Pike and she would not mind "a sip" of fresh water and at the same time to hunt - stays there, where the first stream will run to the lake. There would have to put zhivtsov, but not all pike fishing is allowed before it is spawning, which will begin very soon.
But on mormyshku can catch roach and perch. At this time the beginning of the movement of water and fish the last does not necessarily look at the very bottom, it can keep polvody, and even near the ice. In order not to scare away the fish on a sunny day, not prevent shading the hole at least an ice crumbs. On large bodies of water begins and dobychlivaya catching bream with depth. Caught mostly at night when the bite is much better and come across very large specimens.
Fish are now more moves over the pond, and in search of her were more mobile and anglers. Sitting now do not have to - you can go without a catch. By the way, fishermen do not mind and poblesnit: redfish and easier to search and peck at the lure more large specimens. Often, catches and pike, if you do not have time to bite blesenku with thin fishing line. End of March - a dull, for most anglers. Lake still covered with ice, but keep at it, risking his life, a normal person would not. On rivers - flood. Although the period of spring floods is also possible to catch fans of the extreme conditions a little - very few people will see with a fishing rod.
And the first days of April, it is best to devote the ordering, acquisition, repair and manufacturing of gear and bait before long, and the best fishing season. While many prefer to catch the ice, can not but agree that opportunities to amuse the soul on the open water is much greater.
Perhaps, through April something so would interfere with the appearance on the pond. In the first place, the complete passivity of certain species of fish during the spawning season and beyond. The prohibitions related to this major event in the life of fish. It is true that fishing from the shore float rod with a hook at the many reservoirs often allowed.
By the end of the month in most cases, the "warmed" goldfish, especially in small, shallow ponds, where no restrictions do not apply. After spawning greedily pecking at a worm small perch. Many reservoirs is a real weed fish, eating eggs and young of other species, so the release of the abundance of small-sized perch benefit and its larger brethren, and other fish species. But livestock tugorosloy roach, which takes place at this time of spawning channels and small rivers and feeds voraciously, a huge army anglers lined up along the shore, may cause substantial uscher.
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