Just do not be silent ...
Silence - the most common male response to many problems. But make a reservation at once - we have you do not go silent on the nature of men: if the husband has never shone eloquence, you have time to learn to understand it without words or refer to his taciturnity as merely an inability to express their feelings in words. Talk about selective silence, which nowadays is much more common.
The classic example of this behavior: the husband is terribly talkative when dealing with a neighbor on the landing, with a secretary, a nurse, with a casual acquaintance, but at home, in the society of his beloved wife, this talker suddenly turns into a great Silent. Such behavior - an unambiguous signal of what family life is having problems. And to save the marriage as soon as possible to determine their cause and together with her husband to try to change the existing order of things.
Selective silence develops her husband soon after marriage or to establish strong relationships. If he is not silent by nature, such behavior usually means that a woman talks too much, and men do not desire (or force) to engage her in conversation.
In this case, to establish relations is quite simple - to learn to pause in his monologues on various topics, leaving the interlocutor (husband, lover, husband) during quiet and gather his thoughts for the answer. Try every time to make these pauses longer and longer, and after some time lover will want to take part in the conversation.
If, however, and after a month or two he will continue to remain silent, then try to awaken his interest in communication: interested in his opinion, ask his advice. Only for God's sake, do not like him exam erudition - talk to those topics that excite him, asking for assistance in those matters in which he considers himself an expert. Smoke and silent ...
More complex causes of the gap due to male silence, which "suddenly, for no apparent reason" opens up between the couple, after several years of happy marriage.
In love against their own wishes. Men are polygamous by nature, and therefore fall much more frequently than women, even if their marital relationship is quite satisfying. Usually it's not even love, but a passing fancy of which passion may be unaware! But a man in love at this moment any annoying reminder that he is not free, besides torturing sense of guilt before a loving wife. Therefore, the voice and the questioning of his wife caused her husband's anger and shame, cause it to withdraw into themselves.
What should I do if my husband was silent, but several times a day, shave and brush your teeth, pour over three times more cologne than usual, and generally behaves as a youngster before the first date?
Give him time alone to sort out their feelings, do not climb into the soul! Engaged in the affairs and problems, but it must look at the hair salon (but do not change radically its image, simply make your appearance a bit brighter), buy a new bluzochku and beautiful lingerie. And in addition, be sure to take a subscription to the pool or fitness club - and do not tell her husband: let him smash his head, why the husband was returning home much later than usual, tired but happy ...
A couple of weeks (when the waist thanks to sporting activities will become narrower and the eyes - brighter) wearing new clothes and invite her husband to the movies in the last session, in another week or call your old friends in the bath or on a ski trip, next weekend arrange a romantic candlelight dinner (having prepared his favorite dish). And here he is again at your feet!
Depression tortured! Lovely Ladies, remember that the male body, though stronger than women, but quickly loses its strength and is more susceptible to various stresses, therefore, a man easily falls into a depression. If the husband became depressed and sullen, closed up in himself, try to find out whether there were with him in trouble recently. Overcome depression, caused by stressful situations, severe physical or mental work, will help the following measures:
* Generously feed the wife of protein food (meat and dairy products, eggs, soups and porridges made from beans, peas, lentils), take care that he took daily vitamin-mineral complexes.
* Hook or by crook, and output persuade her husband in the evenings and weekends on hiking and skiing, do morning exercises together (best exercises with dumbbells), often tempt to sex.
* For the speedy recovery of mental equilibrium of a spouse often send it with your friends on hunting, fishing, a rally in the mountains or the resort.
To be too clever, too bad!
Sometimes men are silent, not knowing what to add to our conclusions, because they are either very logical and require no comment, either absolutely absurd and not worth wasting time to refute them.
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