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Monday, February 21, 2011


Angina pectoris (synonyms: angina pectoris, angina pectoris) - a disease of major clinical symptoms of which are attacks of retrosternal pain caused by acute advancing, but transitory breach the coronary circulation.

Angina provides a common disease. It occurs in most cases in persons over 40 years, with males significantly more often than women. This disease affects mostly people of mental labor.
The most common cause of angina pectoris - coronary artery heart disease (92%), rarely vasculitis: rheumatic, syphilitic, and sometimes functional disorders of hemodynamics: arterial heart disease, angina with hyperthyroidism, and in rare cases, angina is possible with hypertension. As well as angina may be associated with hiatal hernia, diseases of the stomach, etc. (reflex angina). Often the cause of angina may be a spasm of the coronary arteries (coronary) without anatomical changes of coronary arteries, such as severe mental experiences, the hard-core smokers, etc.
At the heart of an angina attack is hypoxia (ischemia) myocardium, which develops in an environment where the amount of blood flowing through the coronary arteries to the working muscle of the heart becomes inadequate and the myocardium suddenly experiencing oxygen starvation. The clinical picture of angina
Chest pain compressing, pressing nature, lasting up to 15 minutes, rarely up to 3O minutes. Pain radiating to the lower jaw, under the left shoulder, left arm, that is up and mostly left. Attacks of pain often occur during physical or emotional stress, accompanied by the fear of death, the patient's stiffness, feeling short of breath. Sometimes patients experience discomfort in the heart, and in the field of irradiation of pain. Provocateurs of pain may include: physical exertion, emotional stress, cold weather, eating, resting state, especially in the supine position at night.

* Angina,
* Angina decubitus (team group which combines the appearance of seizures at rest). Attacks occur more frequently during the night. Reasons: the night there is a reduction of blood pressure and coronary blood flow, respectively. In this case, it is enough to get in bed, and the episode has passed. Which leads to unpleasant dreams, while in the blood increases the content of adrenaline, increases the level of catecholamines in heart muscle. During the transition from horizontal to vertical position increases venous blood flow to the heart and heart stress.
* Also found Printsmetalla angina: for it is characterized by long-term pain, prolonged bout to 3O minutes. The emergence of seizure associated with spasm of the coronary arteries with atherosclerotic plaques, often accompanied by arrhythmias, disorders of the heart.
* Can also be a reflex angina, appearing in the pathology of the neighboring organs: the flu, a stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, etc.
Angina duration from 3 to 5 minutes, occurring only in certain situations, said to be stable. Another type of angina pectoris - unstable: occurs when the seizures are losing the characteristic cycle, genericity, and their duration to 1O-15 min. May occur in unfamiliar situations previously. Unstable angina is a precursor of myocardial infarction or sudden death from ventricular fibrillation. In acute coronary insufficiency, in contrast to myocardial infarction, no specific changes in the blood for him, and ECG, and unlike angina, a twinge of nekupiruemy, lengthy and atypical - for it is usually not a pathology of the heart, and the pathology of other organs. Characterized by pain aching, stabbing character.
Sometimes the end of the attack released copious amounts of urine. Force attack is different. In rare cases, it ends in death. When a seizure should promptly seek medical attention. 

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