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Thursday, January 6, 2011

What is a pilgrim tourism?

Visiting the holy places have long constituted one of the most important and sacred traditions of the Russian people is inextricably linked with the very essence of the Orthodox faith. However, during the Soviet era journey to the holy places has become more likely to wear the cognitive rather than a sacred meaning.

The set of places of worship have been redesigned into museums, concert halls, etc., and, therefore, they began to act, not as objects of worship (worship), but as objects of tourism.
Currently, the meaning and purpose of many cult objects acquires its original meaning, they become objects of worship and objects of knowledge. Consequently, religious values - is part of the cultural heritage and tourism facilities.
It should be noted that religious tourism plays an important role in the international and domestic tourism. People go to the pilgrimage and sightseeing tours to holy places and religious centers. They seek to take part in religious ceremonies, pray, make sacrifices. Religion influences the formation of identity and behavior of people. It appears part of the social system and in many cases - one of the most important.
Religious tourism is an integral part of modern tourism industry. It has its own variations:

* Pilgrimage;
* Informative tours of religious orientation.
In the XX century. rapidly developing tourism industry, improved means of transport and communications. People have more opportunities to visit the holy places of their religion. At the same time there was a desire to join the spiritual achievements of the peoples of other countries, to understand the essence of their religion. We can assume that this is partly due to a certain crisis of religions, matured in connection with rapid changes in all aspects of humanity in the past few decades.
Pilgrims are interested in direct participation in religious cults. Socio-psychological framework pilgrimage tourism is narrower than the religious one. Pilgrims mostly profess the religion, the holy places which they have come to worship. Excursions, visits to museums, exhibitions for them - the secondary, related tasks, or very little interest.
Religious tourists, especially pilgrims embark on a journey when they are needed to make something more than the usual religious activities in the normal course of their environment. People go on trips to holy places with different motives: to pray, to solve personal problems, to find her religion, the theological school and a system of values, to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the country.
Objects to attract religious tourists are holy places and religious centers. Trip there may be caused by acts of worship, holidays, festivals held at certain times of the year. With international travel for tourists should be subject to customs, foreign exchange, visa and other formalities. In the Russian tourism market has already formed company engaged in the practical organization of visits of pilgrims and tourists, and specializing in the provision of services in the field of religious tourism.

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