Seasoned travelers are preparing for the flight in advance. The most prudent for a few days put in a book bag, which they want to take a plane. The same goes for music - it is selected and write more at home. For those. someone important background sound, it may be required by paragraph preparing for the trip. And no wonder, for favorite music is not just soothing. It allows you to create in the imagination of the whole small clips from the memories. But if you are able to mount the video, then invented the plane clip can be recreated in reality. Need only a computer and special software for video editing. In this video you can do both of the videos, as well as from ordinary photos.
If you are traveling on vacation, the cognitive program can be started even on the plane. Bring guidebooks, maps, tourist brochures from which you can learn something interesting about the place of rest. You can gain a guided tour, mentally noting the most interesting sights, as well as to estimate the distance between cities on a map, choose the most convenient pedestrian route to explore metro or highways. Those who fly to another country, often taking with them conversation - and not without reason. Go to language acquisition can begin already in the plane. Even during the short trip you certainly have time to learn a few simple words - such as "Hello", "Thank you" or "Please."
The situation is different if you return from a holiday - there guides are unlikely to be needed. But the plane can do that adjusts to return home. Or recalls favorite hobbies. For example, write "Overseas" recipes in a separate notebook. Or browse the catalogs of clothing and makeup, choosing what you order at home. Many aircraft are offered free newspapers and magazines. By the way, on the flights of foreign airlines often newspapers and magazines of other countries. And it's a great opportunity to practice a foreign language.
A clever technique that you carry with you on the long flight could be the most faithful friend. Camera and a laptop will allow to see and even handle the fresh images. Incidentally, the photo can be made directly to the airplane. Different kinds of clouds, through which the aircraft flies, it is worthy of separate images, and land with a bird's-eye view - a sight he had seen, not every man.
Private lucky in flight can share experiences with friends. Opportunities for this weight - whichever airline you fly. Some of them allow in-flight for a purely nominal fee to connect to the board on the Internet. Others give passengers the opportunity to enjoy free satellite telephone. True, this company is quite certain class - from loukosterov this should not wait.
In addition to satellite phones, transporting companies come up with a lot of other entertainment for the passengers. Most Popular - a cinema, for each individual. 10 years ago, many aircraft were only screens on the ceiling. Now every seat is built into an entire entertainment system. Small personal monitor allows each of the passengers choose the occupation of your choice. This may be a new popular film, a selection of music videos or video game. Some airlines "in the collection" is and cartoons - especially for young passengers. In addition, on the same monitor can be a real-time view information about the flight: pitch, speed, temperature overboard, flight time and other parameters.
Would you like to do shopping? On board the plane and possibly is! Many airlines and foreign and Russian, is SkyShop - shop on board the aircraft. In fact, this is the same duty-free, where you can at a lower price to buy quality cosmetics, perfumes, luxury alcohol, tobacco products. Sometimes in these stores you can buy some very interesting things - for example, a souvenir doll from the Aeroflot logo as a gift to his friend, a foreigner, to whom you are flying.
Ultimately, all these activities can overwhelm. And then it's time to visit the world of dreams - simply put, a nap. If you want to take a nap during the flight, you will be given a blanket, socks, and black-out blindfolded. With regard to personal hygiene, many airlines give each passenger a toothbrush and toothpaste.
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