The popularity of Guarana is clear, here's a list of its main effects:
* Eliminates drowsiness;
* Sharpens sensory deprivation;
* Stamina;
* Reduces the appetite;
* Increases the consumption of fat;
* Helps to get rid of the hangover symptoms.
Positive properties can be countered by the harm from guarana:
* Increased urination;
* Raises blood pressure;
* Increases the heart rate;
* Can lead to nervous breakdowns;
* Can cause insomnia;
* Can be formed depending.
As you can see, the properties of guarana are quite diverse and somewhat similar to the properties of caffeine. The difference is that the coffee beans caffeine concentration is lower than the same weight amount of guarana seeds. In addition to the guaranina beans guarana contains tannins, theobromine, theophylline, etc. These same alkaloids found in cocoa beans (and hence the chocolate), organic coffee and tea, so that's nothing new and particularly dangerous no ... if not exceed the dosage, but this is not all one. When used guarana?
Guarana can be purchased in many different forms - liquid, tablets, in powders. The most popular are 2 types:
* As one of the additives in the water for training;
* As a portion of ampoules with an extract of guarana.
If you carry a good coffee and there are no health complaints, the guarana can be taken before a workout. This is one of the best ways to get the pulse of vivacity.
But the use of guarana for weight loss absolutely not recommended. You know, there are magic pills for weight loss with guarana, L-carnitine and other substances. If you go to the gym, then a small dose of guarana will stimulate you, but you will lose weight only actively engaged in the gym. Guarana and caution
You can speak at length about the dangers of guarana, and in response to hear stories about that in Brazil, guarana is virtually synonymous with our soda and drink it liters. In response, one can argue about the fact that in Brazil, drink it from childhood, and with a normal coffee there was no problem initially, but for our rights is completely alien product. Omit these debates because the full-fledged clinical trials on human volunteers was conducted.
Guarana is used by manufacturers such as Coca-Cola as one of the main additives in the manufacture of some drinks, so we lean their investigation immediately.
Studies on dogs showed that almost all of them are overexcited, showed symptoms of food poisoning, and some of them even died.
Mice more resistant treated guarana and demonstrate increased stamina, improved memory and loss of adipose tissue. Rats, unlike mice, the properties of guarana reacted poorly.
As for the people, then clearly we can say - many of guarana is contraindicated. This is especially true:
* People with high blood pressure;
* Tachycardia;
* Blood disorders, especially with bleeding disorders;
* People with high risk of stroke;
* People with high risk of myocardial infarction;
* Diseases of the nervous system;
* Pregnant women;
* Suffering from alcohol or drug addiction.
This list is not exhaustive and the best solution would be to consult a physician. You can not use guarana extract with many drugs, such as widespread aspirin or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Please note - we do not talk about the overdose, all this concerns only the possible effects of most conventional doses.
The signs of poisoning guarana will:
* Increased heart rate;
* Overexcitation;
* Difficulty urinating;
* Nausea and vomiting;
* Seizures;
* Abdominal cramps.
In case of overdose, and symptoms of poisoning should immediately consult a doctor.
Be attentive to yourself and moderation in the use of guarana. Remember that exercise need to be healthy. For many, taking guarana entered into a habit, from which it is impossible to get rid of. Take it only when you need it and everything will be okay.
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