1. Broke hose clutch
If a burst hose clutch, you must wrap the damaged area of crude rubber, which is usually vulcanized cameras, a top tight fix it with copper wire. Far, of course, do not go away, but it'll go up to the SRT.
2. The wheel has gone down
And here again the wheel has gone down. Wow, as bad luck: no spare wheel or crude rubber, or a spare camera. Do not despair. It is necessary to remove the tire pump cover, pull the stem with cup and pour into a cylindrical body of water. Now insert the rod and pumped into the chamber the drawn water from the air. Since during the motion the centrifugal force will cause the water distributed over the circumference, the air through the puncture will go much slower. And to be able to reach the garage.
3. A candle can be restored
If the porcelain insulation on the old spark is not damaged, the candle can be restored. Put it on for 15-20 minutes in acetone, then clean the soot from a wire brush. Enter a few drops of hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid in the cavity of the candles, "poshuruyte" there is a match. Now clean the skirt and the central electrode. Rinse with water and adjust the spark gap. Now you have a spare candle. Incidentally, when inspect the motor, look for candles. If you around some of them appeared oil stain, then it is time to change. The fact is that, due to disruptions in oil sparking unburnt mixture penetrates between the candle and the cylinder head and gradually squeezed out.
4. Running tap brake drums and can be very
How should fix the wheel chock poddomkratte rear wheel. Remove the half drum, rotate it work surface outward. Now includes the first or reverse gear. Yes, do not be afraid, the car anywhere with the jack did not fall, and the rear wheel will spin like a lathe. Scraper or abrasive stone, firmly in their hands, smooths irregularities. It is also possible running tap and drum front wheels, placing them on the rear axis.
5. Replacement of the resonator
When replacing the cavity of the exhaust system is not simply unscrew the nut clamp ring, if it is held under the bottom of the machine at least six months. Sometimes, simply breaking the bolt. To facilitate the procedure of loosening, we must first clean up the brushed metal projecting the bolt, then moisten the thread penetrant such as kerosene. After 10 minutes can be taken captive hex key - now go nuts.
But we should not turn away her until the end, enough to make 3-4 turns, so you can easily bring down the hammer with a pipe clamp on the receiving tube cavity, exposing the junction of these tubes. Tap with a hammer simultaneous display header, but not too userdstvuya not to break. Now undertake to hand over the pipe and rotate it around its axis and then one or the other way while trying to pull the cavity back. Sometimes, it is impossible. Then try to bring down the end of the pipe cavity back, imposing on him any metal gizmo, but in no case a sharp chisel.
Hits the hammer on this thing, trying to knock in a circle. Resonator is moved. Well, now there is nothing easier than to put a new cavity. To facilitate the connection of pipes can lubricate them with machine oil.
6. Muffler rusts
Muffler rusts mainly from within. There is a way to slow the corrosion process. To do this, drill a hole in the exhaust pipe and insert the tube with a plug at the bottom. Better, of course, to put it on the thread so that you can from time to time unscrewing. Fill in this tubule motor oil. Hot exhaust gases razogreyut oil and its vapors will envelop the muffler from the inside, protecting it from corrosion, rather, slowing it. A unscrewed the tube, you dolete oil.
7. Gaskets and Washers
Stanovoy rigid and does not provide airtight connections. Over time, copper gaskets and washers become rigid and does not provide airtight connections. Blowtorch heat the their (suspended on steel wire) red. And now let cool. Cooled down? Well, well, they again became soft.
8. And again on the pads, but cardboard
They have the property to break. From this predicament can be found out. Wash the place (or places) the gap with gasoline or mineral spirits, neatly fold and wrap two layers of plastic electrical tape.
9. Damaged clip
Damaged clip and nothing to tighten the hose to the pipe? Take a soft steel wire and pin, but it should be about three times thicker wire. Now tighten.
10. Crashed coal
On examination you find a timer that went down coal. Lead from a pencil will serve instead of coals: the same carbon.
11. Lock on the door starts to work bad
It happens that the lock on the door starts to run poorly. You shut the door and the lock is not locked. Hence, the lubrication in the mechanism is over. No need to remove trim to get to the castle. Open the door and on her butt unscrew the top screw lock. In the hole to drip lubricator motor oil. Tighten the screw and develop a lock. It will run for a long time.
12. Not removed the average steering rod
Suppose, for Zhiguli not removed the average steering rod. That's about the sequence of actions that are necessary to its still off. Turns away two nuts attaching the ball stud to the pitman arms and Swingarm. The sharp end of a hammer beat heavily on fry slightly above the hinge average thrust. Fingers joints fall out of the conical holes in the bosses. Now knock with a hammer on the pendulum arm. And here it is - the average steering rod. How cute is incident on the receiving pipe muffler. Well, how to remove the side thrust? In the same manner.
13. Flow valve brake cylinder is not turning
Do you have the need to bleed the brake system, but as luck would flow valve brake cylinder is not turning. Do not be nervous. We proceed slowly. Wire brush clean the ill-fated valve, wets his brake fluid, so that she got into the threaded part. Grab a hammer and tap the valve light strikes from the top down, as if choking and shaking. Then grab a wrench, but not Spanner and Allen, who should sit tight on the faces, and ... And unscrew. Where else valve go?
14. Unmark brake drum
You need to remove the brake drum, and he, as they say, rested. Some to cope with the drum, heated it with a blowtorch. This, of course, helps, but then opened fire in the garage - a dangerous thing. We will apply a different method. Clean with a wire brush butt drum axis and be able to penetrant such as kerosene. Remove the guide pins wheel and set aside the brake pads. Rattle around the holes with a hammer under the wheel bolts, then bring down the wooden knockout drum by the brake shield uniformly around the circumference.
15. Leaking brake fluid
Have you noticed that leaking brake fluid in the joints of the surge tank to the body of the main brake cylinder. Hence, the blame for grommets. Change them is not necessary. Do walkers - their inner diameter is 2 mm smaller in diameter than the sleeves. Now tighten. Leak fixed.
16. Drained the brake fluid
On the way drained brake fluid. Do not panic. Do you have at least four options before filling the brake system: vodka, fortified wine, soapy water and antifreeze. You reach home, but then, of course, the system must be rinsed.
17. Rotor timer
Rotor timer (runner) - Circuits and although a small but very important. Yes, that's the trouble, do not always discover traces of her breakdown. Finally noticed a tiny crack through which the spark is not a candle, and on the ground. How to patch up this breakdown? There are many ways - close up his chewing gum, patch up with wax, dripping on the breakdown of molten nylon or polyethylene, and so on. One of the proven methods to combat this failure is as follows: between the rotor and the mass Lay insulation, which does not spark strikes. This may be a circle of rubber from hlorvinilovoy tapes, some circles of the conventional plastic film and other similar materials.
18. Stopped on their own to return to his seat the clutch pedal
At Zhiguli eighth model suddenly stopped itself back in its place the clutch pedal. There should remove the cable wiring clutch, remove it from the shell, rinsed with kerosene, a graphite grease lubricated, inserted into the shell, and then in place. Pedal again began to work normally. But the most interesting thing revealed about a month when the owner of the Group of Eight discovered that he forgot to put the spring. Whew! Pedal and without the spring.
19. Valve for tubeless tire - something very necessary, even if you use tires with cameras
Puncture site close up of the same chewing gum, and even remove the punctured cell. Remove the normal valve and put in his place tubeless. And your bus, if it has a side in good condition, will be tubeless.
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