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Friday, February 25, 2011

Types of yoga, how they differ

To date, widespread yoga as the best means of inner calm and the mood for the best. Let's try to examine the main kinds of yoga, how they differ.

To date, widespread yoga as the best means of inner calm and the mood for the best. Let's try to examine the main kinds of yoga, how they differ.
Hatha yoga. The purpose of this form of yoga is to achieve inner peace, balance between body, spirit and external environment. Key elements - relaxation and meditation, breathing exercises, postures.
Ashtanga yoga - like aerobics and for those people who are in good physical shape. It consists in the repetition of certain postures in a strict order and a certain rhythm of breathing, posture follow one another almost without interruption, each position corresponds to one of the nine existing areas of sight.
Iyengar Yoga - suitable for people with disabilities or for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Of particular importance is given to the correctness of the implementation of poses, each of which is kept for some time and smoothly into the next, more complicated. Classes in this kind of yoga makes the body flexible and strong, with the regulated energy channels set composure.
Bikram yoga. The secret of this type is that classes are conducted in a room where the temperature is not less than 40 degrees. It stimulates the removal of toxins from the body and increase elasticity of the muscles. Over one and a half hours of classes a change of 26 poses. This yoga helps reduce stress, improves blood flow, is strengthening the muscles, weight loss, and healing sports injuries. Bikram yoga classes recommended for patients with diabetes and arthritis, but only for mandatory consultation with a physician.
Power yoga. As well as Ashtanga yoga, power yoga is designed for people who are in good physical shape, can increase flexibility and muscle elasticity. Exercises are performed in an intensive pace, but in random order.
Viniyoga - has a therapeutic effect and is recommended for people who have suffered physical injury. Poses are defined individually for each, depending on the need and possibilities of man, and it is important not so much the correctness of execution poses many feel that it gives.
Kundalini Yoga. Designed for the disclosure of the internal energy of man. The main task during the exercises is to concentrate forces on how to hold poses longer. This form of yoga suitable for everyone.
Yogalates - suitable for people with different levels of fitness, is used to maintain the body in good shape, combines strength training and meditative elements.
Yogabit - is an alternation of fast and slow components, carried out under the appropriate tune. Completed an exercise in meditation. This type of yoga reminds fitness, the main purpose of it is the pleasure of running movements.
Thus, there are different kinds of yoga. They differ from each other, but regardless of what type of yoga you choose, you will feel the joy of life and achieve self-knowledge and self-improvement in the spiritual and physical realm.

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