Designers of the recent past sometimes changed the size of the shape of the mirrors in the apartment, but the function of the mirror remained unchanged - in the interior of the room mirror was part of the furniture, and not part of the design space.
However, the mirror is able to solve the unique problems in interior design. Not a mirror of the original form in a rich frame and mirror cloth, used as a finishing matter in the interior apartments, restaurants, shops and cafes. Due to its price before the start of the twentieth century, the mirror used in a kitchen or bathroom interior, it was simply unimaginable luxury.
Near the mirror blade is a decorative function - it is able to visually change the design of the room, visually expand the interior kitchen, bathroom, hall, trading floor. Agree, rather "magical" quality, not peculiar to other coating materials that are used in the interiors of apartments and cafes.
The first and most important - the mirror visually increases the interior space. This effect is reflected by the volume allows a person to feel more comfortable in small rooms with low ceilings. And in the spacious bathroom or hallway can be achieved quite remarkable room design with the effect of airiness.
It is a remarkable quality of the mirrors make the room brighter without additional lighting and windows. And if electric lighting is easy to enlarge, boiled additional lamps, the amount of daylight can be changed only by means of mirrors. The only alternative - to increase the window openings, which is not always possible and is beyond the scope of interior design.
A unique feature of the mirror is that it never goes out of fashion. Interior design using mirrors to look modern, even after decades. The Hermitage is a room with mirrored wall, which is totally reflected from the wall opposite the windows. This leaves room not just an unusual mood. He has more than one hundred years (!) Looks like a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of interior design.
Why has there been mirror tiles
The first thing that comes to mind when one wants to use that function fine mirrors in interior design - to sew up the mirror an entire wall or ceiling. But this solution has several drawbacks:
* Oversized mirror area can make a room design "cold" and uncomfortable;
* You can buy a truly gigantic sheets of mirror, but still on the wall or ceiling will be a few seams;
* Sometimes the mirror plates is simply impossible to introduce into the room through the existing doors and windows. And if the interior shop seams are almost invisible, in the interiors of apartments it would be inappropriate;
* At the slightest unevenness wall mirror sheet may break (during and after installation);
* Design the ceiling using a mirror blade has one more negative - with the slightest unevenness of the image it will "float". This will never happen when using the ceiling tiles in the mirror;
* The solid mirror finish makes the smallest contamination is clearly visible. Especially when it comes to a kitchen;
* If you have abandoned the use of ceiling and wall tiles in the mirror, the smallest chips or cracks will require very serious repair work;
* Large mirror area does not fit into some of the architectural styles. Formation of the latter occurred in an era when even a small mirror was a jewel. The use of such stylish interiors of apartments and restaurants mirror tiles will look like an interesting eclectic. Mirror cloth, is likely to be knocked out of the general style of interior decoration;
* The use of large sheets of mirror, in our view, it is more appropriate in the interiors of public buildings with a very large metric area and high ceilings. In the design of restaurants and cafes such a decision may be attributable to savings in the design - the beauty of the mirrors can hide the absence of the original author's ideas in the field of interior design. In the interior, apartments, even a large area, it is unlikely to be appropriate.
These facts suggest that in the interiors of apartments, and in the interiors of shops and restaurants, mirrored panels and trims in many cases it is expedient to create through the ceiling or wall tiles made of mirrors.
Thus, in the interior design of mirror surfaces receive an additional decorative effect.
Wall tiles in the mirror may, for example, have the same size as the tiles made of ceramics, which is located nearby. How to tell the designer, the interior space is preserved rhythm of interior decoration. The entire surface tiled the same size, some of which - wall tiles in the mirror. Such a solution in the interior of the premises will attract attention, but will design the room to remain comfortable, calm.Something about the compatibility of wall and ceiling tiles out of the mirror with other materials, as well as shape and size of mirror tiles
An important feature of the mirror - his stylistic neutrality. Mirror tiles can be used for room, decorated in any style - from classics in the interior rooms with carved furniture and lots of draperies to industrial kitchen design with glass and metal surfaces.
That's why developing a design space, care should be taken only on the reasonable use of the mirror tiles in the interior, as well as choose the most suitable shape and size of wall and ceiling tiles to create the most favorable impression.
Therefore, allow yourself a few tips.For interior design with ceramic tiles
* In this case it is best first to buy ceramic tiles, and then order the mirror tiles in the size of the already purchased wall tiles. This keeps the rhythm of design and general idea of the design space;
* Mirror tile looks more advantageously and elegantly with ceramic tile dark or saturated colors, not allowing, but the interior design to be grim;
For interior design, decorated with other materials
* Mirror tile looks great with heavy drapes, parquet flooring, cork finish, painted surfaces, saturated colors, wall tiles made of natural and artificial stone - with all the quality and expensive materials;
* The budget repair using mirror tiles will help avoid the "cheap" feel of the interior apartments;
* On the walls is preferable to use a mirror tile rectangular in shape, although this is not the rule;
* If the room will not be used in ceramic tiles, mirror tiles is better to order the original size. So in the interiors of living rooms and in creating the restaurant or cafe you can avoid unwanted "tiled" association;
* Mirror Tile is a unique material for interior protrusions, colonies and semi-flat surfaces. These elements of the interior are no longer "eat" the space and contribute to the design of interior light, sometimes even a solemn note;
* The decoration of rooms with small windows, wall and ceiling tiles out of the mirror will help increase the amount of daylight;
* Ceiling tile out of the mirror is preferable to order a square shape. And the higher the room, the large size of ceiling tiles are appropriate;
* For the installation of a mirror ceiling tiles should be used not only special adhesives, and mechanical fastening;
* To create a mirrored ceiling, you can use a system of fixing false ceiling type Armstrong - just the place to put decorative panels ceiling tile from the mirror. In this type of installation it is desirable to cover the back side of the mirror tiles with special reinforced film for security. An alternative may make plastic mirror. They are easier, but substantially more expensive and grow turbid with time. When you create the interior design of high quality is preferred to use the ceiling tile of a glass mirror.
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