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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to relax after work

To live well, one must work hard, but a lot does not mean constantly. Anyone, even incorrigible workaholic, certainly need to relax after work. At first glance, this is obvious, but, strangely, did not know about it all and find something that helps you relax after a beautifully executed work, it is possible, only a small part of the people.

The simplest solution would be - do not strain during the work day, and will not have to think, how to relax after work. But then there would be nothing to eat, and life becomes a nightmare. So try to offer some of the most effective (and therefore common) methods of relaxation.
If you wear every day of the severity and rarely make decisions, then relax after work, the easiest way - soon to go to bed. Office workers in this respect is much less fortunate. Unfinished projects, lots of contacts and the low mobility of the "poured" into constant fatigue syndrome, and even a sleepless night, if you do not know how to relax after work.

At the end of the day when the clocks are set to "go home", it is necessary to postpone the documents, mouse, keyboard, phone and other tools of office worker, then a little bit (at least half a minute), sit quietly and just breathe. Ideally do this in silence, it is easier to get out of the workflow.
On the way home you can listen to music, which is not obtrusive bits and very sharp sounds. Next in the schedule should go a bath with warm water, which will surely cause the body to relax even after the hardest work. After that - a dream.
If you plan to hike anywhere for recreation, then complete the reception can be a cool bath perfusion. This will help to relax after work, and to mobilize forces for follow-up activity.

Leisure activities will also help your office toiler to relax after work. A change of scenery and activity forward thinking in another direction, helping to keep working the problem somewhere on the periphery of consciousness, and help stretch the muscles of the upper body, which strongly affect the well-being. As an active way to relax after work can offer cycling, jogging a little before bed, walk in the park.
One option sure to help you relax after work. Try it and see for yourself!

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