Beautiful people all admired, often admired and sometimes envied. It seems that the fate of them more than supportive: they are always in the spotlight, they are succeeding in life, for him to listen more and trust, they are trying to be like. But here's the paradox: the beautiful as likely to suffer from loneliness, misunderstanding and lack of close friends than everyone else. Why is this happening?
But here's the paradox: the beautiful as likely to suffer from loneliness, misunderstanding and lack of close friends than everyone else. Why is this happening?
Clear criteria by which one can determine a beautiful person, or simply an attractive, scientists have not yet developed. But perhaps they are not needed? After all, the real beauty is always evident, people feel it instinctively. Almost every woman feels, if not a model, then at least attractive and interesting (see the announcement of Dating). But here comes in your environment it is, and once you understand by the general reaction that you just "attractive", but beautiful - She.
A beautiful woman is always shrouded in a haze of mystery. Here it goes down the street and, at this point you're thinking: "What a perfect creation of nature! Hair thick, long eyelashes, teeth, even, perfect skin, thin waist and legs, the figure - as though they took different people have the best of their "parts" and gathered in one person. Eh, I would have half of this wealth was enough to feel "in seventh heaven." In fact, the beautiful life is much harder than you can imagine, even though they are trying to hide it.
Have you ever seen a beautiful woman who would give her looks an absolute fortune? I - no. On the contrary, just remember a few familiar beauties. All of them was a sea of every problem and complexity.
One of them (let's call her Joan) is indeed a very beautiful girl, brown-eyed with ash-blond hair (I say, natural), similar to the statue amongst the rich aristocratic homes. Machined shape, or rather perfected (Jeanne involved in dance), proportional to facial features, shiny hair, melodious voice - nothing to complain about. The problem was different: Joan considered herself superdivoy, a pearl that has fallen on the potato field is not known how. On her face like it was written: "I'm so cool that you do to me, as far as China on foot." The other students of the institute where she studied, instructed to read for the honor of not getting back to it by a loan of money. On her comic conceit of all faculties went jokes. Jeanne was not a single friend, laugh at her, and even a little contempt for snobbery.
Another friend of beauty (let's call her Mary), can not organize his personal life. She was tall, with gold braid, an incredibly beautiful sea-green eyes, she absolutely can not communicate with men. Next to her, they simply "bury" a consciousness of its nothingness and unworthiness. Those few who, nevertheless, ventured to go to the closer, soon disappeared in a certain direction - to the "ordinary" girls. Masha looked in amazement at this betrayal of his almond-shaped eyes and could not understand what actually the case.
You say such problems exist at all, regardless of the external data. I agree. But still, there are some features that unite all women (famous and not) and do not let them feel completely happy. Psychologists call this phenomenon syndrome inadequately inflated self-esteem, which greatly hampers the normal interaction with people. Where did he come from?
You know the beautiful girl who does not know that she is beautiful? Hardly. Beautiful girl in early childhood is well aware that she did not like the others. On this she softened constantly remind parents and grandparents, grandparents, admiring friends and neighbors, not realizing, of course, some serious and not always pleasant consequences are expected in the future, the object of admiration. "Ah, you are our krasotulechka," "Well, what a pretty girl like Angel," "Of course, our Galochka be a princess for matinee, who else could," "What are our Annushka hair chic, like a mermaid!" - Similar remarks strongly reinforce the girl in the opinion that it is the most-the most beautiful. From this comes a sense of its absolute uniqueness (it is so say the most important to it adults - parents) and the condescending attitude toward other children, and, at times, and to adults. Baby, that also can not read, begins to regard her beauty as a personal merit.
Problems can start as early as kindergarten, when suddenly appear in a group another beauty and win everyone's affection, or when our heroine can not perform any job better than anyone, to hear the praise. Beautiful girl in this case may be clever, capable, and fun, but if it is not in the spotlight, and does not get "proper" worship and adoration, it will severely suffer. She was used in literally brought up to be first, and can not understand the feelings and ambitions of other children who also need sometime to get promotion.
At school beauties are usually many secret admirers, even more envious (usually of the same sex) and one trustee. It is not a girlfriend, because It is located on an inaccessible distance from the beauty. Rather, Friday or Sancho Panza. Beautiful girl is not easy to enter with someone in an equal and trusting relationship, because it is "below the dignity"!
And this inaccessibility, generated by internal setting to "luchshest" and bred a sense of superiority that prevents a girl to have close friends and, later, and life partner. Features inaccessibility clearly show through in the face in the childhood and then more and more fixed. People who come into contact with a girl, it instinctively feel and experience the natural irritation because they are considered Class II.
In his early youth a beautiful woman has time to get tired of the many, but non-permanent boyfriends, girlfriends, from the hypocritical gossips. Perhaps she already wants simple, warm relationship with at least one person. But to change radically their attitude towards the people around them, to tear the mask of inaccessibility, and pride is very difficult. It becomes an integral character trait. And the surrounding is not particularly want to close contact with that person. Who would want to "wallow in the shadow of" beauty? If as a child are such friends, who just fun to stay in the "epicenter" of events, the adult tends to have already disclosed their potential, rather than a stranger.
Beautiful woman feels lonely and no receptions, banquets can not brighten it. When alone, the beauty thinks it no one understands and does not know her real one. This is doubly difficult, because she has to carefully mask their depression. Well, she can not, my queen, to show their frustration and resentment subordinates plebeians. They are something because they think that it - the very personification of prosperity and happiness. Therefore, outwardly beautiful woman of all the "shines and sparkles." Moreover, it is seen that the shocking image and the pretentious, the more a man of deep personal problems.
It's hard, handsome, lives. I remember one wise saying: "The beauty of the body - is not only a great gift, but also a great responsibility. To get satisfaction from it, it must be combined with the beauty of the soul. "
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