should not be called a requirement, but taking into account who themselves say "thanks". This applies to those who can not live long in the same layout. If your blood periodically to rebuild something, it makes sense to build legkorazbornye septum. Or, if you love me inside the house interior, the location of furniture, home appliances, it is convenient for a new version will be located outlets (electrical, computer, phone). If desired, this can be accounted for in the original draft of partitions.
Thus, general questions on the "wall of an apartment house, which we discussed:
* Cozy layout;
* Sound insulation;
* Select the type of construction;
* Fire safety;
* Humidity of the room;
* Access to communications;
* Possible load;
* The possibility of redevelopment.
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