Most people feel it in the evening increased fatigue, irritability, back pain, and thoughts about the work do not allow to switch to domestic affairs. Here, in these cases and can help a specially selected set of exercises performed in the evening after coming from work, and of course to the meal (especially if it is dense and rich).
What problems can be solved by different versions of evening charging:
* Get rid of excessive appetite in the evening - this is especially important if it is necessary to remove a few extra pounds;
* Calm the nervous system and relieve stress;
* Get rid of physical fatigue accumulated in the workplace;
* Improve the condition of the spine and get rid of back pain;
* Strengthen the function of internal organs.
The best option, if each person individually to pick up a set of exercises based on the goal. But there are general guidelines that must comply with all people.
* Any exercise is better to do on an empty stomach;
* Check out the classes have 15-20 minutes before dinner;
* Evening training should last 10-20 minutes;
* Do best every day, and 2-4 times per week;
* Keep track of your own well-being - if the accumulated fatigue, and did not want to do a set of exercises, most likely in the last exercise, the body was an unnecessary burden. It is necessary to reduce the amount of exercise and duration of training;
* Most people do after work feeling very tired, and it seems that the body no strength to do the exercises, but it's not quite true. At work, normally accumulates psychological fatigue, not physical. Need only a few times myself to overpower and make an evening exercise, and then it is quickly a habit.
Evening Run
Running provides comprehensive positive impact on people. This is perhaps the ideal way to prevent cardiovascular disease and exercise the heart muscle. Running in the evening normalizes appetite and improves mood. Enhances mood due to the fact that, during a leisurely run produced endorphins - special hormones that create a feeling of happiness and bliss. Positive impact running is difficult to overestimate, but all this can be achieved only when the basic rules.
* Running should continue for 30-40 minutes. Over time, you can certainly prolong the race, but for the average person the best possible health effect occurs precisely at such length.
* Run should be 2-3 times a week. If you run more than three times, then the body will not have time to recover. If you run once, then decreases dramatically improving effect.
* Before running, need to stretch your major muscle groups. This can be done through simple exercises: squats, mahi arms and legs, torso rotation.
* Jog divide into three phases. The first third of the way (about 10 mnut) runs at a slow pace. The second third of the way a little faster and the final stage, too, with a minimum speed.
* After jogging need to water treatment and received a charge of vivacity to do household chores or to plan tomorrow's work day.
Evening charging and spines
The back is sore in the evenings about 80% of the adult population of the planet. The fact that the day the distance between the vertebrae decreases and they put pressure on the roots of the spinal cord, thus causing discomfort, pain in the back and inhibiting the function of internal organs. The task of the evening charge in this regard - gently stretch the spine, thereby increasing the distance between the vertebrae.
Do it yourself may be, each person with the help of special exercises. The basic rules when performing exercises for the spine are simple - you need to do the exercises without jerking, gently, feeling the stretch the back muscles and spine.
These exercises can be done every day for 10-15 minutes. Technique exercises.
1. Get on all fours. Breathe in, slightly rotted back and look up. So, to feel how the muscles are stretched along the spine from the coccyx to the neck. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale, round your back and draw the belly to tense muscles. Tuck your chin to your chest and hold your breath for a few seconds. Run 7 - 8 of such movements.
2. Lie on your back, hands placed on the floor behind your head. Fully exhale air. Keeping your left leg straight, inhale while bending your right knee, and clasping the thigh to the torso, Bow right knee with both hands. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then relax, exhale and return to starting position. Repeat 5-7 times for each leg.
3. Lie on the floor, rewound the hands behind the head and straighten. Breathe normally. Pull both left arm and leg in opposite directions. Repeat the same for the right side. Make 5 - 7 pull for each side. Evening charging for the nervous system
Stress - is the daily companion of almost every modern man. To solve this problem, of course, can only be complex, and special exercises may be a first step towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
1. Stand beside a chair, sideways to his back. Holding on to the back of his left hand, make a full exhalation. Then, while inhaling, bending the knee, lift your right leg and clasp (knee), right hand (not a brush). Drop head to knee in a pose hold your breath for 3 seconds. Relax and lower your leg. When you are completely mastered this exercise and be good to keep a balance, you can bow his knee with both hands to push was stronger. Run 3 times for each leg.
2. Stand straight, look, focus on one point on the wall in front of you (have to keep my head straight). Breathe normally. Slowly lift your right leg and place the foot on the inner surface of the left leg as high as possible. Toes at the same time sent to the bottom. Relax your leg. In this position it will not slide down. When you feel that the stand is stable, take a full breath, then slowly inhaling, raise your hand and somknite hands over his head. Then relax your breathing and feel how tense the abdominal muscles. Breathe freely. To maintain balance, keep watch at one point. In this exercise is more important to relax your breathing, keeping the balance, than to raise his arms above his head. Run 3 times for each leg.
At first glance it might seem that by performing an evening exercise, there will be no time for other chores - but in fact 15 minutes of exercises adds only courage and enthusiasm for night life.
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