And even talking about cardio workouts, it is worth saying that there are a few options. In particular, it is interval training.
And even talking about cardio workouts, it is worth saying that there are a few options. In particular, it is interval training. The fact that such an interval training and why is it an advantage today tells women site "beautiful and successful." What is interval training?
Already from the title it is clear that this training involves alternating load. Such a load significantly increases the efficiency of your workout, which is used for fat burning and the formation of beautiful terrain.
Interval training combines two types of loads. Running with high intensity muscle expends energy. And during the recovery phase the heart and lungs are working in such a way as to restore the consumed energy by converting carbohydrates and fat in this same energy. That's why interval training is much more efficient than conventional running.
Under alternating load, it is understood that some time you train with high intensity and then decline, and rises again.
In order to determine the intensity, some experts suggest 10-point scale. 1 point - the load that does not require much effort, well, and 10, respectively, the load at which you are trying to complete.
Intervals can train, running, swimming, biking. But the easiest way to do it on a treadmill or stationary bike. Evaluation criterion can be both scale and speed.
The important point for any cardio workout is a heartbeat. Try to ensure that during the phase of rest, he was down to 100 - 110 beats per minute. Tips on interval training for beginners
Return to scale. So, 1 point - the load is akin to walking. 10 - Running in a very large, we can say sprint speed. For training is best to use a stopwatch and heart rate.
First, before each workout should be warming up. The simplest thing - a run for 5-10 minutes.
Second, do not set yourself time limits. Otherwise you will simply not work for nothing and the result, but at the time. Therefore, for the first time do so many alternations, as you can. The next time you add another 2 sets, etc. The main thing - not to force your body, or after the first times he went on strike.
Honing his skills, first fix or technique, or work over a period. But it is not over and the other at the same time!
Engage in interval training can be not more than 1 - 2 times a week since the body will require at least 2 - 3 days to restore power.
Intervals for beginners - 10 - 15 seconds for the veteran - 45 - 60 seconds.
It is important to remember that if you are just starting to engage, the phase of recovery should be 3 times longer than that of the interval.
For example, if an intense load lasted for 30 seconds, it will recover 90. A well trained for such excess shall be 2 times.
Here is an example of constructing interval training
* 5 minute workout - the intensity of a 10-point scale 3
* 30 seconds - 5 -6 intensity on a 10-point scale
* 90 seconds - the intensity of the 4 - 5 on a 10-point scale
* 30 seconds - the intensity of 6 - 7 on a 10-point scale
* 90 seconds - 5 -6 intensity on a 10-point scale
* 30 seconds - the intensity of the 7 - 8 on a 10-point scale
* 90 seconds - the intensity of 5 - 6 on a 10-point scale, and so on, until you get to 9.
* Finally - 90 seconds with an intensity of 5 - 6, and 60 seconds, with intensity 4 - 5.
* And 5 minutes to recover.
Intensity inside the intervals you can set yourself, and do not necessarily get to 9 the first time. Main - gradually. I wish you success in the development of interval training!
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