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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Massage and Tantra

Such thing as a tantric style massage does not exist, as in Tantra Massage - a way of expressing love, a love of the game, and medicine. The most sensitive erogenous zone - in the depths of our heart and brain.

And indeed it is. After all at the touch it does not matter to what body part you touched, and then what were you thinking at the moment, and how much you trust each other. The energy of the male and female first principles - yin and yang - flows from body to body during a massage, mutually enriching each other, so massage for couples will help to strengthen relationships and develop love.
The idea of ​​Tantra is to obtain, must be able to give.
But many just want to enjoy the contact, but do not want to give it. Ancient Indian medical treatise advises couples to massage the feet with each other before bedtime, which will give them health and a mutual attraction. But to find the time and desire to have a massage for a spouse must truly love him, taken as a god or goddess, who do not mind giving.

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The family can relate to massage the most sensitive places such as the ears, groin, feet, stomach, breast, prostate area of ​​men. Moreover, this massage will not only help strengthen family relationships, but will also therapeutic and rejuvenating.
To understand the tantric teachings should know the basic ideas of tantra, which lie in the teachings of the circulation of energy, visualization, breathing, etc.
The circulation of vital energy occurs in a person constantly, and if it is blocked, then the person becomes ill. Tantric teachings say that a person - it's an endless stream of energy, and sex - is an active exchange of energy between partners. Being in the thick arms, lovers exchanged subtle forms of energy.
Tantric teachings are advised to visualize the desired image, that is to imagine specific events or items that over time will be required to appear in the real world, and presenting them, we are accelerating their appearance. But during the love game spouses are encouraged to submit itself in the form of two gods of Love - Shiva and Shakti, which will help strengthen the love between spouses and to believe that every man and woman is God.
A significant role in the Tantric teachings give breathing, although we often forget about this important process in everyday life. The respiration rate depends on the psychological state in which dwells a man: if he was concerned about or afraid of something, you breathe fast, if he is calm and relaxed, the breath slowly and deeply.

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In conversation between two people is very important that they breathed with the same frequency, whereas the contacts between them. Spouses in a mutual dialogue to adapt to the breath of each other and eventually come to the same frequency. Just the basic purpose of pre-love game is to synchronize the breath of the spouses.
In one of the yoga practice is such an exercise, when a man and a woman day sitting opposite each other in the lotus position and touch each other only with the fingertips, after this exercise, they are so "join" that remain married until his death.

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