After reading the title of the article, do not rush to remember the line incorruptible, from childhood well-known works. It's about a medical problem - the menstrual cycle.
To begin with, say, what is a "good" - this is a normal menstrual cycle. It is a uterine bleeding not exceeding 80 ml at regular intervals of 21 to 35 days. All that is beyond the scope of this definition, is a violation of the menstrual cycle.
Lovely ladies! If you are in the cycle there is any deviation, do not get depressed or panic, ring up all her friends and asking, as they have, etc. This is - just an excuse to seek medical advice gynecologist-endocrinologist. After a conversation with your doctor identify the reasons for the disturbances of the menstrual cycle, and if necessary, appoint a survey.
By the doctor's recommendations should be taken seriously not only because it is a question about your reproductive health and quality of life, but also because of irregular menstrual cycle may be associated with pathology in the genital organs, and diseases of the endocrine system.Algomenorrhea
This is the most frequent type of irregular menstrual cycles (31-52% in women aged 14-44 years). It manifests itself, or labor-aching pain in the abdomen, the sacrum, lower back during menstruation and is accompanied by general malaise.
Algomenorrhea often combined with nausea, vomiting, loose stools, weakness, migraine headaches. These symptoms last from several hours to a day or more. Console themselves that will be painful menstruation after pregnancy or sexually active, it is not necessary.
Because this kind of irregular menstrual cycle can be a symptom of endometriosis, malformations of internal genital organs, impeding the flow of menstrual blood, and chronic inflammatory diseases of the adnexa and pelvic ganglionevritom.Dysmenorrhea
It is characterized as a delay and a premature onset of menstruation. Why is that? You love to travel or your work involves frequent flight? You did not hesitate to fly from winter to summer and back again, "live" on the plane? Then there may be such violations of the menstrual cycle.
The reason for this lies in the effect of changes in climate or time zones on a woman's body. As a rule, after returning home, and acclimatization menstrual cycle is restored.Oligoamenoreya
Infrequent menstruation, infertility, weight gain, increased hairiness, increased ovarian often are symptoms of polycystic ovaries (PKYA). It is defined as the structure and pathology of ovarian function on the background neyroobmennyh violations. Typically, when referring to the doctor the patient complains of some very unpleasant for her manifestation PKYA: being overweight or having difficulty conceiving. And when examining it appears that everything is connected!Metrorrhagia
Intermenstrual bleeding from the genital tract may occur among the total well-being and for no apparent reason. Usually they are not accompanied by pain and deterioration of general condition.
Often women do not pay it due attention, writing off all the stress, fatigue, etc. Perhaps this will prove true. But the doctor in this situation will assign examination to exclude:
* Benign pelvic (uterine fibroids with a submucous location of the site, the polyps of the endometrium and cervical canal, adenomyosis, infection, foreign body in the uterus);
* Cancer of the endometrium, cervix, vagina, vulva;
* Breach of the blood coagulation system;
* Hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function);
* Liver disease.
The sooner you consult a doctor, the better!Amenorrhea
Lack of independent menses for 6 months or more. The most severe (and, fortunately, rare) Pathology of menstrual function. Why are most severe? Because patients suffering from amenorrhea, changed psycho-emotional and sexual sphere, is greatly reduced efficiency, increased risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular disease and mental illness.
Everyone knows the natural (physiological) cause amenorrhea: pregnancy, lactation and menopause. But when the girls in the 17-18 years with normal development of secondary sexual characteristics do not have your period - this is a serious reason for seeking professional help.
Everyone knows the old maxim: everything flows, everything changes. Maybe someone reading an article and thought: "What's So too seriously to violations of the menstrual cycle? Run to the doctor, take the time and sometimes money on a survey? "I will reply with full responsibility:" I must! "Think about it, because maybe these changes, menstrual irregularities - the first bell, the first sign of impending trouble!
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