If you follow some simple rules and take care of your carpet and carpet, they will long remain clean, bright and fresh.
Buy high-quality goodsThe appearance of your carpet a couple of years depends on what quality you select when purchasing. Do not chase cheapness . Nice carpet and provides comfort underfoot, and high wear resistance .Proper transportTo carpet retained its attractive appearance , it must be properly transported and, if necessary and store : just rolled up into a roll in the horizontal position.
Periodically permutationRearrange furniture need not to update the look of your room and in order to avoid dents and creases cloth. If relocation is not possible to do , then move the furniture a few inches to the side.
Buy high-quality goodsThe appearance of your carpet a couple of years depends on what quality you select when purchasing. Do not chase cheapness . Nice carpet and provides comfort underfoot, and high wear resistance .Proper transportTo carpet retained its attractive appearance , it must be properly transported and, if necessary and store : just rolled up into a roll in the horizontal position.
Periodically permutationRearrange furniture need not to update the look of your room and in order to avoid dents and creases cloth. If relocation is not possible to do , then move the furniture a few inches to the side.