The emergence of Teflon
Came in 1938. Roy Plunkett - 27 years. By this time he was an educated young man - scientist, a chemist. And now the sun, and maybe overcast day in April, he, in connection with business needs, experimenting - injected under pressure in special cylinders gaseous tetrafluoroethylene. It was in New Jersey, USA. Shook and wiped sweat from his forehead and left the bottles a little lie down, placing them so as not to explode, in containers with solid carbon dioxide ("dry ice").
Some time later, a curious Plunkett joined one of the cylinders to the reaction setup and waited, not forgetting to open the valve. However, gas from the tank for some reason did not go. Concerned Scientists checked the serviceability of equipment - everything was normal. Gas leak also could not happen. In the end, gently revealing the balloon, the scientist was surprised to find it instead of a gas of some white powder. The same thing happened with the contents of other containers. And their walls inside were covered parafinoobraznym substance. Symbiosis of high pressure and low temperature led to the polymerization of the gas. So by chance and was received polytetrafluoroethylene. It turned out that the substance is very slippery, able to withstand relatively high temperatures, but also has a high resistance to aggressive chemical environments.
A little over a year, polytetrafluoroethylene was patented by U.S. company DuPont. Later, in 1946, first appeared on the market products under the brand name Teflon - both for commercial use has been called an open Plunkett substance.
In some areas just do not use Teflon. Its even used in the manufacture of artificial joints. Apply it and now - in electronics, aviation, aerospace, instrument making, he needed in the production of heating lamps. Teflon coating is applied even to the walls of abodes in captivity flightless insects - the latter are not able to crawl on it due to low friction. But his fame Teflon, of course, obliged to pan. Its non-stick (Teflon) coated steel produced in the early 50-ies.
In modern conditions teflon when it comes to cookware and utensils of all, cover a variety of pan (including wok), pots, pans, electric, water boilers, presses for the manufacture of hot sandwiches, waffle iron, there's even a rolling pin covered with Teflon - they do not sticky flour dough.Acquisition of Teflon cookware and caring for herSince Teflon - it's just a cover, the Teflon cookware can be different: aluminum, iron, stainless steel. Coverage can be flat or honeycomb. In the second case, increasing the heating surface, heat is more evenly distributed. In addition, the inner relief pattern reduces the contact area with the dishes of food - less chance that the food prigorit.When buying cookware with Teflon coating (often it is the pan), note the thickness of the bottom - than it is fatter, the better, reasonably, of course, limits. The wall thickness is important too - they too should not be too thin, preferably not thinner than 3 mm. In general, thin pans are cheaper, but they serve three or four years. They heat up quickly, and rapid heating is often uneven. This may lead to deformation of the dish. Pans with a honeycomb bottom work "breadwinners" for six years, and utensils-champion in life - covered with rough and thick enough layer of Teflon. Such instances can be in a neat-treatment and last for ten years.
Check that the Teflon coating was not damaged. Utensils should be free of dents or bulges. Pay attention to the handle (or handles), to place its connection to the "body" of the pan or other cookware: it often damage non-stick coating.
Manufacturers of Teflon-coated cookware argue that it is possible to prepare even without oil - products not prigoryat. Most often this is true, but much more delicious dishes to look up when cooking them on a small amount of fat (or oil it when using Teflon-coated cookware will need much less). Moreover, it is better for most "non-stick" cookware.
Until recently it was believed that when cooking in a pot with Teflon coating is necessary to use only wooden spades. So as not to scratch the surface. In principle, now a wooden paddle in relation to Teflon cookware is also not lost its relevance - will not be worse. But now produce dishes with a very stable Teflon coating. True, and it costs a bit more expensive. Always better to check with the seller acquired the characteristics Teflon cookware. It is a pity, though, that not all sellers are qualified, not all can really help you. That's why you need to buy any utensils in specialty stores. There, at least, less likely to buy a fake, substandard products.
Care for the "Teflon" dishes simple. Normally, all the pollution washed from it with a soft sponge, liquid detergent and warm water. After all, the food at a good "teflonke" does not stick. Can be Teflon-coated cookware and washing in the dishwasher, just select the desired mode of operation of the unit, which uses water heated to not more than 50 ° C. Before first use pans with nonstick wash, dry and brush a small amount of sunflower oil (or boil it in water).On health?
Heating to more than 200 ° C is harmful to any Teflon cookware. Fine, as has been said, may be deformed, non-stick coating will crack. Moreover, at high temperatures, Teflon begins to decompose to volatile substances. They can be toxic.
General - security Teflon to human health - a separate issue. On the Internet at different forums, you can often stumble on a replica of such a plan: "Svekrov said that in a pot with Teflon coating to prepare baby food can, and indeed it is better not to use it. Is this true? ". To answer this question is to recall the almost forgotten, although the relatively recent "Teflon scandal in the U.S..
In 2005, against the DuPont company had filed numerous lawsuits from residents of the United States. Proceedings were initiated by the U.S. Agency for Environmental Protection. Guide "Teflon monster" has been accused in the fact that for a long time concealed from all the information that the Teflon in certain conditions contributes to cancer.
There have been many studies and experiments involving animals. In the end, it was found that Teflon coating, heating, really sets hazardous substances (in particular, perfluorooctane acid). Worst of all, that these substances accumulate in the environment, including in animals and humans. Rats that received a meal together with perfluorooctane acid (in large doses), initially lost interest in individuals of the opposite sex, and then fell ill with cancer and died. It was then perfluorooctanic acid (substance C-8) and was recognized as a strong carcinogen.
DuPont leadership in spite of these results has continued to assert that the rat with rats and the ability of acid to cause cancer in humans has not been proven by anyone. True to the company agreed that if Teflon cookware is heated to 360 ° C, Teflon begins to melt and thus evaporation it really put it mildly, not good for human health. However, the company reminded that the maximum temperature to which can be warmed up a modern electric - no more than 300 ° C. So do not fear no mass poisoning, just need to not overheat the pan.
Russian scientists, giving comments on the situation in the midst of the scandal, have argued here that: "No one will add the poisonous substance in a coating for frying pans, unless, of course, this is not fake any. Is also self-made vodka, from which people go blind, here and in the left pan can be anything, even potassium cyanide. " So the question of the newspaper "Novye Izvestia" about the dangers of Teflon replied Boris Korolev, who in 2005 served as Associate Professor of Macromolecular Compounds, Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University. The same publication in the autonomous nonprofit organization Soyuzexpertiza Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation reported that "ten years ago, we checked the Teflon pans and found in them nothing criminal." True, the source of the information anonymously.
As a result, in 2007, after several more studies on the insistence of the same agency for environmental protection (a highly influential organization in the U.S.) it was decided to limit production and use of Teflon cookware in the country. Expert opinion, the basis for this decision was hard: "In laboratory experiments with animals injected with large doses of one of the components of the coating, it was found that these substances have contributed to liver cancer, low birth weight, caused problems with the immune system and process development ".
It also found that among the products of thermal decomposition of Teflon are present a number of highly toxic compounds. This, for example, perftorizobutilen (very toxic), hexafluoroethane, oktaftortsiklobutan, tetrafluoroethylene, hexafluoropropylene and other fluorolefines and CARBONYL FLUORIDE, trifluoroacetic acid and its ftorangidrid, hydrogen fluoride and other "useful" for human chemical compounds.
DuPont company had to pay a multimillion-dollar compensation to the plaintiffs (it is worth noting that the firm's lawyers decided not to bring the case directly to trial - it was resolved "amicably"). In addition, DuPont agreed until 2015 to completely solve the "problem of perfluorooctane acid. Information about any restrictions on the Teflon in Russia could not be found.Epilogue

"The culinary Garden of Eden" to not develop the impression that Teflon cookware deadly poison and kill every living thing within a hundred miles, is just starting to cook it, stresses that the danger is only an overheated Teflon! If you do not admit this - there is no reason not to use Teflon cookware (this is confirmed by numerous studies). It, especially pans, which are most often found in our kitchens, it is possible, for example, be used to heating products for cooking scrambled eggs for a brief stir-frying of potatoes, meat and fish. Better to cook in a pot with Teflon coating on gas stoves - they have the lowest heating temperature. In any case, do not leave a Teflon cookware for a long time on the burner turned on.
Try to cook in a Teflon pan on low heat or low-power electric cookers. Now sold pans and pots with temperature indicator on the bottom - termospotom. Change in its brightness (usually a red circle on the inside bottom) said that the dishes hot. When the color becomes saturated - it has warmed up to 180 ° C - it's time to quickly put the products and may reduce the intensity of heating. If you see that the Teflon coating is damaged - no regrets dispose of such dishes. If these simple rules Teflon cookware is unlikely anything will harm your health.
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