Relax and quietly and happily do a simple parental work: enjoy every zhizneproyavleniyu Cub (from the first smile to the first fight, and other wonders of your own!), And the show - as it is - to live on Earth. But it was not there. Parents love their children! And they do not stop there. They always want to give Chadushkam something else.
And parents begin:
worry about the children's temperature,
quarrel over the choice of the best for the children of the gift
quarrel with parents of other children, if our one hit,
experience - as one comes home from school,
nervous - will pass a test, go there in a decent school,
quarrel is with the child if he "in his 15 still do not understand that daddy knows best what is correct,
angry when "we grow - to grow, and on-dunce, he decided to hitchhike across Europe, first drive, then go into the army, and then-do" ...
Then my parents, having gone through all the complexities of nurturing and education, give children marry or marry. And by paying for the best wedding annoying that the newlyweds are doing everything wrong.
"Do not take it to heart, pooret and cool" - mother says her daughter. "And it is not taken to heart??" - In tears, asked the young wife. "Are you daddy vybryki not taken to heart? I remember how you cried! "- She blurts out ...
Reply to this hot mom tirade may be different. From "Study on my mistakes" to "You are now easier, as the special literature. Weight options.
And the essence of the conversation - one. Daughter took advantage of one of the parents' gifts - a script of behavior in marital conflict. And got the same result as the mother in the past - the tears and hurt at her husband. And if you read between the lines, then the daughter says: "Parents, your gift to me is not needed! It does not help me to live! I want to get rid of it, but I do not know how! "
So it turns out that parents give to children are not machines, dolls, designers, flat keys, tours to the resorts and their scripts of behavior in various everyday situations, their lifestyles, their ways out of internal and external conflicts, their beliefs and disbelief.
For example, parents are able to "do not wash dirty linen in public, children also will be able to wear for years in his grievances, tears, not asking for help, waiting for a heart attack.
Or know how parents yelling at children fear for their own lives. Children will also be yelling at his, despite his childish fears-that do not like them, just yell.
Parents are able to fight and run on different corners, one at a time stress shoot, not sharing his feelings - make sure the children will also be able to reach a divorce and get lost in the love triangle of the same amazing way.
Because children tend to follow the example of those most important to them as people who gave them life.
So, Dear Parents !!!!!
Be Healthy! And the show - like this - take care of yourself so that Corvalol and his other friends stayed at the pharmacy!
Be successful! And show how it is - deal with the case of the soul, bringing fun and money!
Communicate with pleasure! Show - like this - friends, keeping its own interests and taking into account the interests of others.
Trust yourself and the world! Show-how, to hear your intuition and enjoy the most precious gift a parent - Life.
And as children learn to like it and give your grandchildren on the relay "scenario of happiness"!
With respect to parents and children, Irina Zhuravleva.
P.S. I guess that parents are not so easy to change their scripts. After all, they are also derived from expensive and important people:) So, to make it easier, I suggest that before you do something in life, practice asking yourself the question: "And if I want my child to do the same in a similar situation?" Or "In so doing, what I teach my child?".
P.P.S. And do not think that the children can hide something!
P.P.P.S. And lucky for us all parent-child relationships!
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