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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Playing with a baby 3-4 months

In three or four months starting on their own examination of the world. Scarce learns to control his hands, to find and reach for objects. While your pipsqueak awake continuously increases and reaches up to 4-5 hours per day. Attentive parents will notice when a child is more active and configured to play - in the morning or afternoon. This is the best time of your communication.

Playing with passion

Seeing you in the hands of bright gremushku baby sees her smile, happy sounds, and begins to stretch her hands. The more attractive offer him a toy, the longer the pipsqueak is ready to play with her. Hanging objects, he now grasps the handle, hold and is considering no less than 10 seconds. If you specifically attract his attention (for example, touch the toy until it sticks), the kid will be happy to demonstrate the "double grip" that is tried to grab a toy with both hands. For this purpose, fit a wooden spoon or any toy with a long rounded handle.

If we talk about some general principles that could guide you, playing with the baby, it is this: do not rush to give the child an opportunity to go myself next stage of development. Let him play as much as wants, and the way he wants it himself. At the same time always have ready any game to which the crumb will be able to move at an opportune moment for him.

For example, prepare a multi-colored rings on a wooden pyramid - three large (diameter 4,5-5 cm) and three small (3 cm diameter), the height of each ring is not more than 0,5-1 cm

Choose a convenient time when the baby will be in a good mood, put it on his tummy, and in front of him - a large ring. Once the crumb will focus its attention on the toy, watch what he will do.

Most likely, caught her and dragged her into his mouth. Your task is to prevent him from doing so, gentle movements to release the ring, and then put it in its place. Notice how the baby takes the subject, discloses a hand in this, grabs his fingers, turns, consider a ring in different ways.

Following the large ringlet will come the turn a little. Again, make sure the actions of the child: is considering whether it is a ring or just drags it into his mouth. Then put side by side, both large and small rings to the kid had a chance to take them at their discretion and in any order. The alternation of large and small objects exercises the hand and fingers, learns to capture and manipulate objects.

The value of the hole in the ring is also relevant. Getting there with one finger, another kid had to hold the ring. All of these activities develop fine motor skills. To interest in the game did not die, use different colored rings.

Occupation is considered successful if the child is willing to take big and small rings, examines and manipulates them. Over time, the ring can be replaced by other objects, not necessarily circular. Of course, square, triangular or rectangular brusochek harder to grasp, let alone hold in your hand. First, the child will do it anyhow, but gradually he learns to pre-fit the hand for a more comfortable grip. New baby for the subject is always located in the center (so it's easier to focus), but already familiar - the right and left in a number of other toys and no closer than 5 cm from each other.

Let's talk

Although the child may say his first word only in its second year of life, a conversation he learns from the first weeks. And at the age of four months, baby is trying to engage in dialogue. He can listen to the speech of adults over 30 sec. With interest turns his head toward the speaker, even if he is outside his field of vision. In response, was said to him boy publishes response sounds, and his repertoire is quite diverse. You can distinguish the sounds, reminiscent of "a", "E", "w", "I", "m", "n", "b", "t", "g". Granted at the time himself, the kid is systematically repeats individual sounds and combinations. A game with the sounds of psychologists call guleniem.

Social Skills

It is known that communication - it is not just an exchange of words. When we talk, we listen and peer into our interlocutor to understand it better, meet their eyes and pauses to give him a chance to speak. All this is important to consider the relationship with the child. At this age, the kid willingly communicates with those who are accustomed to constantly see. Worth mom to talk to him, as he once smile in response, will gulit, moving arms and legs. The kid laughs out loud when he is tickled or tossed when an adult, pretending to sneeze or cough. While dressing, feeding, bathing and other daily activities necessary to carry out her mother in an active dialogue with the child: to respond to his smile, gently look into my eyes, tell your child about everything that happens. Most likely, the parents do not realize that all this is called social games. In addition, playing and communicating with your baby, remember that you need to give a voice to each in turn. But do not rush the child with his reaction. Be prepared, and the fact that he was tired of communication. If the baby looks away, then maybe, just now he wants to play.

Life in Motion

Try more likely to spread to the baby's abdomen, using any hard surface - a bed on the couch, the carpet on the floor, on the changing table. Scarce four months of age raises the upper torso, straightens the arm, and thus does not rely on the elbows, and on the palms. Then follows that the children's hand has been well disclosed, and the fingers are straightened. In this position the baby can survive for 30 seconds. To relieve stress and help your child relax pens, pat him on the palms.

Your child probably already learned to roll from his back to tummy and makes it almost alone, so now you should not leave it unattended even for a minute.

Spread a blanket and put your baby on his stomach on the very edge of it. Then take the ends of the blanket and gently lift it to help your baby roll over from tummy to back. When your overall efforts to succeed, do not forget to reward the efforts of the crumbs of kisses and cuddles.

By 3-4 months infants disappears physiologic hypertonicity (tension) muscle - flexor hands and then legs. Gradually limb movements become more free and accurate. A kid can keep legs a little weight, such as an inflatable ball with a diameter 5-6 cm To see this, put the ball in the crib, let his football on health, training his muscles.

Your record is able to maintain balance in a sitting position, though only 5-10 seconds. And then under the condition that someone from the adult to support his hands. But do not get involved in such experiments, and rush things. Please note that children's spine is still very mobile and passion for such experiments can now continue to lead to its distortion.

Keeping astronaut

Crawling along with swimming still remains the main way to get your three-, four-month baby, and it's good for his health and development. But it is important to train and the vestibular apparatus of the child.

Try to learn together here is a set of exercises:

* Hold hands on the baby weight, feel free to turn it into the air.
* Sit on the floor with the baby face to face. Firmly grasp it under his arm and asked: "Want to fly?" With the words: "One, two, three, fly!" Start slowly raising the child, rejecting his body back.
* Sitting comfortably on your back and holding high the child to his outstretched hands, saying: "Fly, baby, fly!" This game will benefit both you, as well as strengthens the back muscles.
* Raise the child over his head and slowly lower, and when your faces close to each other, smile and say: "I love you."
* Again, pick up the child, saying thus: "We climb higher and higher." And, dropping him, tell mysteriously: "And now descend low-low". I think that after a workout and you and your child will be happy to swing in a rocking chair.

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