Who is well-diagnoses - the good treats. Today, however, this Latin proverb should be clarified, as well diagnoses that a doctor whose patient has to observe certain rules of preparation for research. Otherwise, the findings may be unreliable.
How to prepare for the analysis of blood
Doctor in medieval times had to rely on their senses: touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell. To our happiness, modern doctors helps a lot more diagnostic tools, one of which certainly is a blood test.
All laboratory blood tests, regardless of whether the finger or take blood from a vein, give up on an empty stomach. The day before, starting with breakfast from your diet exclusively fatty, fried foods and alcohol. Dietary fats learned in blood, may change its biochemical characteristics. And that could complicate the diagnosis of diseases of internal organs. Remember that fats make the blood of a viscous, less fluid, so even if blood sampling from the finger can be difficult. Before a blood meal can take at least 8 hours. Juice, tea, coffee, especially with sugar - the same meal, so be patient.
That morning, when the scheduled blood test can not only eat and drink and smoke! Some doctors believe that even their teeth cleaned at the time desired. Common sense dictates that your teeth cleaned it was still possible, but short, so as not to cause an active salivation.
The results of laboratory diagnosis is also influenced by taking many medications. In this connection it should be possible to conduct studies to limit the unnecessary medication and consult your doctor. Also, blood can not be handed over after physical therapy, rectal exam, X-ray.
On some indices of blood may affect the previous exercise - brisk walking, running, climbing stairs. Therefore, to reduce the negative impact of these factors rest 10-15 minutes before the procedure in the waiting room and try to calm down. While waiting for their turn to diagnose diseases of internal organs do not have to shake with fear. Fear of the procedure may also affect some blood parameters. If you have to draw blood from a finger, better knead and rub your fingers to make them warm. Otherwise, the lab will torment you forced sucking blood, which does not want to flow from a cold finger.
How to prepare for the analysis of urine
Laboratory analysis of urine is a prerequisite for accurate diagnosis of diseases of internal organs. To collect urine for analysis of the most important condition - intimate hygiene compliance before filling the coveted vessel. Otherwise, the analysis will be polluted. Postponing day delivery urine test, if you are menstruating. If you are taking any medications, tell your doctor because some medications may affect the analysis. Restrictions in the diet is not, but do not lean on mineral water - it changes the reaction of urine.
How to prepare for U.S.
The third most common instrumental method of diagnosis - ultrasonography (USG) of the internal organs. The undoubted advantages of ultrasound is, above all, its safety for the patient. Proved that the body ultrasound has no significant harmful effects. Therefore, if the doctor needed to clarify the diagnosis, the procedure of ultrasound without unnecessary fears can always be re-repeat. The uniqueness of this method also lies in the fact that within the same treatment to the doctor can conduct studies of many systems and organs.
Ultrasonography of the abdomen
The abdominal cavity is essentially a closed bag, which are compact soft internal organs: liver, stomach, spleen and intestine. Moreover, the smaller the intestinal contents, especially the gas, the more accurate and easier to carry out ultrasound. Therefore, all training to the ultrasound study is limited to compliance of certain food regime. 2-3 days prior to study exclusively from the diet all foods that cause fermentation: white bread, milk, cabbage (both fresh and pickled), peas and beans, beer. All these days be taken after breakfast, lunch and dinner, 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal.
Since abdominal ultrasonography performed strictly on an empty stomach, not the day of the study is nothing to eat and drink. Categorically excluded coffee and tea. Related to these limitations with the fact that one of the objects being studied is the gall bladder, which is reduced even one sip of hot water. In this case the exact instrumental diagnostics of internal organs is being questioned. If before the test to provoke him to reduce the doctor will not be able to correctly estimate its size.
Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs
Women's anatomy is such that the uterus with appendages somewhat changes its position depending on the degree of bladder filling. In this case, ultrasound shadow can clearly be obtained only if the bladder is well distended large number of urine. To do this an hour before the research you need to drink 1 liter of water and come to study with a sense of strong desire to visit the toilet. Preventive ultrasound of the uterus and appendages is best done at 5-7-day menstrual cycle.
Ultrasound examination of breast
Preventive study of mammary glands taken hold at 6-8-day menstrual cycle. In other cases, the need for this study defines a physician, regardless of what day of the cycle. To perform ultrasound kidney, thyroid, special training is required.
For accurate laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of diseases of internal organs need to comply with the above rules.
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