Dreaming of a velvety skin without a wrinkle and would not want to tolerate the inevitable passage of time? Miracle-injection, the most intelligent vehicles and skillful hands of plastic surgeon will unite in the name of the beauty of your skin and return to her former youth. That's just how long?
That we are to ensure that if at first glance, everything is simple and good, in fact, not so innocuous. Anyone, even the most impressive result of the passage of time can melt before our eyes, if it is reached by such a radical method. After all, as you know, do not argue with nature! And the only thing that will remain with you as a "pleasant" memories - a set of side effects and complications.
Do not worry about any of the horrors of the series "one year after surgery nose completely collapsed," we will not even remember. And in any case not propose to completely abandon innovations and achievements of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery. (Otherwise we simply have to close our magazine!)
Suffice it to only remember that today armed with aesthetics cosmetology is a sufficient number of techniques to stimulate natural metabolic processes in the skin, thus causing minimal damage to it. And perhaps, then burning question - "to cut or massage" will be resolved by itself.Method - microcurrent therapyAlternative to Botox injections and Restylane, facelift
Take for example one of the most popular areas of radical cosmetic procedures - injections of Botox and Restylane. Argue about their effectiveness is simply meaningless. After all, the result of such procedures is so impressive that can confuse even the most sophisticated and demanding patient. But this should not be forgotten that to maintain the appearance of smooth skin on the rest of your life you are unlikely to succeed. The fact is that anyone, even the most expensive, the drug has a tendency to resorption. In addition, the method is based on the principle of "today will be beautiful, tomorrow I'll come here again, that is, you get every chance to literally" get hooked on the needle. " Because injections are not able to solve the very problem of skin aging, and its existing potential and remains unclaimed.
The same applies to "lift". Skin, you certainly pulled up and, possibly, very high quality, but that's how long?Description of the method micro-current therapyThe principle of micro-current therapy at first glance looks pretty simple - a special device that hides in its depths, the smart microcurrents strictly defined intensity and frequency. You lie on a comfortable chair and ... completely trust them. We are confident that the currents - it's scary? Remember myostimulation or more of the simpler - Darsonvalization. It is not painful and even more secure if you do not suffer from a pronounced miofobiey, that is, in principle, do not carry electrical current.
What are the advantages of this technique? Judge for yourself. With the help of smart micro-currents over again restored the tone of weakened muscles and blood vessels, improves blood, and then activate all metabolic processes. After a tip skin begins to rejuvenate themselves independently. Note that, unlike classical Miolifting, microcurrent therapy eliminates the possibility of subsequent sagging skin and worsening of facial wrinkles, that is "put on the needle," or rather "a chair", you will not succeed. In extreme cases the skin may just for a little while to "forget" about their duties - keep your youth and beauty, and then the procedure will be repeated. However, we note, without any harm, unlike plastic surgery, the recurrence of which is highly undesirable.
A definite plus for all physiologic techniques, including micro-current therapy is that through them you may decide to not one but several skin aesthetic problems, and it saves significant time and money. For example, microcurrent therapy is shown not only for the face, she successfully treats cellulite even 3 and stage 4, because it provides a drainage function of skin cells and production of natural collagen. The technique has also been successfully used in the treatment of wrinkles, acne, hyperpigmentation, dry and aging skin of the face and neck.
Think you already look forward to when we call at least one disadvantage of the method. And we actually called. "Less" micro-current therapy is that the permanent elimination of the problems you will need a sufficient amount of time. So if you want to get rid of wrinkles immediately after one or two sessions, the way you do not have to chair a cosmetologist, but on the table to a plastic surgeon.Method - the plastic massage myostimulationAn alternative to liposuction and other surgical methods of correction figures
Modern methods for modeling shapes, too fraught with many pitfalls. Firstly, most of them there are a number of serious contraindications, derogation from which can lead to tragic consequences. For example, while liposuction lose much fat can result in tragedy for you, not to mention the many side effects. After the operation will have to spend in the hospital at least several days and then a few months to wear a special compression garment.
A massage? Seemingly innocuous phenomenon - currently lie back and relax while the figure of "sculpt". In this case, you are unlikely to come up with the idea that the clumsily executed massage - this is a serious intrusion into the activities of an organism that can cause many complications. One of the most common consequences of the "phony" massage - multiple bruises that occur due to rupture of kappillyarov where disturbed microcirculation. And its consequences for the body of this kind of "marriage" can only be compared with the burn or frostbite. Of course, we must not forget that a contraindication for any kind of massage, including the correction are always endocrine changes, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
Again, any discomfort is delivered to you during a massage - it is not only a sign of inexperience or low qualifications of the doctor-masseur, but certainly a weak result, but if not its absence. The fact that the infliction of pain causes stress directly in the cell, and it shuts like an oyster shell. It is logical that the closed cell not be able to participate in the exchange process, so that all hazardous substances and will live in its depths.Description of corrective massage techniqueFor a more global solution to this serious problem, as excess weight and cellulite, requires so-called local effects in the form of well-chosen massage designed to work not on the muscle, but directly to the subcutaneous fat layer. Due to the active power influence fat cell begins to gradually part with their contents, which is based on all sorts of toxins. Over time, these surpluses themselves begin excreted from the body naturally to him through. To date, a special kind of massage on the language of professionals called corrective or plastic. That, in general, it is not surprising and completely justifies its name. Indeed, in addition to the basic problem of extra pounds with it may literally "sculpt a figure, in other words, successfully adjust its imbalances.
For example, you are the owner of an unusually slim hips, while the lower leg looks fairly complete, and where fat is deposited principal. In this case, you absolutely do not necessarily expose the whole body massage, it will be enough to hold several sessions, the focus of which will be aimed precisely at the area of the lower leg. The main highlight of the corrective massage, as we have already said, is that it is carried out locally, ie only in problem areas. The strength of the impact depends on many factors - your silhouette, the characteristics of processing sites, or other physiological features. Thus, in the waist massage should be as gentle, it's main area of possible hidden abnormalities.
Corrective massage performed cycle, which fully adjusted individually. The first session lasts about forty minutes and includes a fairly easy to start with a smooth transition to greater impact. Afraid that it will be too painful? Feel free to throw away all doubts, because the subcutaneous fat tissue completely devoid of nerve endings in the hands of a real professional will be easy and comfortable, although the massage can not be attributed to the relaxing view.
Without a doubt, miraculous transformation can not happen immediately after the first session, it is important to have patience. Typically, after 10-15 sessions of massage greatly increases the rate of metabolic processes in adipose tissue, and you really start to lose weight. However, this in no case should not be cause for termination of treatment. But to make approximately three-week break is necessary. During this time, the body must begin to work on inertia and natural way to get rid of toxins and excess fluid. Further sessions can be restarted. The result will be achieved most importantly - your body will learn to "work" yourself!Description of the method myostimulationOf course, any well-executed massage can bring nothing but good. And there's nothing better than a personal masseur, who knows every cell of your body. But today, subject to the power of technological progress, hand massage is sometimes willing to give way to modern technology - such as myostimulation. Its effects on the skin and muscles using electrical impulses, not only helps to get a healthy tone, but also causes muscle mass to form the most natural way. Though, that there must be confessed, - jogging in the fresh air will not replace are not alone "smart" device. On the other hand, "intelligent" machine is better than harsh surgeon's scalpel.
Let us remember once again looks like a modern miostimulyatory? The general idea is very simple. At one end of the muscle electrode was placed with a negative charge on the other - with a positive. Between the electrodes creates an alternating current, and the muscle contracts. Before I started the procedure, the skin is carefully cleaned by any suitable for this type of skin, medium, and only then impose the electrodes. Under the influence of electrical pulses, with the participation of the gel with extracts of marine algae, have strengthening and toning effect is the contraction of muscles, acceleration of blood flow that results in an overall marked improvement in the whole body. But mind you - to improve, but not complete recovery! Indeed, the assertion that myostimulation quite successfully treat cellulite, many cosmetologists are very skeptical.
The most powerful of all the existing devices has 12 electrodes, whereby a single session can affect both the 6 groups of muscles in the back, abdomen or legs. In this 40-minute procedure using such a device is equivalent polutorochasovoy intensive training on the simulator. With myostimulation quite real pumped up those muscles that are difficult to study even on the simulator, for example, the muscles of the buttocks and inner thigh. Myostimulation helps reduce weight a bit, of course, if we are not talking about the serious problem of obesity. This method is very useful for people following trauma to diseased joints, and too much weight, for which training is transformed into one continuous torment.
But, as in any procedure, myostimulation has its contraindications. Make no mistake: in a good salon with no help from mammologist and gynecologist to work with you no one will. People with cardiovascular problems, thyroid disease, women during pregnancy and menstruation procedure is strictly contraindicated. To repeat, in competent beauty salon you immediately about this will say, and if something is suspect, you will certainly be sent for examination.
Golden reinforcement - clearly a sentence for the lifting procedure, because gold is excellent conductor of electricity. Generally, people who are not undergoing myostimulation, small - about 10% of the total number of users. It is inexplicable and not treated, so if you find yourself at the first signs miofobii, better go to the gym. The remaining 90% at myostimulation feel only a slight tingling sensation, but after the first forty-minute session already feel that the muscles "awakened". Now is your task - to keep them in a constant tone, so that the body did not forget about what you want to look nice and taut.Description of the method of ultrasonic therapyRecommend the use of ultrasound therapy as a method of correction, the professionals give one, but the most important argument: this procedure can quickly and effectively improve blood circulation and lymph flow in problem areas. A force to work the natural processes of tissue regeneration, can help the body make the skin a really fresh and supple.
Ultrasound therapy is based on two stages of action - the mechanical and biological. The first stage provides a micro-massage at the cellular level, thereby increasing metabolism in the skin, relieves the body from accumulated toxins. The second is based on the stimulation of biological functions of the skin. Increases protein synthesis and hyaluronic acid, and because of this effect is sometimes difficult to achieve, even with high-quality cosmetics.
This cosmetic procedure uses the stimulating effect of sound impulses to the body. Ultrasound waves create mechanical vibrations in the fatty tissues, due to which there is a destruction of cellulite formation, accelerated metabolism, peripheral and local circulation. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves also decrease inflammation, and often are even strong swelling. After a full course of ultrasound therapy almost half of customers' notes, as the skin begins to recover its former elasticity, which means that as a wrinkle and the disappearance of "orange peel". "Less" is the same - not all at once. You'll need more than one or even two sittings. But you already realized that this "negative" refers to virtually all the techniques that can be considered physiologic.Method - mechanical cleansing of vaporizationThe alternative - gradual cleansing with a warming gel
One of the most common cosmetic procedures - namely, mechanical cleaning actually requires a special approach in order not to turn around for you a real test of strength. Remember that the tendency to couperose vaporization, ie steam, you absolutely contraindicated! In addition, careless cleaning steamed on the skin can lead to a set of undesirable side effects.Description of the method phase cleaningIdeally, the procedure of cleaning should take place in several stages, during which the skin is prepared for a fairly aggressive intervention. In this case, your first visit to the beautician should not be taken for any spoon-spatula. For such a serious intervention, such as cleaning, your skin should be prepared. So much more sense to prefer the traditional steaming termorazogrevayuschy a special gel that allows skin pores to disclose not immediately but gradually. It does not matter that it would require twice as much time and possibly money. This approach makes the cleaning process more natural and allows you to avoid skin dehydration.
We sincerely hope that at least half-convinced you that sometimes it's better to "show" skin the same way that in future she will be alone than to apply to it the most radical measures. Besides beauty, achieved by natural means, will delight you and others, not months, and years to come.
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