To begin, select a color, haze toning this advise you can not, because "every man to his own taste." I will give just a little advice. Do not take the cheap, it is very thin, often not included in the special knife and a plastic spatula. In addition, you will need to siphon, dishwashing liquid, dry cloth.
Proceed directly to the most toning car windows. Let's start with a simple side windows. They can not shoot. Dilute our solution of dishwashing liquid, above the liquid is not to overdo it, otherwise remain in divorce. For example two drops of faeries enough for the whole machine. My glass to the liquid and wipe dry. Produce desirable shading in a closed, warm room. Colorize course may be one, but with a partner will be much more convenient. Gat dubbing film and pretends to glass, cut off approximately a little over the path.
Podkovyrivaem corner of the film and divide it into two parts, in this case you need to spray liquid from the siphon into the dark part of the film, so it does not stick together. Apply to the glass, take a spatula and smoothing from the center in all directions, occasionally wiping cloth moisture. Most importantly push all the liquid out of toning. After that, carefully cut off the excess with a knife from a kit.
Once you have done the same thing with all the side windows will start to rear. Few people get a tint without removing it. So we'll pomuchatsya. On cars VAZ rear glass removed very easy. Cord is removed and the glass is squeezed out. Since a large tinted glass it will be in two passes. We define an imaginary line vertically or horizontally, the glass for two straight parts. Estimate the film and cut. We perform the same operation as with the side windows. The second piece of film to glue in the joint to another. In any case not Clate overlap and even more so do not leave a gap. Sticking the second half. Put the glass into place with nylon thread or other known method. Car toned.
I advise a special knife is no longer used for legitimate purposes, as it quickly blunts. A sharp knife is one of the key to success in this endeavor.
Good luck to all motorists!
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