If a man has long been sore and swollen feet, he feels a sense of gravity, and all it causes seizures, which eventually become permanent, it means that he develops varicose veins. Deficiency in potassium, calcium and other trace elements, flat feet can also cause convulsions.
Most often, seizures occur in humans from exposure to cold, which happens when swimming in cold water or in winter when low temperatures. And they are repeated in a certain situation, and not because a person is sick.
To prevent such diseases as convulsions and lack of vitamins, we must take in food cheese, beans, hard cheeses, fruits such as apples, bananas, dried apricots, which are rich in potassium. To use such products should be regular. In addition, if the normal food does not help and the lack of trace elements above the norm, that it is necessary to take vitamins course twice a year.
Sometimes you long to sit in a awkward position. Then it may happen gripping muscles in the muscular nerve canal, and muscle spasms occur. To get rid of this, we must, first and foremost, take a comfortable position and do not strong massage, stretching his stiff muscles, which must try to relax.
Often, leg cramps occur spontaneously, and thus people can feel good and nothing to be healthy. Then we should find out the cause of the seizures. Should get tested and seek good professional.
If you have frequent cramps in the legs, it is necessary, above all, pay attention to your diet. We must reduce consumption of sugar and coffee, and smoke less, because excess intake in the nicotine and caffeine can cause frequent seizures. This view of modern medicine.
What should I do to ease the pain of cramps. Fastest - this is to pinch a few times where a spasm caught, then you can get a massage and, finally, to smear the sore spot warming ointment. And to prevent seizures, it is necessary constantly to do massage.
Cause seizures can also be a variety of diseases such as epilepsy, spazmofilii, eclampsia, brain tumors, hidden traumas, and various inflammatory and infection. These causes can be determined only specialists such as endocrinologists, phlebologist, a neurologist. Cramps persist, as is the underlying disease.
Well treat seizures and in folk medicine. There are several ways. For example, to prevent convulsions in two weeks need to rub the soles of your feet with lemon juice in the morning and evening, and allow to dry and then put on shoes or socks. After two weeks to do a big break. Another way, during the convulsions rub into the sore spot of mustard oil.
In addition to the application of various drugs, massage, in order to overcome cramps, there are several exercises. They run regularly serves as a prevention of seizures and reduces their appearance.
* Stand on your toes as high as possible to high heels off the floor, and then sharply dropped. Make exercise ten times.
* Lying on your back, straighten your legs and arms pull the sides. Pull your left leg as far as possible without taking the heel off the bed, pull the sock. Keep both legs for five seconds and then relax it. Then perform the same exercise for the right foot and then the two legs together. Exercise should be done five times.
* Standing on heels, bend your toes and keep the balance of ten seconds. This exercise should be done five times.
* Within three minutes should be very slow flexion and extension of toes.
* Standing or sitting in a chair, try to put a foot crosswise and lean on the outer side of the foot. In this position must stay ten seconds. Repeat five times.
* Sit on the floor, stretching out in front of his feet, and in turn lowers and raises the fingers of one and the other leg without lifting your heels off the floor. Do need to exercise for one minute, but very quickly.
* Perform a slow rotation stops, sitting on the floor and stretched out in front of his feet. Exercise should be done within three minutes.
At the end of charging for the feet, it will be useful to contrast baths. But do they have to be very careful because, for example, varicose veins, the water should not be too hot, the temperature difference should not be harsh.
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