The thermostat controls the temperature of the evaporator or air in the freezer and not the temperature be frozen products. When he noted that the air in the freezer cold enough, it disables the engine, regardless of whether frozen foods completely or net.V mode forced frost thermostat is turned off and the compressor continues to run, unless you disable this option samostoyatelno.V mode forced frost control temperature is turned off and the compressor continues to run, unless you disable this mode alone.
There are two variants of realization of the regime of super-freezing. At the first compressor is connected to the network directly, bypassing the thermal sensors, and the thermostat is set the minimum temperature. In the second case, the evaporator is in the vicinity of the temperature sensor includes mild heating element, which does not allow the sensor to cool down and turn off the compressor. In modern refrigerators Activate super-frozen by a special processor and freeze itself is accelerating due to the use of directed jets of cold air.
It must be remembered that in the regime of forced frost motor-compressor can operate without stopping no more than three days. If it does not control the automatic shutdown, do not forget to stop in time to work in this mode, otherwise the reduced motor life. In addition, most models when you switch on the super-freezing temperature is lowered and in the refrigeration chamber, which can spoil the food stored there.Zero Zone
Many current models have one extra, zero zone. It can be placed inside the refrigerator compartment as a separate shelf or drawer or be represented by a separate camera, located between the freezer and refrigeration compartments, or underneath, under refrigeration compartment.
This area has always maintained the temperature of 0 ° C. True, guaranteed to this regime can be achieved only if the null zone is a camera with a separate freezer compartment or chamber to which is fed cool air from the freezer.
Thanks to these storage conditions, many products retain their freshness on average two to three times longer than ordinary refrigerator. The null zone can be divided into two sub - dry and wet. The first is supported by the relative humidity of not more than 50%. It is intended for the storage of packaged meat, poultry, fish and fresh seafood. In the second, the relative humidity of 90%. Here you can keep fresh greens and perishable vegetables, fruits and herbs.
Nutrients, vitamins and flavor are preserved in the two times longer than conventional cold chamber.Internal facilities
If the technical quality of refrigerators of different manufacturers may be about the same, the design of internal content can vary considerably. Competition in the market is large, and wins one who offers more user-friendly design.
Shelves - the most important part of the refrigerator, not related to its technical characteristics. They can be represented as metal bars, so to be made of solid glass or plastic. The second option more expensive, but it has its advantages. If the contents of a container shed, in the refrigerator shelves with lattice fluid will be up to the very bottom. Glass shelves can prevent such a nuisance - all remain on their surfaces. Wash glass shelves, too convenient.
Importantly, the distance between the shelves. You must decide what will be mostly stored in your refrigerator - small jars and bags, or three-liter containers with home-made and big pots of soup for a week. In the latter case you will need a machine, where the distance can be adjusted so that at least one shelf will allow her to put on bulky items.
Expensive models of refrigerators may have a special system with which the distance between shelves can be adjusted without removing them from products. True, such a system is costly and, in principle, can be considered a luxury item.
Boxes for storage of fruits and vegetables should be comfortable, easy to be nominated, you will be approached by volume. Drawers can be equipped with not only the refrigerator compartment, and freezer. In addition, in the freezer compartment can be built special trays for fast freezing of small fruits, berries and mushrooms. In this case, they can be positioned so that they do not touch each other and not regedit.
In addition may be attached to such pleasant things as a form of egg cartons, containers for scented products, meat and fish, butter dish.
Arrangements for the ice you might find useful if you frequently throwing a party or ice you need for cosmetic procedures. In hot countries this function is a special demand. If any you do not need to lay in the freezer trays with water or special packages. You pour water into a special container located on the door of the freezer from the inside, and outside there is a dispenser from which after a certain time you get a ready-made ice cubes. In some models are built well and device for cooling drinks.
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