But not for all air transport is acceptable for one reason or another. In this case, you can elect and a longer way to travel - the train. Fast trains pass this way for 140 -160 hours. Such a journey has its advantages: You are going across the country and 5 - 7 days of the window compartment car enjoying the scenery of the Urals, Siberia, Lake Baikal, Primorye. Please note that local time in the Far East region ahead of Moscow: the Sakhalin-for 8 hours, in the Primorye and Khabarovsk Krai - at 7 o'clock, in the Amur region - at 6 o'clock.
Features of the region
Of course, the main features of the Far Eastern region - its exceptional remoteness from the European part of the country and striking originality of nature. The Far East is very different from other Russian regions. Particular climate, a sort of relief, Pacific beaches, unique flora and fauna gives it a unique flavor. Traveler will not regret the way thousands of miles to see one of his extraordinarily rich nature. He will be fascinated by the wondrous beauty of the exotic and the brightest colors. Climbing to the top, breathing acrid smell of wild rosemary blooming, you see a smooth, wooded hills, which the waves leave the horizon, merging it with the bright blue of the ocean.
Far East region - the only place in Russia with a moderate monsoon climate. On this score it is favorable for recreation and health promotion, does not preclude any and tourist ventures. Here, cold winter, dry and beautifully sunny, but because an unusually healthy. Only on the coast in winter often sharply gusty winds and fog. The average January temperature is -22 -24 ° C, while in the southern Primorye and Sakhalin -10 -16 ° C. But even the most extreme cold due to dryness transferred very easily. Snow falls slightly, but on the mainland it is enough for ski trips and skiing. Spring is stormy, often cool, with very changeable weather. However, in May, the month when the Primorye blooming apricots are usually warm and sunny. Starting in June, from the ocean blows warm and humid summer monsoon. Establish a warm, but rainy and windy weather. In the first half of summer dominated by overcast with drizzle and very high humidity (95 -100%). But the second half of July, August and September-the best for rest and travel time. During those months in the Far East, day and night is very warm - the average temperature is almost up to October is held at +17 +22 ° C, and on Sakhalin Island - +14 +15 ° C. A lot of dry sunny days, which alternate with short periods of intense rainfall.
Far East region is located at latitudes of Ukraine and Sochi (42 ° - 50 ° N), and the sun is the same southern and affectionate. On the number of sunny days and the duration of sunshine resorts of the Far East are not inferior to the Caucasus and the Black Sea coast. The sun shines 2200 - 2350 hours per year. In the Far East falls moderate rainfall - 500 - 550 mm in inland areas, 700 - 750 - on the Pacific coast and Sakhalin. Only in the mountains, rainfall increases to 800 - 900 mm. The overwhelming majority of atmospheric moisture falls during the summer.
Far East, Sakhalin and Primorye, especially - are places where possible such unpleasant and even dangerous phenomena such as tsunamis, avalanches, mudslides, windstorms, typhoons, torrential rains, flooding, fog. When planning travel to take into account the probability of occurrence of these elements.
Nature and landscapes
Landscapes of the Far East extremely diverse. Along the Amur River and its tributaries stretch plain. In the north and west of the district they are covered with southern taiga forests of larch special dahurica. In the south, on a flat Prihankaysko grow-Amur lowland unique Manchu broadleaf forests in which there are many relict and southern plants: Mongolian oak, elm belokory, Amur linden, Manchurian ash, cork tree, hornbeam. In many places, they come to replace small-leaved forests of yellow, black and iron birches. Fancy shrubs, Manchurian walnut, apricot, rhododendron, Japanese arizema - and lianas, wild grapes, lemongrass, Actinidia - give these forests is a unique look and make them look like subtropical. At the low areas in the valleys of large areas occupied by specific marshes, deciduous Mari and rich meadows, colorful flavor infused blue irises and large orange tiger lilies. Maritime forests are full of health, as nowhere else in Russia. Miraculous healing plants ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, Siberian ginseng grow and absorb the forces of nature only here.
In the Far East, all new and strange to Europeans. Even the mountains are unusual. Parallel to each other from the south-west to north-east stretch low ridges with rounded dome tops and gentle slopes. There are no sharp peaks and ridges, no chasms and steep canyons. These mountains are called hills. In the north, they are covered with spruce-fir forests, and mountains of southern Primorye grow special coniferous-deciduous forests - the famous Ussuri taiga. In these peculiar only to the jungle of trees and shrubs - more than two hundred species. Their appearance is not characteristic of usual for Russians temperate zone: Ayan spruce, Korean pine, fir, black side by side with oak, hornbeam, maple, trees intertwined with vines and numerous shrubs almost hidden by ferns and higher raznotravem.Tolko on Sakhalin Island you can see rare whimsical stone-birch forest with thickets of bamboo and a unique tall. Due to climate change, particularly, relief and wondrous beauty of flora in the Far East are very popular with active hiking and ski tourism. With the local camp sites are made trips to the slopes of the Sikhote-Alin. In the mountains near the town of Arseniev, as well as on Sakhalin Island, near the camp "Mountain Air", equipped with tracks for fans of downhill skiing.
In this land of intricately intermingled not only plants but animals, adding the exotic Far East. Wolf, lynx, brown bear live with tigers, leopards, spotted deer, leatherback turtle, large bright butterflies. Rich and very diverse fauna: marsh and waterfowl, wild ungulates and fur-bearing animals, and because sport hunting - another specific form of recreation in the Far Eastern region.
One of the main treasures of the Far Eastern region - its vodoemy.Po Amur and Ussuri laid Boat hiking trails, water-tourists to raft on a small tributaries of major rivers on rafts and canoes, along the river banks are built chalets and resorts. In July - August, when river water is heated to +18 ° +20 ° C, in the rivers you can swim. Amur-father "implies the possibility of a unique fishing. It is home to 85 species of freshwater fish. Richer than the number of species only Mississippi and the Amazon. In the Amur River are found unique local fish huge Kaluga and Amur sturgeon, Amur pike and bream, southern exotic flavor add Cupid tropical species - snakehead, carp, goldfish. Along with them, the lucky fisherman can catch big trout, grayling, minnow. In an unusually beautiful wild rivers, Padun, falling from the eastern slopes of the Sikhote-Alin Mountains in the ocean, come the spring spawn salmon: chum, pink salmon.
Rich opportunities for recreation and travel offers frost Sea of Japan. Short and long cruises - one of the specific types of tourism in the Far East. You can make a small sail for the Gulf of Peter the Great, or go on a long journey to the volcanoes of the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka Geysers. The eastern coast of Primorye Territory not easily. The banks are steep and rocky, suitable for recreational harbors a bit. Along the coast is a cold current, so even in summer, warm water is rarely above +14 +16 ° C. In contrast, the southern coast of Primorye exceptionally beautiful, easily accessible and very comfortable seating. In the Amur Bay in the Gulf Posetta many small beautiful bays with pebble or sand beaches. A west coast Ussuri Bay, stretching nearly 40 km, similar to the "big" Sochi is a solid resort area. Here, pure salt water ocean in August - September is warming even before the +22 ° +24 ° C. Between July and almost before October 60 - 80 days, the swimming season lasts. Clear water and rich underwater world of the Pacific Ocean have created a well-deserved glory delights of the local hunting and scuba diving. People with aqualungs come here even from Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Who came to the Far East is something to see. In the region there are many monuments of Russian naval glory, from the Commander Vitus Bering and Captain Nevelsky to the heroes of Tsushima and the two world wars. Here he fought the legendary Sergei Lazo, passed his youth writer Alexander Fadeev. In Khabarovsk, should certainly explore the panorama of "Volochaivs'ka Sopka, and Vladivostok - visit the museum
Navy and Marine Memorial Cemetery
Magnificent recently raised a monument in Vladivostok Muraviev-Amur. In Khabarovsk, to pay tribute to the history of the conquest of Siberia, bowing to the monument of outstanding explorers EP Khabarov. However, the main cognitive resources of Primorye, which is already in the near future will play a crucial role in the recreational and tourism development region - its extraordinarily rich nature.
I believe the southern taiga forests are something I would like to see at least once in my whole life. There are places in the world that are a "must". I saw one of them last year in Argentina. I got an apartment for rent in buenos airesand I got to see the river in Puerto Madero at night with all the lights of the city. That is worth seeing!