Croissants and coffee cream

2.Skazat yourself that you will not waste time on the Louvre and spend the day staring at a painting on the walls, the other spectators, a city outside the windows.

Unknown artist. School of Fontainebleau. Gabriele D'Estrees and her sister

Passage Vivienne
One of the passages that need to cross is called the Passage Vivienne. In the heart of the Passage Vivienne necessarily go to the tea room. If the waiter asks you to come back later - go to admire the stairs in the house where he lived Vidocq, take a picture and come back. If you once again will be a walk - go to the other side of Passage - a children's store - buy kids familiar original souvenirs from Paris - tableware depicting the little prince.
Original souvenirs from Paris. Dishes with a little prince

Oysters in Paris
For oysters, go to the Oyster Bar (Bar à huitres). For everyone else - the restaurant Voltaire.

5. Climb the glass tube escalator Pompidou Center for Contemporary Art at the upper level and look around Paris. Then scour the entire building the center from top to bottom, hang on the area among the dancers and sword-swallower, relax by the fountain, Stravinsky and with a clear conscience sit in another work of modern art - Café Beaubourg.
Want to learn how to climb on the roof of the Pompidou museum? Stand facing the museum and go diagonally left towards the lift red color, which should be dressed in a black security guard. Your password: restaurant. Already on the roof of the restaurant to take photographs - order a cup of coffee.
Before or after lifting the roof, go to the church of Saint-Merri, which many call the church the Devil, because of the painting on the main portal of the image of Baphomet, a hermaphrodite with a woman's breasts and genitals by men, with wings on his back like a bat, horns on his head and restless grin. They say that the knights of the temple worshiping Baphomet - The Templars.
Leon Foucault pendulum
Opposite the museum is a narrow street of Venice, with her ugly fountain - it exists with the 13 th century. Venice street leads to the street Kankanpua - there once was the world's first financial exchange a certain John Law, the man who invented paper money.
That's not all. Come for an hour in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, which is located in the premises of the Benedictine monastery - look at the originals of the world's first aircraft, the camera Mr. Zahir, a film camera of the Lumiere brothers, and other scientific inventions 19, 20 and 21 centuries (Foucault pendulum, and an exhibit on the history of Statue of Liberty).

6. Good to drink on the terrace of a cafe Flore on Boulevard Saint-Germain. By you will be those who constitute "the whole of Paris." Change seats to competitors from Les Deux Magots. Good drink. All Paris will move in the opposite direction. Repeat twice.
Church of Saint-Germain
If you want a snack with beer - go to a pub - Brassri Lipp, where Ernest Hemingway wrote "A Farewell to Arms." If you want culture - go to the church of Saint-Sulpice, see for themselves "line of Roses" or the prime meridian, which Dan Brown wrote in his already-forgotten bestseller The Da Vinci Code.

7. Climb the Eiffel Tower, to take care, book a table at a restaurant Jules Verne on the second level. Restaurant in the tourist spot of Paris is working without any discounts for tourist omnivorous. It's not just the best views in town - the kitchen is very, very on top. In extreme cases, can restrict fantastic oysters, although at such a height above the sea level would have to submit the swallows.
Book through the site to the restaurant. Prices 160 euros for lunch and from 500 euros for dinner. Booking is recommended as a minimum of two weeks. If the restaurant at the Eiffel Tower you will seem a little - the next day go to the restaurant La Tour d'Argent. Do not forget to feed the pigeons in the Campus Martius.
Pigeons on the Champ de Mars in Paris

8. Bright sunny morning to come to the Sainte-Chapelle, the most beautiful in the world of medieval stained glass windows, close your eyes, then open and think that you are still asleep and you dream.
Stained glass windows in the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris
Continue dream can come to the area Dauphin. For some people this is an area Dauphin area of peace and quiet, for someone's first architecture anasambl Paris, and yet for some it's the clitoris of Paris (someone - a modern English writer from London).

9. Go to the flea market to look at things homeless people who are looking for new owners. Surprised at how primitive our understanding about life, and buy some gizmo, the purpose of which is unknown even to the seller.
Flea Market in Paris
Flea markets in Paris, working only on weekends. Among other things, there's often fool and do not give receipts. I recommend to go to the gallery antikvarschikov at the Louvre, or in the store at the Quai Voltaire. Buy the original photos Brassaï, Doisneau, René-Jacques in 1200 - 1500 euros in the hope of fifty years to put the purchase at auction for 40,000 euro, so that after a heated bidding picture went for 440,000 euros.

10. Sunday afternoon stroll through the market square in the series Aligr and hang up evening on the barrel zucchini Baron Bouge, to preserve the freshest, cheapest and most fun of oysters.
French cheeses on the market in Paris
For dessert, buy a five or seven kinds of cheese and arrange a tasting of French cheeses in the company of friends.

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