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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Techniques of driving in winter

Winter - a favorite time for romantics and "tinsmith. " All the remaining snow and blizzards rejoice in so far as - to a few frostbitten noses and wet feet. Motorists will also accept "white" season with a melancholy sigh. Let's try to make their lives easier by using some simple but vital steps.

 Immediately determine what your car for winter yet ready, that is, their safety and your passengers you are still worried. Tires, antifreeze, etc. nezamerzayka - Relevant and therefore we will not be distracted by issues such as: "Why is it not start?" Or "oops - the wheels on mafynke something slippery steel. Gear also did not neglect - the clothes must not only be warm, but comfortable. So, to the point.
"Gentle, Victor, gently!" This phrase from a famous advertising may well be put as a motto for winter driving. Indeed, all the bugs in the summer can easily get away with it, now can grow into serious problems. Therefore accelerates smoothly, rotate responsive and the brakes gently, sensitively, gently. Imagine being in a car full glass of water - took him as complete. Now a little more.Starting up
Requires a precise dosage of the gas, and smooth clutch pedal (unless, of course, is). It is better to switch off the engine than the stall. In case you slip or "bury", or begin to move in an unexpected direction for you, but on closer parking will lead to the fact that you will touch a nearby car.
If the coating is so slippery that slip begins at the lowest speed, start the movement of second gear - it helps. If you are a bit buried in the snow (remember, a little), you must apply the technique of "swing". To this end, we begin to start with the first or second gear and at the time of stripping wheels in a thrashing wring the clutch. The machine rolled back until it stops, at the beginning of its forward movement, again to add gas and releasing the clutch. Usually 3-4 such rocking motion lets you choose between a small snow trap.
By the way, if you have the opportunity to train - always use it. Enough a couple of times to try this technique and skills are easy to remember.Management
Forget about the sharp turns. Everything! They are no more. There is again flowing movements driving and pre-costed angles of wheels. Here, training is simply obligatory. Find the area and work out the movements necessary for the road: rebuild, turning, braking. Do not forget the classic "snake" and "eight".
Very useful to learn how to pluck the car into a skid, and then get out again. This will help get a better feel bound adhesion of tires to the road and learn to respond correctly at the beginning of sliding. It is clear that drift in and out of it for machinery with a different drive, performed differently, so - a few clarifications.Skidding rear-wheel drive vehicle
Machine with a drive to the rear axle is more understandable, but is less stable in comparison with front-wheel cars. The sharp click of gas can easily tear the drive wheels to slip on the slippery surface. If you add a bit of speed and sharply to spin the wheel with both full throttle you can easily start a nice rotation of the car on the site. Fight with the demolition of the drive axle is quite simple: turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid and relieve gas.Skidding front wheel drive car
Here the car harder to break into a skid, as the driving wheels literally pull the car from the beginning of sliding. But when the driving wheels will no longer cling to the pavement, adrenaline you get in abundance. Do not panic! About the brakes immediately and completely forget! Conversely, turning the steering wheel in the direction of drift the front axle, you need to add gas. Wheels can get caught on the roadway, and in turn we still inscribe. Again, we should not forget that the movement of rudder pedals and manipulation must be strictly dose, and to bring their actions to the level of reflection is necessary only at the site.All wheel drive
That's where I think I will refrain from commenting. The fact that polnoprivodnik hard and break into a skid and pull out of it. All depends on where the torque is greater, and it is quite difficult to catch. In addition, there are also variations in the mass-wheel-drive, so the advice is simple: newbie - do not enter into a skid (ie maintaining a safe speed limit), "seasoned" - good luck (sorry for the cynicism, but the head on his shoulders at everyone) . And another thing: practice, practice, and practice. Levels of control machines just need to learn by experience.Brakes
Winter braking - something very specific. Locked wheels instantly turn the car on the road to check on the bobsleigh track. Therefore: "Gentle, Victor, gently!!! Slowing down gradually, very gradually, very, very, very much. Actively deploy the gear box (the so-called "engine braking"). ABS is a system? Remarkably, just remember that the system helps only a reasonable driver. It only helps to avoid locking the wheels - no more. No ABS at all? Imitate her work is often intermittent brake application. And I repeat one hundred thousandth time - practice! All feel at the landfill.
This technique is very helpful to me early in my driver's career. Imagine, just disaccustomed in DOSAAF got right, bought The old car. Gone. Honestly, I thought that the brakes are actually damaged and need to work - at the very end - type, costs a frosty February Far North. Well, and, accordingly, make corrections. That is - the brakes in advance, mostly engine, typing speed is calculated, how long, in which case (and what), I'll slow down. Even at the minimum speed "frantically" working the brake pedal, "pumped up". Since the machine at the same time begins to resemble a sleigh, he learned to slow down intermittently, etc. Many thanks to my colleagues on the road. Drivers instantly identify yesterday's driving school graduates, provided me with the maximum possible advantage of space and time. A little later I realized that I obviously do not have the experience and asked me to spend an additional driving course. By the way, also one advice. For example, I regularly pass rates for different conditions and driving style.
Well, the last one. Allow me to reiterate the basic principles of winter driving: adjustment speed mode, a safe space for maneuver, increased focus and development of all practical skills in a Circuit. I note that this is only the most basic elements, but they allow you to feel more confident on the road.

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