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Thursday, February 10, 2011

I do not want to learn!

The first condition

First and most important condition for success - it's normal operation of the brain. During training the brain forms a complex system of relationships that help "keep in mind" the material under study. The human brain begins to develop in the womb and ends its formation to approximately 20 years. Brain development occurs gradually and unevenly. Different areas of the brain mature at different times. The formation of mental functions (memory, attention) occurs only when sufficient development of the brain areas on which this feature is formed. About how well your child's developing brain, can install only the expert: a psychologist, a neurologist, a neuropsychologist. Therefore, you must make regular visits to these specialists.
The second condition
The second important condition is the normal physical development of the child. Namely, physical health problems today are high in young children. So, according to the Ministry of Health 80-90% of first-graders have some kind of deviation of a physical nature, and 18-20% - have mental health problems. These children have reduced educational opportunities and performance, increased fatigue, as a result they are experiencing excessive stress.
All this leads to an increase in the number of children with learning difficulties. A learning difficulties lead to behavioral problems, stress, and, in general, are not conducive to improving quality of life.
Difficulties may also arise from the very beginning of training, and in the second half, and at the end of the school year. For these children the pace and scope of the program are excessive. Such children are usually with learning difficulties are beginning to experience emotional difficulties and problems in communicating with peers. They have a self-doubt, lowered self-esteem, increased levels of school anxiety.
Some children with learning difficulties can lead to neurotic reactions and care in illness as a way to get rid of school attendance. Constant tension and stress can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, reducing immunity, and, therefore, frequent colds and sore throats.
The third condition
And finally, another very important condition for successful learning is systematic and the sequence of activities with the child, which precede the school.
In order to form any mental function, it is necessary to have formed its background. For example, verbal and logical thinking develops only on condition of formation of the child's visual-figurative thinking and a sufficient level of language development.
Child at school entry should not be able to read, write and count, unless of course it does not request school gymnasium, in which he comes. First and foremost he must be sufficiently developed and the development of attention, memory, perception, phonemic hearing, the ability to carry out the analysis and synthesis, motor function, spatial perception, speech, arbitrary activities. This is not an exhaustive list of what a child should be able to properly learn, but it should not scare you. Healthy child, subject to regular employment in kindergarten, my mother, or in a psychological center certainly mastered all these skills.
Another thing, if your baby there are some features of the development referred to above. These children need is not just a systematic and targeted assistance, and expert help. Only a specialist can be based on a comprehensive diagnosis of the cause of which lies at the heart of the specifics of your child, and create a formative study to address the difficulties in their development. And although the exercises are not complicated or completely unfamiliar, the main effect is due to well-formed complex, systematic, and the sequence of correction under the supervision of a psychologist.
Know your child!
Often parents are completely unaware of the development of their child, although they are not in any way can not be blamed that they do not care about him. These mothers know very well how much a child of teeth, his health, which is useful to him and what not, but it does not represent how a child develops mentally.
The only thing on which most pay attention to parents, whether all the letters of the child pronounces. However, it happens that the cause of speech defects is much deeper and more evident not only in zvukoproiznoshenii, but in other areas of general mental development, such as hyperactivity, poor attention, clumsiness, etc.
It is important that caring parents brought their child to a psychologist prophylactically as go to the pediatrician. The annual "checkups" can help a psychologist to receive full information about the child's mental development and, if necessary, its correction. In this case, children will avoid difficulties in school.
About requirements
Occurs and another: normally developed child, and even anticipating the arrival of some peers at school starts poorly in school. The reason may be that the child is not ready for the demands that it makes school life. This is the duration of the lesson, a large number of children in the classroom, the need to independently perform a task, monitoring their own activities, the ability to understand and keep in mind the teacher manual. This is particularly true of 'home' children who did not attend kindergarten. School conditions are for them a few shocking, and it is difficult to cope with the situation.
At home we rarely make to the child claims that he would form those qualities in which entirely constructed out of school. Board of Psychologist Here are some tips on how to build home in a child of any shape.

* Teach your child to carry out daily routine, especially if he does not go to kindergarten. The child must understand that there is a time for games, and have for some cases (eg for employment). Very well, if he himself will control the execution mode of the day and remind you if you have forgotten something.
* Define for your child's circle of systematic household chores, of course, given its age. The child may well bring in your mailbox newspaper, throw garbage, ensure that the kitten would have always been poured vodichka for drinking. The important point here is that the child is not simply to perform those duties at home under your control, and he would have remembered about it and acted without your control.
* Encourage your child to monitor their workplace, toys and bathroom. Do not you have to clean up toys after playing, and the child. Of course, first together with you, especially when played together, then independently, already without your control.
* Give your child some simple instructions orally. For example, bring in another room or granny glasses slippers dad. Depending on the age of instruction can become more complicated: "Bring me the red book, which lies in a bedroom on the bed, under my pillow." If the child is coping with such instructions, some of them can be removed to give specific details and in the indefinite form: "Do you remember the book I'm reading? She seems to be somewhere in the bedroom, go look for her. " In this case, your child will need to demonstrate a sufficient level of sharpness, the arbitrariness and the ability to plan their activities to accomplish it.
* When a child is somehow involved - draws, collects designer or building with blocks - approach and ask what he does, what will happen later, as he thinks it's done. This moment creates the condition for reflection and evaluation of its activities, the creation of programs and activities and their implementation.
Special wishes to my parents. When you follow these tips, do not overdo it, make it so that it was a fun game for a child, then your work will be much more effective.

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