Do not let yourself wither
Passengers sometimes complain of dryness of the air in an airplane (usually a relative humidity during the flight is about 25%).
This is explained by low humidity overboard - he goes to the salon. Low humidity can cause a very unpleasant feeling - dry nose, sore throat, taut skin. Special inconvenience experienced by those who suffer from bronchial asthma (such passengers should consult with your doctor and follow his recommendations) or wear contact lenses.
To reduce the impact of unfavorable factors to a minimum, try:
* During the flight, more often, but little to drink water and juices;
* Do not get carried away with tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages (they all have a diuretic effect, and their excessive use can lead to dehydration);
* Use a moisturizing cream;
* If you wear contact lenses, do not forget to take a special drops ("artificial tears").
If you are going to fly, do not forget to take a first aid kit. In addition to the medicines that you always use it must include:
* Antihistamines such as Claritin best, if flying a relatively short time (Claritin does not cause drowsiness) or tavegil - if a long flight (in addition to the drug has antiallergic and slight soporific effect);
* Means of gastro-intestinal disorders, such as imodium or Smecta;
* Of the possible injury to help: troksevazin - from bruises; balm Bitner - can be used as a disinfectant and as a tonic by adding a tea or coffee; solkoseril and bactericidal patch;
* Drops and spray for easy breathing (galazolin adult and children or aerosol type fazina with long-acting). If you're a little cold, you can use the tablets, which provide normal breathing within 12 hours (for example, Coldrex).
The fact that overeating is bad, they know, it seems, everything. And yet again: the air is especially harmful to overeat. Therefore: give preference to a light, well-balanced diet, abstain during the flight from the salty, spicy, fatty, as well as beans, cabbage, and beer (they cause bloating); not get carried away with sweet - from him thirsty. The exceptions are all sorts of sosalki."Silent Feet
If you sit a long time motionless (that way or something like you are sitting in an airplane), the blood vessels of the legs are narrowed, and blood circulation slows down. Legs are beginning to "numb" and swell, there is pain in the back. To avoid this:
* Choose a comfortable light shoes;
* Try to frequently change position in a chair;
* From time to time a good walk around the aircraft.
To ensure normal living conditions in the aircraft, the air because of the board is served in the cabin pressure. Therefore, the pressure during the flight, as well as the pressure drops during takeoff and landing is no problem for passengers. However, if you suffer from inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sinuses, exacerbation of lung disease, anemia, or cardiovascular disease, you may feel uncomfortable.
Children, especially small, carry off and landing worse than adults. The youngest one can give a pacifier, a senior sucking candies (sucking and swallowing will help balance the pressure in the ears). Everyone else:
* If your ears still laid, try to suck on candy or pozevat. This action will help stabilize the pressure between the channel of the middle ear and throat;
* Use a nasal spray for thirty minutes before landing.
The more time zones you cross during his journey, the more slipping your biological clock. This leads to insomnia, appetite loss and general fatigue. How to deal with it:
* Good night's sleep the day before;
* If there is a choice, fly on a direct flight to reduce flight time and avoid unnecessary landing;
* If the destination you are staying for more than 48 hours, turn the clock to local time and try to eat and sleep on local time.
How not to lose your head
Feeling the first signs of dizziness, try to focus the mind on some immovable object. Fit and a window seat. If good weather behind and you see the land, sea or horizon, head, and probably will not begin to spin.
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