Along with the pollution problem is acute changes in environmental components that are most pronounced in such recreation areas as national parks, national parks and suburban green areas, where the Mass attendance and especially in the short-term rest destroyed leaves, twigs, pine needles, in other words, components that contain important nutrients. Disturbed the natural cycle of nutrition and natural regeneration, destroyed the undergrowth and adolescents, decreased biological activity of soil and completeness of the plantation.
Examples of negative impacts of tourism on the environment are numerous.
But at the same time, tourism can have a positive impact and, to promote sustainable development, providing welfare and social progress. And above all, a positive environmental impact ecotourism.
Ecotourism - it's more than backpacking. Ecotourism instills a respectful approach to nature, improves the ecological culture of travel, takes into account the interests of local people and promotes conservation of pristine nature. So, tourism is no longer just a stroll when, walking on hiking trails, tourist begins to realize all the responsibility for nature, which takes over.
Eco-tourism, now is not too popular pastime in Russia, while overseas, this type of tourism is very popular. This journey into space with a relatively unspoiled. The basic principle for such a journey - not to harm the untouched corners of nature. If eco-tourism tourists use only environmentally friendly transport, organize stops in special places, gather berries, medicinal plants are in permitted areas. Lounges are usually built mainly from organic materials.
Target of its own eco-tourism can be both natural and cultural heritage, natural and natural-anthropogenic landscapes, where traditional culture is one with the environment.
Tourist routes usually run through national parks. Tourists with protected corners, visiting caves, canyons contemplate, observe the delightful endangered species directly in the lap of nature. In developed countries, ecotourists generally travel in protected areas within the country.
In Russia, until recently the concept of ecotourism as such did not exist, and its development was mainly on the amateur level, although the conditions for its emergence and prosperity are optimal: no country in the world do not have such an enormous and, above all, pristine space. Our advantage over other countries it is - the Siberian taiga, northern tundra, and like nothing on earth Volga delta, the unique Lake Baikal and its coast, clear rivers of the Urals, Krasnoyarsk Pillars, reserve the Altai Mountains, snow Elbrus, fabulous Kamchatka and the Kuriles, Sakhalin Island .. .
Today in Russia there is a tendency to develop ecological tourism. Foreign investors show great interest, especially to the development of ecotourism in Central Russia and Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, Kamchatka, Altai, where ecotourism potential is highest, thanks to a successful combination of extensive maloosvoennyh areas, including national parks, embodying geofondov flora and fauna of the regions, as well as a unique set of recreational resources (mountains, woods, meadow and marsh, desert area, coastline and waters of rivers and lakes, etc.).
Increasing demand for eco-tourism leads to the creation of new protected areas, especially nature reserves, national parks and nature parks. At the present time, these territories are the main targets of eco-tourism in Russia. As in the campaign not to harm nature Bonfire If there is an old fireplace - better popolzuytes them. Above a fire should not hang over the branches. Site for a fire to clear debris from a forest in diameter of 2-3 m. To avoid a scorched-earth, it is necessary for the full court to remove the turf, and when the fireplace is not necessary - lay it out this turf.
Do not leave a fire unattended! Before leaving the smut must be removed, and fill with water until the coals until they cease to hiss, and will go to par. If there is no turf - bombard the earth.
Do not burn the dry grass! This is harmful to the environment. Waste What burns in the fire. Polyethylene, glass, cans should take away from the forest to the nearest dumpster. If it's any reason not possible, then the cans should be burned at the stake, flatten and bury it in a safe place.
* Paper will rot in 1-2 years,
* Annealed Bank - cherez10-15 years
* Unfired - up to 100 years
* Polyethylene and glass will never turn into humus.
Food waste - into the pit. Above the well to wash the dishes, wash yourself with soap, brush your teeth, pour the water after washing. The river and the lake should not get any grease or soap. And the land - a good filter. (1 g fat creates a film on the water in a few square meters - the underwater world will receive less oxygen.).
If parking is more than a day - should be equipped with a latrine (toilets). Need to dig a shallow pit (20cm) and occasionally fall asleep. Pit should be no closer than 60m from the shore.
Trees Campfire must use dead trees: the fallen, dead wood. If the buildings need a fresh tree, then select from the aspen, birch, alder. Hack be at the root. If you leave the stump, his height should be less than the diameter.
Do not: cut down trees on the banks of rivers and ravines (pick a tree in the woods) to cut trees for a reason - get germs, and the tree dies.
Forest dwellers
Ants - the main bearers of the forest. If you destroy the dome of the nest, and it starts to rain - it is death for ant. Do not take to the woods noisy things - funky noise of birds and animals flee their homes, and young lost and perishing.
Never killed anyone, without the need - in nature there is good and bad! All are needed!
Also with plants. Do not rush to pick a flower because the flowers are good when they were alive. A lot of species are already disappearing. Do not pick berries along with shrubs: bush blueberries grow 15 years to give the berries.
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