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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Braking on slippery roads or in the winter

One of the students driving school, an airline pilot by profession, said: "Do not leave the flight at the end of autumn, the women at the end of life, and the brakes at the end of the strip. " An ability to inhibit especially important when driving in inclement weather and extreme conditions for driving.

Consider some of the inhibition

* Braking with a constant force on the brake pedal,
* Pulse methods of inhibition: a stepwise, intermittent,
* Combined inhibition when simultaneously with braking downshift.
In the individual must be said about emergency braking - extra speed reduction in a critical situation: the emergence of obstacles, loss of brakes, etc..
The principal driver error when braking on slippery roads is stopping at the floor. Unacceptable as do any sudden movements driving and the gas and brake pedals. Such action at any time of year, especially in winter, with low coefficient of tire adhesion, helps lock the wheels, which causes subsequently demolished the front axle and rear axle skid car.
Braking on slippery road driver only has a pulse (stepwise or intermittently). This method allows the brake to slow down until the red locking the wheels without causing skidding car. From the viewpoint of physics of motion, the advantage of pulsed methods of inhibition is that the car's weight is redistributed less intense, resulting in a total grip of winter tires and the road (tire contact patch with the road) increases, so the car on a slippery road surface becomes more stable.
With enough room for braking can also use the combined method, that is, simultaneously with inhibition downshift. However, in this case is very important not to twist the engine (including transfers with a corresponding speed range), since excessive traction on the drive wheels can also cause loss of vehicle stability.So, how to slow down in winter?
The left leg should be located at the base (as for a car with a manual gearbox, and for the machine), the belt is fastened - so we feel the car's behavior and its control. Right foot - heel on the floor with the toe brakes. Intermittent braking - are making doze effort on the brake pedal. Stepped braking - gradually increasing the braking force to a full stop to wrap up the effort is accompanied by the clutch. Method of combined braking - brakes before turning on the corresponding low transmission, it is very important not to twist the engine!
Consider some of the situations on the road, and how to act to avoid disaster.Braking at traffic lights, pedestrian crossings before
It must be remembered that it is in these areas and the road in front of them can be especially slippery because of the constant braking vehicles. Braking is necessary in advance of a pulse or a combination. Do not try to immediately start moving: at the traffic light someone can still finish the roundabouts, even at the stoplight, on a pedestrian crossing must be double precision, even past pedestrians may suddenly stumble and fall.Inhibition in the thread jams
Just slowing down in advance (steps, intermittently or a combination), namely: to look to the future traffic flow and start to brake when the brakes are way ahead of you (third or fourth car, as far as possible) - if necessary it will help to increase the distance to the smooth stop the car.Movement on the icy slopes
Move is necessary only with clutch engaged, otherwise the car may lose its stability.Actions of the driver when the unexpected appearance of obstacles on a slippery road
As we have said previously the most effective method, which allows you to stay on the lower step of the way - pulse. However, the use of even this method requires an estimate of the traffic situation. After all, if the road came a subject or perhaps it is better to go round, after looking around in the rear-view mirror.
We should also be said about the cars equipped with ABS. So in a critical situation when it is necessary to apply the emergency brake cars from different manufacturers and different years of release on a slippery road can behave in a fundamentally opposite, namely, how to significantly reduce on a slippery road braking distance, and vice versa. This is due to imperfection of the anti-lock system, especially in its first variation. Since the computer system is designed to read the inhibitory impulses from the wheels and balance them, if the wheel starts to block, but if the tire rims get on the slippery site, the system can not decide what to do, so the braking distance can be even more than on cars not equipped with ABS ! If the ABS is perfect and on a slippery road, then its use in an emergency situation will not only stop in time, and taxied to the wheels unlocked, which would bypass the obstruction. How does emergency brake on cars with ABS? - Must be drastically the way the brake pedal and squeeze the grip and the system itself will slow down the pulse, preventing wheel lock. Therefore, emergency braking, and especially on cars with ABS to work at private venues, to see how your car will react when managing on a slippery road.

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