Starting to work in cosmetology, I can not help wondering possibilities of new technologies. Want to return to her face and the elasticity of youth? Not a problem! Get rid of the mesh of wrinkles around the eyes? A piece of cake! Solve the problem of cellulite? Easy! At the same time to rejuvenate for the full program, you need not particularly tense. Minimum effort, maximum pleasure - and an impressive effect.
I used to think that no sensible woman in our town will not agree to lie on the couch, beauty, gave her, though not perfect, but beloved and dear person at the mercy of the girls in white robes. But recently surprised to discover that these women are not just a lot of ... Them - tens of thousands. And they are all willing to pay big money for something, to expose their skin to various tests. And all in order to become even more beautiful and happy ... After talking to a beautician and director of a VIP-a beauty salon, I decided to write about today's most popular treatments for face and body.Classical mesotherapy
The essence of mesotherapy is that under the skin at the level of the middle part of the dermis microscopic doses of very thin and short needles to a depth of 2-4 mm is introduced therapeutic "cocktail". Medicines used in mesotherapy: extracts from plants, homoeopathic cocktail of vitamins and minerals. Many mezoterapevticheskie preparations are made in homeopathic pharmacies. Mesotherapy before conducting an allergic test: toward the elbow "pin up" a few drops of the substance. If redness and itching not, the skin very quickly cut away a special gun. The technique has been used successfully in the treatment of acne. Its use eliminates the long-term use of antibiotics, quickly and without negative consequences for the organism to remove inflammation.Oxygen mesotherapy
Virtually devoid of all shortcomings of classical mesotherapy. First and foremost is its advantage - no pain. Suffice it to say that the oxygen mesotherapy has become popular, and men who are known to want to be beautiful, but to suffer for it does not agree. Oxygen acts gently. He did not violate the integrity of the skin, which means you do not have to fear of infection or bruises, spots, scars. Nor is there even a redness or swelling of skin. On the contrary, immediately after the procedure, the mirror shows excellent results: the complexion becomes lighter and smoother, narrow pores, small wrinkles disappear. By the way, thanks to this method netravmatichnosti oxygen mesotherapy can be done even on very sensitive skin around the eyes.IAL System - bioozhivlenie skin
Another new injection method of cosmetic correction of skin - prolonged system biorevitalization. IAL system is based on the action of hyaluronic acid, which is actively involved in the metabolism of skin cells, slowing or even preventing its aging.
IAL system is used to improve skin tone and elasticity, which decreases due to natural aging or after chemical peeling. IAL has a powerful antioxidant effect, accompanied by a deep moisturizing the skin, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid itself. IAL system is used mainly for reconstruction of facial skin and contraindications have not yet been identified. The effect is visible after the first procedure, and all of their required of the two, depending on skin condition.Myostimulation
Effect of myostimulation largely depends on the condition of skin, muscle tone and age. Train the muscles around the eyes makes sense when the skin is still able to cancel. The best choice for this age - about 40 years. Many cosmetologists are afraid of circular muscle to stimulate the eye - is a delicate matter, accustomed to inaction, but also in this area too many nerve endings. The procedure is absolutely painless, but it is unusual. First, for ever cause pure collagen - a substance increases skin elasticity and makes it easier to pass AC. Cosmetologist with "plus" in one hand and "minus" - in other consistently handles the necessary points on the face of the electrodes. The effect is visible after the first procedure.Photorejuvenation
This method is based on the ability of the high light flux. In contrast to the action of natural light to the skin shall be allowed only necessary waves and dangerous parts of the spectrum are blocked by filters. Refers to netravmatichnym cosmetic procedures. Photorejuvenation will not damage the skin, but only stimulates the synthesis of its own "young" collagen and elastin. Thus there is a remarkable change. The problem of enlarged pores, spider veins, age spots (including age), removed wrinkles. Handling the entire face takes 20-25 minutes. During the procedure, possible mild discomfort, slight tingling sensation.Seaweed Body Wrap
With clear evidence of cellulite particularly effective different algae wraps. Thanks to modern technology in the finished formula is almost completely preserved the original composition of algae - zinc, iron, calcium, iodine, sulfur and other components of the periodic table. Consequently, in addition to cleansing and output surplus wrapping - this is a plus to the whole deep hydration, nutrition and oxygen saturation of cells. The procedure itself is as follows: the problem areas cover a gruel of algae, then you have half an hour wrapped in plastic wrap. After contact with skin and seaweed are heated like "boil" - you are warm, sometimes hot. Then you wash off in the shower with a dark-green mass. The effect of the wraps can be felt and seen immediately: skin becomes smooth and elastic, plain relief "orange peel" smoothed.HIRO massage
The unique technique, which creates the effect facelift without surgery. This massage works on the muscular system and its main functions. General hiromassazh all over the body for four hands at once make two therapists. The result - a decrease laxity, improvement of oxygen metabolism of skin and muscle power. As well as slowing the aging process. This massage is especially helpful in the spring, as effectively removes toxins from the body and improves overall health. Hiromassazh can help with many ailments, such as dysbacteriosis.
All of the above procedures are very popular among women. And if you decide to try one of these (or all in turn), you need to know that:
* You must report only to the professional beauty, otherwise your skin may not change for the better;
* Most of the procedures are designed for women of 23 years and above;
* Only hiromassazh requires no special recommendations from the beautician, the rest of the procedure will be performed under the supervision of specialists.
Stop or turn back time no one can. But looking at it as steadily developing modern cosmetology, it becomes clear that, unless a time machine, it really eternal youth will soon be provided to all. However, to sit idly by in the hope that old age, if they come, it is not in this life - more than lightly. Therefore, I think, should start to prepare your skin to combat this threat: she eventually repay you handsomely.
Beauty and elagnce trick is shown on the post here. Have a look at it