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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

As the children make a board game

All children love to play. Nice, of course, when the child is already advanced in computers and smartly "kill them all" in which - or shooter. But computer games rather alienate the child from the parents of sisters and brothers from their peers. Not to mention the damage and destruction of the psyche.

 Computer games, where you can play at once more players are not so many and they are designed mainly been on teenagers, rather than young children. Baby, on the contrary, it is important to communicate and the best in the game. Therefore remain popular conventional board games. They can play any number of people, almost all age groups, from children 3-4 years, ending with their grandfathers and grandmothers. And the excitement and fun at them much more than a computer, thanks to the large number of participants. After all, every party - it has its own share of luck, your character play, a different strategy. A mutual banter and "harmful" tips make these games a whole view.
You can buy a different board games in the store. But even better to make a board game itself and with the children. Here unites and brings together children and parents the process of creation. And really, how much pride will have a small maker, how many conversations in kindergarten and relatives! After all, he thought, and did this! Well, almost himself ...
What would a game for a child (and adult, which is likely to often be his partner) was interesting, it should be quite clear and simple and logical for the rules.
Goal of the game, too, should be simple, understandable and, in principle, achievable. At the same time it must be very large variation of the story-driven game events. And the player (even small) must consciously choose and try to implement some specific, winning from his point of view, option. But at the same time, there must be a large element of randomness that makes the game emotionally, leveling the skill and making it possible to win even a novice. After all, if one player wins all the time, and the second loses, the "vechnoproigryvayuschego" will disappear very quickly wants to play. And if the "master" all the time forced to succumb to - disappears wants to play with him. Randomness also puts players in almost identical conditions. Luck gives chance to everyone, but who both managed to realize them? And when a child plays with "the best dad" and not because he had succumbed, and in "fair fighting" - the enthusiasm has no limits.
Can not be discounted developmental side of the game. A child, playing a board game, even the most simple, to develop their imagination, learns quickly take learning to accept what the decision, and begins to understand the relationship between the decision, their actions and their results. His erroneous actions are obvious to him and he begins to think like them not to repeat or avoid, understands what the situation is bad, and what - is good. It develops not only tactical but also strategic thinking.
Throughout its history mankind has invented, and invented many board games, and based on the overwhelming number of them is a very small number of game elements. But with the help of which recreated in the game almost infinite number of versions of the game. This card, dominoes, chess, checkers, etc. But for a board game with children are most suited to play with the bones (dice) on which either the playing field.
Board games on the playing field, as a rule, are simple enough for the main plot, aims and rules of the game. They are easily understood by even the youngest players (especially if they invented specifically for). And at the same time, scenarios can be as much as you put in the plot. Element of chance in a parlor game often implemented using the very playing field (depending on the place on it) and dice (or several blocks).
Invent plot of the game for a child is best with your child. The plot, as a rule, lies the fact that it currently occupies. If he has at this time what that favorite toy or a fairy tale or a hero, she or they (or fairy tale characters), and are naturally the main characters of the game. And with these characters must be what - the events and that he should - then commit. The easiest way to simply repeat the plot of fairy tales, but with options. But even more interesting for the child will have a new, unknown story, a continuation of the already known and known to him as heroes. In the story should be included and static characters who will help or hinder the participants of the game (heroes). More fun to play when they start to mix characters from different fairy tales. There are no limits to imagination completely. Then on the way the participants can get everything anyone, from the hobbits and orcs to Doctor Dolittle and the cat in boots ... And so will they help or harm - it's the creators of the game.
Simple games for the little ones is to move the character from point A to point B by permutation of chips on the playing field by the number of moves fell to the cube. Of course, the hero (players of the game) a few, and they are all rivals. Such rules are simple and understandable to the child. And now our task - to invent and develop the plot, create obstacles to the players and the conditions for different scenarios. Here, in general - is used as standard methods for board games of this nature.
Usually, this:

* Branching paths. In fairy tales, this situation corresponds to the "standing stone, you go right - the horse will lose ..." etc. The situation is familiar to the child. The player to put chips on a certain point, must go on the directional arrows in the next course. It can be both shorter and longer path, more or less saturated other surprises. Even more "intriguing twist" can be stipulating the need to "turn" or to avoid it by throwing a certain number on the dice. For example, a roll of "5" - it is still going straight, while all the others - you turn on the longer path. Possible at some point and give the opportunity of independent choice of a path. Such conditions greatly raise the emotional background of the game. Of course, different variations of path must be essentially equivalent and have the same chance of passage, but apparently look the same. For example, a shorter path must also have a great chance to get into trouble.
* Acceleration and deceleration. The player to put chips on a particular field, "tolerated" on the arrow to another square, forw
ard or backward. Sometimes even another version of the track. Typically, such actions occur in overcoming any obstacles that like mountains, rivers, wetlands, etc. then you can invent things, expectations of the ferry and the demolition of over while crossing a river to carry dragons, broads, Yagami and spacecraft through the forests and mountains and on other planets.
* The behavior of the player. If you give the player a choice, (eg - Select the path on which to walk), then all of his fate will depend on what he chooses, and whatever the situation.
* The terms of the interaction between the players themselves. Everything is determined by the storyline and regulations. How many "lives" can be at each of the participants whether they could "shoot down" chip rivals, "jump" over them or run across as an obstacle, the conditions for obtaining extra lives and so on and so forth. Ie how can the players - in some way influence the actions of competitors, or simply observe their actions. The first option is much aggravates the game, but he has for the older players.
The main charm of homemade board game that it meets the immediate needs done quickly, TS on "issues of the day, its rules are simple and can be changed by agreement of players. And the game itself can easily be changed, which is part of the game board can be replaced, the field itself - to expand the plot to develop. Children in this case, literally "live" this game and in this game. The playing field can improve and beautify the illustrations, self-made or cut from a magazine. They can be flat and standing upright, which makes the game especially colorful and attractive to children. After a 3-dimensional world! And they took part in its creation! (And incidentally - have mastered a lot of simple crafts and handicrafts).

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