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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Work with polymer clay - easy!

Jewelry, accessories and décor items from polymer clay today is no longer a rarity. Numerous online stores and thematic resources offers original products in stock. Handcrafted in the price and premium.

But popularity is not only the material itself, but also a question that punctually give newcomers - "where to start? Is it difficult? ".
My answer: it is - easy, and will bring you a lot of fun from the process and outcome, and if the desire and ability - some extra income. What is polymer clay (also called plastic and plastic)?
Based on polymer clay - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). To touch it resembles clay, only more plastic and less sticky. Under the influence of temperature it becomes solid, like something between a ceramic and plastic.
Do not be afraid of the burning process - for it does not need a special oven, as during the firing of ceramics. Sufficiently regular oven, since the temperature of polymerization (hardening) of different brands of polymer clay only 110-130 degrees Celsius.
During firing of clay to stick to a few rules: do not exceed the temperature specified on the package (by burning the material emits toxic substances), do not bake ware to cookware, from which you eat, and if all the same temperature is exceeded - off heat, ventilate and clean the oven. That need for creativity? Without what you can do and what I need?
First you need the material. Polymer clay of different brands you can buy in the shops of the city (it's usually shops for artists) and in online stores goods for creativity.
The most popular and easy to use materials - import: «Fimo», «Cernit» and «Sculpey».
Brands vary by country of manufacture, the temperature of polymerization, the color palette and range.
These manufacturers offer polymer clay for making dolls and removal of forms, luminous in the ultraviolet and the dark, opaque and translucent, with sequins and metallic effect, pearl effect and mimics the structure of stone, and even rubber and liquid polymer clay.
There are also materials of domestic production - is a brand Tsvetik »,« Sonnet »,« Hobby »,« Lapsi »,« artifact. Their only virtue - is the price: they are much cheaper. The remaining properties of the native clay - solid Cons: a solid material, not plastic, and kneading the crumbles, and as a finished product is very fragile, in addition, a line of Russian products is no different in this stunning variety of colors and properties.
If the information on the range was too much - to help sort out the numerous thematic online resources.
In addition to the polymer clay will need some tools needed for work.
First, we need a working surface - this may be a piece of glass or tile. In a pinch, fit and a sheet of white paper, though the best that the surface is strong enough (in fact on it, you'll be working with a knife) and smooth - then the material will not stick.
Secondly, will need a sharp and possibly a thin knife or razor blade - you can STATIONERY - to separate pieces of plastic and to give the desired shape future product. Neatness and accuracy are directly dependent on the severity and thickness of the blade.
Third, you need a device for rolling plastic - any cylindrical object - it may be a special movie or a bottle from under the nail.
This set will be enough to get acquainted with polymer clay.
Baked product is easy: just need the oven, preferably with an accurate thermometer and a sort of surface for baking - baking glass dish or something like that. If you use a metal surface - better cover it with baking or writing paper that the product does not overheat.
For further work with polymer clay and will need some adjustment.
This water-resistant emery cloth of various rooms to remove fingerprints and grinding, heavy fabric (denim, felt, etc.) for polishing, and it is desirable - lacquer, so that your product keeps brightness, smoothness, was brilliant and more durable.
You can purchase special coatings for plastics, such as Fimo and Sculpey, but you can also pick up a suitable building paint - acrylic water-based. Question of choosing paint is very thin, and better pre-examine the information on this topic on the Internet.
If you want to do stucco decorations, you will need different accessories (fastener, locks, pins, chains, etc.) you can also find a variety of shops in the city (usually the shops with clothing, and handmade goods) and profile online stores.
The very process of modeling can be described as much shorter than the process of selecting materials and tools.
The main thing - it's good to stretch the polymer clay to evenly distribute the plasticizer to make the material soft and pliable, and remove air bubbles - when heated, they expand and form unsightly bumps on the product.
That's all the tricks you need to know, starting to work with this material.
It remains to apply their imagination, patience and desire to improve.

Technician working with polymer clay a lot, and having mastered them, you can create some really interesting, original and stylish gizmos.
Good luck!

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