Also, the presence of these factors can cause an early survey, even if the problems with the prostate gland, you are not experiencing. Many diseases manifest themselves already in the later stages, when their treatment is complicated. If, however, turn out to detect the disease before it "works", it will be possible to avoid many unpleasant moments associated with the treatment.Congenital factors
By innate factors predisposing to the emergence of prostatitis include structural features of the pelvis and hormonal regulation of vital activity of the whole organism.Features of the structure of the excretory ducts of the prostate
Lumen of the ducts of mucous membrane, forming many bays and bends in the wall of the duct is not muscle tissue. In this regard, the outflow of the prostate from its secret nature is difficult and can mostly during orgasm and ejaculation are simultaneously reduced muscle anterior abdominal wall, perineum, prostate and back of the urethra. The degree of evacuation of secretions depends on the strength of orgasm. Incomplete emptying of the excretory ducts leads to delays and congestion secretion, which is a predisposing factor for the occurrence of the inflammatory process.Lack of muscle zhomov in holes excretory ducts of the prostate
In this regard, the presence of inflammation in the urethra of pathogenic microbes and other pathogens can easily penetrate through the gaping divisions weekend duct in the prostate gland. This may come in thoughtless therapeutic manipulation of acute urethritis when trying to flush the urethra.Feature of the blood supply to the prostate
Arterioles do not end in glandular tissue, and connective tissue layer between the channels. Therefore, any enlargement of the prostate due to inflammation began squeezes these arterioles and leads to ischemia (insufficient blood supply to tissues). Hence, the ineffectiveness of anti-inflammatory therapy.The presence of abundant anastomoses (connections) between the veins of the pelvis and prostate
Pelvic veins are sexy "barometer" of man. Any sexual stimulation leads to stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis, extending on the anastomosis on the prostate. When congestion occurs in the gland prostate, and in the presence of active microorganisms in the body may develop infectious prostatitis. Due to the close position of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland and ejaculatory ducts of the infection can spread to the seminal vesicles, and in the vas deferens - the testes and epididymis.Hormonal disorders
On the background of hormonal disorders prostatitis (both stagnant and infection) may develop even in young people who are not sexually active. In the presence of the infection in the body (tonsillitis, otitis media, carious teeth, etc.) likely to develop infectious nonspecific inflammation of the prostate.
Based on the foregoing, we can say that the risk factors of the disease include:
* Total body hypothermia;
* Frequent constipation;
* Work in a sitting position;
* The duration of sexual abstinence, or excessive sexual activity;
* Sedentary lifestyle;
* Chronic inflammatory diseases of the body and chronic foci of infection;
* Error in the nutritional-alcohol, spicy, salty foods, condiments;
* Deferred venereal and urological diseases;
* Any other conditions that contribute to oppression of the immune system.
All of these factors either facilitate microbial penetration of the way into the prostate gland, or lead to a deterioration of blood supply to the pelvic organs, stagnant processes that contribute to proliferation of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.
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