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Friday, January 7, 2011

Prevention of appendicitis

Correct and systematic use of valuable food is the main way of preventing not only appendicitis but also many other diseases of the abdominal cavity.

Especially, it is not recommended to use too much meat. Familiar, that people such as ethnic Arabs, Chinese, Iranians, Turks and others, mostly consumed plant foods and they are much less noticeable manifestation of this disease.
In Chinese villages, people mostly eat rice, and manifestations of appendicitis is hardly mentioned, while the urban dwellers, who eat more meat products, have the same level of disease that most of the countries and people who eat mostly foods of animal origin.
Normal food containing cellular material (beans, grains, vegetables, fruits), significantly prevents disease. Thus, reduce the consumption of products of animal origin and combine them with milk and vegetable products.
Significantly to keep under systematic observation chair, to prevent the formation of constipation. Any manifestation of stagnation in the intestine leads to the formation of abscesses. Also, is not unimportant to know what the result of severe appendicitis can be prevented. Namely, during the medical examination, which is sufficiently broadly distributed among the people, the patient who had repeatedly or even once, showed symptoms of the disease, ie, with chronic appendicitis, it is recommended to cut out the appendix. Thus, the manifestation of the ordinary symptoms will be prevented.
Nevertheless, the inevitability of surgery should be individually coordinated with a specialist, depending on the patient's state of health.

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