Aliases dry felting - filttsnadel (from the German words filtz - wool and nadel - needle), filtsevanie or felting. During dry felting wool fiber awry among themselves, compressed and turned into a felt a lot of (felt). For that purpose the needle a notch. Actually, besides these needles no other specific tools for dry felting you do not need.
Furthermore nepryadenoy wool and a few needles of different thickness, which can be purchased at the store for needlework, you will need a thick foam sponge - it is needed in order not to accidentally prick your fingers with a needle or a table on which rests the future of the product. If you want to do in the technique of dry felting something three-dimensional, it makes sense to replace part of wool synthetic padding - it's much cheaper. In this case, the basis of the product lies in syntepon, and the shell - made of wool. Determining the amount of hair for your crafts, remember that when you dry it Felting shrinks by about a third, so the source material must be greater than the planned amount.
Taking the necessary amount of hair, shape of its broad outlines of the future product (for beads, for example, you can simply roll up the wool ball), place it on a foam sponge and begin to dry felting. How does it do? It's very simple: you have to poke a ball of wool with a needle, turning it slightly. The needle will cling to the fibers of wool notches, they will mat and hair will become thicker.
It is important to remember that dry felting needles are very sharp. Puncture should be done carefully so as not to injure. Beat with a swing is not worth it - so you can break the needle. In no case can hold the workpiece on the weight. You should begin with a large needle, and as sealing products to replace them with more subtle. Keep the needle felting strictly perpendicular to the plane, otherwise it may jam and break.
If your hack is made up of several parts, you must first matted them separately, and then privalyat to each other by a small piece of wool. If you want to achieve high strength (for example, you are making in the technique of dry felting toys, which in the course of the game could "cripple"), you'd better cshit details, and a thread to hide privalyav top coat.
It so happens that in some places, crafts for dry Felting formed uneven. It's easy to fix, privalyav top bit of wool. It's the dry well wallow - assuming oversight, no need to redo everything again, everything can be corrected quickly and without much effort.
Begin his acquaintance with the technique of dry felting is a simple things (beads, for example), then you can gradually move to more complex objects. The beauty of dry felting is that it requires little space, it can be combined with watching movies and socializing with friends, it allows implementation of virtually any creative ideas - would have been time and multi-colored wool. And dry wallow - it's a great stressoterapiya, this process is very comforting, but the joy of the finished product is able to permanently elevate mood.
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