I'm sitting in front of a mirror and talk about beauty. Probably in every woman's life were those moments when she thought about the plastic. Love yourself for who is, is much harder than to go to a surgeon and reshape their face and figure. But not always effectively! It happens that a woman in pursuit of their ideal physical appearance quite fond of, does not think about the origins of their complexes. In the end, it turns out that making a few transactions and came to the target, a woman realizes disappointment! "It does not happen!" - You say, but I will answer that even as it happens. In such cases, the problem of women not in appearance - they have much deeper roots in his wounded psyche, complexes and resentment.
Calling several clinics and aesthetic surgery, I learned that none of them have no staff psychologist. It surprised me and even outraged. Plastic surgery - it's not acute appendicitis is not a hernia, which should operate according to the life. Most often women themselves pose a "diagnosis": "big nose", "big cheeks," "small breasts", etc. Having come to this "terrible, inconsistent with a diagnosis of life" to the surgeon, the woman is not possible to look at the problem from the inside to find her cause. Sometimes, the surgeon, not seeing the evidence, sends the patient back home, but nothing will prevent the patient to find a doctor who undertakes to correct a lack of far-fetched. Often after surgery, such patients are dissatisfied with the surgeon, results of operations, is, in the end.
Plastic surgery - it's not acute appendicitis is not a hernia, which should operate according to the life.
I heard a story about a woman surgeon who came to the consultation, removed her silk blouse, revealing gorgeous breasts right in the face of a surgeon. "How can I help you?" - Sincerely asked the doctor. On the patient said: "Take these implants! They do not need me! Give me back my breast! ". It turned out that this would be the fourth surgery on the breast of the woman, but the doctor did not agree and decided to start to send the patient to a psychologist friend. It turned out that the woman's breast was initially small but very neat, she approached her physique and appearance, and everything would be great if this woman was ... husband. Yes, the very absence of a husband, a loving man, a woman forced to seek the cause of their appearance, and the only thing she could find fault with was the size of the breast. So began her adventures in the doctors surgery and frustration.
A few years ago a woman suddenly realized that the implants need to remove: "Why are they to me? They have not helped me find a man to marry, and therefore they do not need me, they do not "work." No operation was a psychologist talked with a desperate woman and persuaded her that to do the operation again - completely pointless, because the problem is not in the chest and head. Than the end of this story, I do not know, I know only that a woman in a couple months of communication with the psychologist has become much calmer, caught with the reasons for which it is still not married. Causes and indeed were in his head - in the complexes.
These stories are many. There are women who are literally "sit down" on plastic surgery, they are they need, without surgery, they feel miserable, ugly and unnecessary. And the problem is something there yet - in my head, and it must be solved in the office of a psychologist, not a surgeon. Sometimes it is really difficult to find the root of the problem, leaving a deep childhood, but not eradicate the problem, it is impossible to achieve harmony with your body.
I overcome the complex on the exterior helped photographer. Professional photographer who has spent with me taking pictures in the studio and on the street. It gave me a real opportunity to look at ourselves and realize that my shortcomings - the fruit of my imagination. Yes, I'm not perfect, but the shortcomings of my very mythical, they are absolutely not "conspicuous", and nobody thinks that I have a big nose or full legs! People look at me, perceiving the image as a whole, and I "make out" himself on the compound, looking at every feature of imperfection. So I realized that plastic surgery is not for me. So far. Why so far? Because I can not know how the rest of my life in the future and whether I have reasons to come to a surgeon for help.
I still sit in front of a mirror, holding himself from careful and critical scrutiny of his face, thinking about that before going under the surgeon's knife, I ask myself, and then the psychologist: "Do I need surgery? Will the surgeon I beautiful? ", And only then will make a responsible decision.
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