No matter how arrogant we are not, we still make mistakes. Yes, yes, even professional racers to admit otherwise would not have been accidents and injuries in Formula 1, rally racing, and more. Any errors committed by mistake, some unknowingly. Some of them go unnoticed, while others cause accidents. Is it worth talking about courtesy and respect?Mistake number 1 - the neglect of the peculiarities turbocharged engines
Error is not critical, but annoying for the owner. Not all take into account the specifics of the turbine and make the car idle before and after the trip. For work, including the cooling turbine to oil, which is turning off the ignition ceases to circulate. Ignoring this reality will turn a turbine in a heap of scrap metal.Mistake number 2 - incorrect configuration of the side mirrors
Even if you do most of the time going forward, you will still be useful to know what's going on behind you. Especially useful to use them when you rebuild, although many believe that they can be reconstructed at any time convenient to them.
In any case, what is more important to see in the mirror, your car and the passenger behind or overtaking you car? Adjust the mirrors so you can see only the edge of car ownership and the "dead zone" will be minimal.Mistake number 3 - use the clutch instead of the brake
Take any car with manual transmission. Pedal to the left - it's grip. And this pedal is not so many tasks to be performed. Hold a car in a state of calm in these tasks are not included. However, some believe otherwise. The driver stopped on the side and playing clutch with the gas, so as not to slide back instead of just press the brake. If you need to explain why it's bad for the car, it is better to think of a car with automatic transmission.Mistake number 4 - "ride the brakes"
Let me explain what I mean. There are a moving car, and a rotation. It happens that in such "difficult" situation right foot off the gas is not removed, and the braking with the left foot or equipment "peregazovki" (in common parlance - the heel-toe). In sports, this technique is used to achieve optimal synchronization of rotation of the wheels and engine speed. But on public roads we have with you is not a sport, and to apply this method, you should be able. Because of this "ride the brakes" the motor, brake and transmission wear out faster, and brake lights annoy those who are behind.Mistake number 5 - improper rebuild
In fact, there are mandatory rules when changing lanes. But why do something about them is often overlooked. Remember the situation when the car crosses one corner, and even some of the lanes. But the rules have to be reconstructed, clearly observing the counting. Add to these maneuvers in the absence of warning signals, turn signals and get one of the most irritating phenomena on the road. Lord, how long have you seen the statistics for accidents in your city?Mistake number 6 - "ghost cars".
Headlights not only serves to make it easier to see, but also to warn others of your existence. Some forget to include "light" in the dark. No one should be surprised that someone "will touch this car."Mistake number 7 - the driving light
More experienced drivers know that in addition to low beam headlights, there is still distant. And since it is, it must be used. But, unfortunately, this item is described in the PDD, and blinded by oncoming car, if that "tell" as to why you are wrong. It also may include a misconfigured lights and low-quality xenon.Error number 8 - "snail" in the left lane
All choose for themselves the rate at which they describe as a comfortable and secure. But this does not mean that the rate of 60 km / h in the left lane on the Moscow Ring Road, for example, safely and comfortably for the rest.
If the flow velocity of 60 km / h in the left lane, you have no complaints. But, if before the "snail" no one, it is, to say the least "bad" in relation to other traffic participants. And roughly speaking - a violation of the law and rules of the road. The left lane is for overtaking, and it can not hold if the free right. In addition, to break the speed limit flow also against the rules. If so you're so excited to go 60 km / h, and the rear catches up "Mad Racer", let him come. Let it be for you to trap warning.Error number 9 - extra soundtrack
In a traffic jam is always a man whose nerves can not stand and it starts beeping. What he is guided and on which the result counts impossible to understand. Stand everything, not just the car in front of him.Error number 10 - the wrong landing
This bug is already directly to the driver. Who does not like to fall apart in the machine as "the king on the throne? One hand on the handlebars, the other in a window or hugs dear companion on a nearby seat.
Such planting is certainly avariynoopasna, because people do not have full control over the car. Why are professional racers hold the steering wheel with both hands?
If extended over the wheel of his hands touch it the wrist, then the distance is correct. Now check whether you can put a foot in front of the brake pedal so that the hips were not raised with the seats? In an extreme situation the right fit can save lives.
Dear drivers, respect other road users and do not forget about their own safety and security of people who are with you in the car.
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