The city is located almost on the border of Wallonia and Flanders. Here is dominated by French language, though signs in the city are written in Flemish and French, who still uses in conversation.
Perhaps the main attraction of Brussels is the Grand Place (Grand-Place), one of the most beautiful areas in the world, called the majestic heart of the old city. Here in the XIII century. worked fulling, crowded stalls, noisy festivals and tournaments were held, as well as to administer the courts. In 1568, the famous Duke of Alba ordered to behead Counts Egmont and Horn. After the bombing and the devastating destruction perpetrated by the French in 1695 during the siege of Brussels, the building of shops and guilds around this extensive (110 × 70 m) of the area have been restored by a judicious plan, and became even more colorful. Each of them has a unique character: intricate carvings, and countless columns, garlands and statues adorn the facades with fantastic gables.
It is difficult to Brussels without the square with the medieval ensemble of surrounding buildings. Kind of elegant facades of old buildings with lots of statues, lancet windows, pointed skyward towers, fancy cornices, long corridors, doors with intricate carvings are so unusual that the traveler is hard to focus on just one thing: a magnificent blend of Gothic and Baroque immediately enchants its majestic beauty.
On the Grand Place, the towering ancient buildings, among them the famous City Hall with a 96-meter tower, which was built in the XIII century. designed by Jan van Ruysbroeck. Sculpture on the facade, relating to the Baroque era, reproduce scenes from the history of the city. She is also famous for the fact that its main entrance shifted somewhat, as due to an error of the architect, he is not located on the axis of the tower.
On the Grand Place located exactly woven from the finest lace stone building, resting on ten columns. This gothic structure emerged from another building, who was here in the XIII century and is known in the historical chronicles, entitled "Bread House." In the XV century, "House of the King" has undergone a big renovation, and in the XVI century by King Charles V was again remade, and quite significantly. Some time in the palace lived the rulers of Brabant, and therefore it was called "House of the Dukes." Later, the palace was renamed the "House of the King, although no king in it never lived.
Today in the House of the King "is a city museum on the history of Brussels. It provides exposure of the city since its foundation. Customers get a complete picture of how to develop the capital of Belgium regarding the set of models, plans and maps. Banners hang from the walls of craft corporations under glass windows are rare documents belonging to the country's most prominent people who created its history and build the city.
More recently, twice a year, the Grand Place is transformed into a carpet of begonias, although earlier in Brussels, not laid out flower carpets, contrary to the central square of the heretics were burned or cut their heads rebels. The tradition spread area colors caught on thanks to the Belgian Stautemansu, who decided to advertise tropical plants imported from abroad. In 1950 he created the floral carpets in several small towns of Flanders and the French city of Lille, in 1971 he won the Brussels Grand-Place, and since then 700 000 roots of begonias from the plantations under the Ghent are brought to Brussels for a few hours laid surface paving rectangle 77 × 24 meters. This carpet adorns the main square in the Belgian capital for three days, as begonias lot of water, and it can easily survive this period. There is another opinion on this matter, the fact that today's "flower carpet" originates from a carpet, which they spread loyalists citizens the Spanish king Charles V-native Flanders.
In our days in the city every year with great pomp, parade passes "Omegang, playing a brilliant ceremony, a solemn meeting of Charles V in 1549, many hours of continuing celebration, which involved hundreds of people and horses. During the festival retains all the attributes of that era, and many notable names of Flanders and Brabant are the descendants of that generation after generation pass on their historical traditions. Their children are beginning to "court by pages, and then grow into the" barons "and" Dukes ". In Brussels, you will show the bridge, which went to Charles V; altars, which he kneeled upon his knees, and taverns, in which he allegedly liked to have fun.
Not far from Grand Place, located lying bas saint. In the old mother, who because of poverty could not raise their own children, put newborn babies in a special box, arranged under the candle. Through the hole on the other hand children were taken nuns. Copper holy hand rubbed to a blinding shine, as her stroking everyone who wants to be healed of any disease.
The special position acquired in the district of Brussels, and the whole of Belgium, the famous "Manneken-nuc, which Belgians are lovingly called" the oldest citizen of the capital. " "Manneken Pis is a small fountain, enclosed bars. On a stone pillar in the corresponding position is 2-3-year-old boy in a bronze life-size. There are many hypotheses about its origin. One of them, for example, tells of the mischievous, who was caught unawares by a fairy, when I wrote on the front porch of her home. As punishment angry fairy turned him into stone.
There is another tradition that says that the figure of "Manneken Pis" depicts a young son of the Duke Gottfried of Brabant and was sculptured in 1619, the famous Belgian sculptor J. Dyukesnoem. A story of the statue was born thanks to the following episodes: time fighting with the rebels of the Duke's vassals tide has turned against the governor, and the victory was to lean toward the enemy. At the critical moment of battle soldiers suddenly heard screams servants that cradle the son of the Duke, who accompanied his father in the campaign, befallen ordinary children's misfortune.
With a loud laugh soldiers began to repeat: "Manneken nuc! Manneken nuc! ", And this event was encouraged by the spirit of a fallen army: the soldiers rushed to the attack and won the battle. To commemorate this event, the Dukes of Brabant and built the famous fountain. According to another, no less than the original hypothesis of a clever little boy to let the jet flaring flames spasya thus a lot of people from the fire.
The current sculpture "Manneken nuc" height 61 cm was made in the XIX century, but set it on the site of the ancient statues, which stood there a long time. "Manneken Pis" from universal love, and on major holidays to dress in elegant suits. He presented with a gift of national costumes, all sorts of costumes and uniforms, and it has long been a tradition. According to legend, the first suit "Pisayushemu boy" sent in 1698 the Elector of Bavaria, but after 50 years of French King Louis XV gave him a dress of gold brocade.
In the City Museum can see more than 100 copies of "Manneken IPRS, dressed in a variety of costumes. Here and wear the French revolutionaries, the courtier's uniform since Napoleon Bonaparte, the feathers of an Indian chief, the shape of an American policeman. Among them are Russian folk costumes. In the halls of the museum are stored and served "Manneken nuc" gifts, as well as literature devoted to him: the history of "Manneken nuc" wrote many of the Belgian scientists and even psychologists. "Manneken Pis", which is famous for much more than any other monument, and was awarded many medals.
In particular, the higher the Belgian Order, which was given him "a proud and contemptuous attitude toward the enemy, as expressed in its independent posture." Made to heads of foreign delegations and representatives of international organizations brought her sweet mischievous national costume of their country or army uniforms. In fact, to visit Brussels and not to visit the peeing baby is considered unseemly. In recent years, the baby appeared sister, Yanneken Pease (Janneken Pis), occupied the same ritual on a nearby Impasse de la Fidelite.
Among the ancient buildings, situated on the Grand Place, the attention of tourists invariably attracts the "House of Tailors and Victor Hugo's": In this house lived a French writer, after he was forced out of France, Napoleon III. In essence, it is not even one house, but a whole complex of buildings: the average of them, on top of which stands a bronze woman, extending his hand to the area, and there was a great Frenchman.
Any visitor to the Belgian capital will certainly be interested in a kind of monument to the material values - the Brussels Stock Exchange in the XIX century. it became a real center of economic life in the city. Temple of the money, built in eclectic style, decorated with columned hall and a massive dome, carved in stone allegorical depictions of trade, crafts and seafaring, is an effective counterpoint to the Baroque style of the area. Next to her stands the church of St. Nicholas (St-Nicolas/Sint-Niklaaskerk) - evidence of wealth and taste of the Brussels merchants at the turn of the XI-XII centuries.
For Market Square, in the quarter of the island of St. awaits mass culinary sophistication. Thanks to the countless and, admittedly, restaurants concentrated here, this part of the city was nicknamed "the Womb of Brussels." And in the galleries of St. Hubert Europe's first covered shopping street, opened in 1846, the elegant shops and cafes.
Upper Town, which lies west of the old center, designed in the style of King Leopold II (1865-1909). Is dominated by classicism and historicism, the two main biases crowned builder. On the western slope of the Upper Town stands a strong facade of the cathedral, rebuilt in the Gothic style of Mechlin-Cathedral of St.. Michael (Cathedrals St-Michel/Sint-Michieliskathedraal). Two 69-meter high tower of the cathedral remained unfinished. Interiors kafedrala and its central nave is decorated with figures of the Apostles in full size, as well as the typical baroque chair (1669-1702, H. F. Verbryugen). Among the few remaining windows (XVI cent.) Overlooking the poor light in the transverse nave and the choir, especially the impressive stained-glass artist Barent van Genua.
The act of taking the Belgian Constitution 1830/31 years. column celebrates the Congress on the draft J. Pularta on the Place du Congreve crowning the statue of the first King of the Belgians Leopold I. Royal Palace stands in the southern part of the Park of Brussels), the largest green areas of the city, where once the dukes in Brussels organized their hunting. At the residence of the Belgian king display a rich collection of glass, porcelain and silver.
Place Royale designed by French architect Gyuymarom in the classical style, stands the equestrian statue of Godfrey Buyonskogo, leader of the First Crusade. Opposite the elegant royal palace church of St. James Kaudenberga is the entrance to the largest art collection of the country - the Museum of Fine Arts.
Works by leading artists of the country, ranging from Van der Weyden and Rubens to Bruegel, and Ensor Margitty stored in both the museum buildings.
The various museums of an extensive complex includes the Royal Library Albert I. There are over 1 million volumes of books and kept priceless collection of manuscripts of Philip the Good of Burgundy. From the Upper Town you can enjoy the scenic views of old Brussels. Palace of Justice, which bryusseltsy easily styled "mammoth" - the largest monumental building of the XIX century. The palace was built in 1866-1883 years. designed by architect Pularta and covers an area 26,000 m2. From here you can descend down to the Petit Sablon Square, where the rim of wrought-iron lattices spread a small park.
On the gothic columns at an equal distance from each other is 48 bronze statues depicting artisans such as roofers and brick thatched roofs, turners, woodworkers, goldsmiths and anglers cod.
On the opposite side stands the famous for his collection of antique church of Our Lady of Sablon was founded in 1304 in it, in one of the Baroque chapels in the choir, are buried members of a noble family and Tour-TASS reported.
If travelers a bit tired and do not eat off of them awaits the Grand Sablon, with its myriad cafes and restaurants.
Brussels is famous for its Museum of potatoes. Guests of the Belgian capital was interested to learn how this root was brought to Europe and at first was named "fruit of the devil." The Museum can be heard and little-known piece of music IS Bach, written by the great composer in honor of the potato.
Brussels - is not only a pompous style of the capital. It is also a Forest Maroles traditionally neglected the Lower Town to the south-west of the Palace of Justice. Walking through the neighborhood, a labyrinth of narrow streets rugged and steep stairs, past the various shops, you can hear "bryussellaz" urban dialect, which arose from a mixture of different languages.
In the northern part of Brussels, in the forest park area of 160 hectares, is located Lacken area, where in the XVIII century. was built by the Royal Palace with a wonderful greenhouse. It opens in late April, early May.
Atomium symbolizes the atomic age - increased to 160 billion times a model of an iron atom in height 102 m in the park "Vryu Park" are located: Fair layout "Mini Europe" with models of famous buildings, a pool with all sorts of water fun and a great-kinopolis Movies.
To the east of Brussels is a park with exhibition halls and even a triumphal arch.
In the Belgian capital is a place associated with Russia. In 1929, NM Kotyarevsky - Private Secretary to Baron PN Wrangel, who lived then in Brussels, decided to begin construction of a temple in the name of Job's suffering. And, besides, the temple was built, not to forgotten memories of the royal martyrs and the faithful "white matter".
Art Commission, which included IJ Bilibin, NP Krasnov and other prominent figures of Russian culture, from 60 ancient monuments chosen as a prototype of a new church aisle of the church in the prison.
As the ancient legend, this church in the second half of the XVI century Tsar Ivan the Terrible built in the name of the Transfiguration: three tent churches were richly decorated with tiers of rising up kokoshniks.
In January 1936 the solemn laying of the Russian Church in Brussels. Soon after construction was interrupted by World War II, and the consecration of the temple took place only in 1950. Next to the temple was built tent bell the bells "ringing crimson." In the internal decoration of the church primarily attracted the attention of plaques, which contain the names of the 144 bishops (undergone martyrdom) and the names of the leaders of the white movement "; given them the names of horseshoes, cadet, etc. - All those who "remembers and honors the bright past of his native land."
According to testimony in the temple contains a unique relics belonging to members of the royal family: a cross and found in the woods Koptyakovekom icons and ring, Bible Tsarevich Alexei, the image of St. John the Baptist, who was in Ipatiev house, as well as shoulder straps Emperor-Emperor and his coat.
In the vicinity of Brussels is very interesting castle Tervuren (Tervuren), built by Leopold II in the thick beech forests. Today it hosts the Royal Museum of the Congo (Kolo-nialmuseum).
It is impossible to ignore, yet another landmark neighborhoods in the Belgian capital. In the world-famous monument of the Belgian literary novel "The Legend of Thiele Ulenspiegel" has lines like: "Three days later he went into a prosperous village of comfort, under Brussels. Near the hotel, "horn" was stopped wonderful smell of roast. Today, the comfort of one of the suburbs of Brussels, and here one of the oldest stone buildings, seeing a lot in his life, joins a medieval type of building of red brick. In it and stir a small restaurant "horn" - the one where Till Eulenspiegel fed the poor blind due uyutskogo priest.
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