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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This sweet word - Holidays

On how the child will rest in the winter holidays, largely depends on his health, resistance to fatigue and academic, of course, the ability to perceive information in the classroom.

Rest all day - so imagine the holidays, all schoolchildren. Perhaps the doctors will not argue with them, unless advised to make sure daily rest active. But parents who do not know how to plan your free time, a small pupil, they tell you that there is such a science - the science of rest.
Doctors, hygienists, in numerous studies convincingly demonstrate how tedious for most schoolmen third quarter. Firstly, because it is the longest. Secondly, this time very short day and the coldest weather, from which the children are rarely in the fresh air, less exercise.
But school day our students, which includes homework, according to its duration often exceeds the time adults! It turns out that how a child will rest in the winter holidays, largely depends on his health, resistance to fatigue and academic, of course, the ability to perceive information in the classroom.
Our first advice to parents: Think in advance how best to organize the vacation of your child, especially if he is still in need of adult supervision. Fine, if you can go with your child on a trip or to spend with him this time out of town. Not a bad option - to send their child under careful "wing" grandmother. But what do those who have no such possibility? In recent years, more schools for the holidays have become bases of rest, and they are again gaining popularity. Ask whether organized such a camp in your own or a neighboring school, what sort of conditions. Appear now and other options for leisure activities for younger students, often based on children's art houses, stadiums, parks.
If the child is old enough to have fun in the holidays on their own without your help and advice to him is still not enough. I think you are unlikely to please his many hours prosizhivanie the TV or the computer. Better think over and plan together with a son or daughter than they will be engaged during the holidays. And be sure to take the time to go with your child on a ski trip to the theater, visit grandma, or do some household task.
Games and sports activities in the fresh air - here, perhaps, the best holiday since the second quarter. Such an effective discharge lacks most of our kids throughout the year. In-school children reduce their locomotor activity nearly in half. Sometimes we underestimate the value of walks and motions for the normal development of babies, because so little they are outdoors in the fall and winter. Our observations show that they often stay on the street is limited to going to school and back. So try to break into your child was not a "motor of starvation." Believe the wise saying of the XVIII century French physician Tissot: "The movement as such, may, in its action to replace any vehicle, but all medical supplies of the world can not substitute for action motions". If you really want to improve the health of young schoolboy, my vacation it should be under the motto "Not a day without a walk!".
It is very important to take care of equipment, which would correspond to the weather. Check not only childish clothing and footwear, but also the simple sports equipment, which usually are found in every family. Since we are talking about the winter holidays - this is, of course, sled, skis, skates. Make sure they are OK and fit to size. Do not overlook such an important moment, as your child's safety. Remember that because of the active pastime during the holidays kids are injured more frequently than in the training months. Try to do everything you can to prevent this from happening. Would be superfluous to remind the child the rules of conduct not only outside, but on skating, skiing, roller coaster.
Vacation - it is also possible to treat more closely to the health of your children. For many it is not, alas, is too strong. Unfortunately, not uncommon when parents believe their child is healthy, but actually it is not so. Special studies have shown that among children whose parents considered healthy, these were, according to doctors, only 14%. Recall and that the beginning of the school life of a baby is often accompanied by exacerbation of chronic diseases. In those days, when a child learns, is not simply to find time to visit. Therefore, use the holidays to visit with him at the pediatrician, otolaryngologist, dentist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, or have some other medical specialist. If your child has any chronic ailment, probably makes sense to calmly, without hurrying to undergo treatment.
In the holiday-changing schedule, and the child an opportunity to get some sleep. Our children often nedosypayut during their studies, so the holiday morning lift can be moved to a later time. But the bed is still better in time. Well restores power naps. It, we recommend not only weakened the kids, but also healthy. Perhaps, after returning from the swimming pool or skating rink, they will gladly prilyagut for an hour and a half. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner was the same as on ordinary days.
Unfortunately, sometimes the guys get on a vacation quite surround their school assignments. Mom neighborhood second-graders once showed me a list of 20 goals and 40 examples, 10 texts in English and many oth
er exercises. I can not agree that this is necessary. Such goods can not take on a child in his days of rest. But completely ruled out in the holiday training sessions are not worth it.
Use this time to help your child learn better, for example, a particular rule. I have no doubt that the effectiveness of training will be much higher if the character they will differ from those that kid does every day in class. Think of the job play, creatively, practically implement the knowledge that your child gets in school. Let him come up with a task or a crossword puzzle, write a letter to a friend in English, will plant some houseplant, having learned at the same time, how to care for him. Do not forget to praise the child, even if its success is slim.
It is important that training is fun, the satisfaction - of this form of self-reliance and a desire to learn more. But no matter how interesting these classes, their total duration should not exceed one hour per day for children 8-10 years. After all, there are still so many interesting things: books, board games, meeting with friends, hiking in the woods. We must make time for household chores: helping her mother to clean the apartment, to prepare dinner. And in the album with photos it's time to restore order.
Vacation - the best time for sightseeing, visiting museums and theaters. But do not forget that all necessary measure. You should not drive the child to children's events, performances, carnivals every day. With the best intentions, some moms, dads, grandparents and arrange your baby New Year's Kaleidoscope, and instead of relaxing it even more tired. Keep in mind that visiting children's parties increases the probability of encountering the virus. Stay away from the release of "live" if in the midst of a flu epidemic or if the child is not very good health. Let your baby move more, gets plenty of enjoyable and interesting experience to coming to school rosy-cheeked and beaming, he could say: "holidays - this is great!"

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